
The System of Son of the Night

A being of light embraced by darkness." Evan spent the first years of his life in an eternal sleep. But this sleep was not really eternal, it was all due to the assimilation of the Night System which was assimilating with his body. Now that he woke up, he was confronted with reality. What he never had in the nightmare world, he now has; the family he never had is now by his side, people who love and support him, he now has.

Biscuit_8 · Fantaisie
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27 Chs


Evan sitting on the balcony of his room, watched the stars carefully.


Just thinking about everything he's been doing these days.


Spending time with his sisters, learning what they like to do, their aspirations, and their ways.


His older sister Cassandra, has long hair down to her waist. She was always quite cheerful, her attitude was very sweet and hyperactive, and her laughter was quite contagious.


She aspires to enter a squad of soldiers this year if she manages to pass the minimum tests, being 21 years old and having already completed all the crazy academy training, plus family training, she aspires to be able to leave home to venture out into the country where they live.


Anastacia, only by a few seconds is younger than Cassandra, her hair is short reaching her shoulders imitating her mother from a very young age, Anastacia has the most serious attitude and is a little more reserved with her words, unlike Cassandra who talks too much.


She aspires to learn more about creatures, she likes hunting and the stories her mother always tells about her adventures, what always left a great impression was all the creatures she fought with, for that reason she is trying to get into the border squadron, where the most creatures are found.


Along with the sound of the doorknob, his two sisters came out onto the balcony bringing with them two plates of food.


One was a chicken sandwich and the other was a pistachio pie.


"Shall we join you?" Cassandra immediately sat down on the railing where Evan was also sitting.


"Of course! Come in!" with a big smile he stopped watching the dark sky and turned his attention to his two sisters.


Anastacia silently mimicked her sister's actions, taking out another plate from her storage ring she broke her food in half and put it on Evan's plate.


Time passed quietly, though the moon had just risen the party that was supposed to be held had not yet fully begun. Guests were still arriving, noble people and prominent warriors of the country were those who were sent an invitation.


"I want to see the world" forcefully Evan commented on his aspiration, but his face which had only a slight smile failed to express the same emotion with which Evan tried to express his goal in life.


"Then go out and see the world" Anastasia approved of her younger brother's words, at one point in her growth Anastacia also wanted to observe the world, but in the end, her aspirations changed and she became interested in creatures.


"It will take you time to get mom's approval, maybe a couple of years" Cassandra had a bit of a reluctant face, as she doesn't want Evan to move away, in a way she wants to spend more time with her brother.


Anastacia although she doesn't show it thinks the same as Casandra, she is glad that her brother already has a goal in his life but in a way, she doesn't want Evan to leave her side.


Although they are aware that Evan is not going to leave right away, the idea of him moving away does not please them at all, but as his older sisters, they had to support their younger brother.


Before they could voice their opinions the knock on the balcony door reached their ears.


Their mother, Vayre watched them with fondness and a deep joy conveyed by her relaxed smile, to finally see her children together was quite touching to her heart.


"Allow me Evan for a minute, at once take the opportunity to change your clothes to go to the parlor."


His sisters without hesitation obeyed their mother, waving goodbye to their younger brother with a hand gesture.


Evan watched his mother and immediately stepped down from the balcony railing so as not to be scolded as it was dangerous.


"Thank you."


Evan sat down in the chair that was positioned next to the balcony.


"Hi mom do I have to go already?"


"No, before that let me check you again."


"Is there anything wrong?"


"No..." sincerely Vayre hasn't found anything wrong, although she has hope to see something in the night, really that has her puzzled the magic detects him as a human, his blood was the same and his soul too.


With her fingers she drew a simple circle which immediately filled with letters then lit up and encircled Evan, the glow lasted a few seconds before dimming.


"Nothing..." Vayre put her hand to her chin and sank into her thoughts, without having answers a conclusion was impossible really.


'According to observations, it happened like a time bomb, at the moment of awakening all the features have been developing progressively with no blunt or harmful effects.'


Evan who saw that his mother did not say anything went to put on the clothes prepared by Enola beforehand, he observed his room with joy.


Before waking up he never had a bed to admire, it was uncomfortable and it was broken if it was not well placed before sleeping most likely the springs would come out and hurt him, but now he has a bed that he can not complain it was perfect without any defect to mention.


His fully equipped room was a dream he never imagined he would have, new and unworn clothes, and a bathroom of his own which he could use without having to wait for everyone to pass by before entering.


Everything that was happening right now seemed like a real dream to him, sometimes he wondered if this was the real dream or if it was the last seconds before he died. It was all very confusing that it could even generate a headache if he kept thinking about it.


Before his mother reacted again he put on the prepared clothes, a full black suit, if he was mass small he would wear only a white shirt and long pants, but since he has to be the right age he has to stick to the dress etiquette and use a full suit.


Just as he finished putting on his suit his mother came out of her thoughts and went straight to him, helping him comb his hair.


His red hair reaches to his upper back, although it used to reach his knees these days his hair is cut in such a way that he looks more presentable.


Unaware of his mother's actions, Vayre took advantage of Evan's back to draw magic transformation circles, changing the color of his skin to a more normal one and the color of her eyes to Vayre-like opaque gray.


There was no reaction from Evan, as it was advanced magic that only changed the surface and deceived the vision of others. When she finished drawing the magic circles on his back, she finished combing his hair and took him to the salon.


The salon was on the second floor after passing through the door at the front of the entrance, while Evan's room was on the second floor, still, it didn't take long to get to the salon.


They both entered quietly without being announced ignoring their titles and status, the reason being that they did not want Evan to attract too much attention, not only because of his characteristics that have developed these days but also because he was too young to go into politics.

I will finish editing the other chapter in an hour so I will post it later.

Biscuit_8creators' thoughts