
The System of Son of the Night

A being of light embraced by darkness." Evan spent the first years of his life in an eternal sleep. But this sleep was not really eternal, it was all due to the assimilation of the Night System which was assimilating with his body. Now that he woke up, he was confronted with reality. What he never had in the nightmare world, he now has; the family he never had is now by his side, people who love and support him, he now has.

Biscuit_8 · Fantaisie
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27 Chs


The next few days could be considered the happiest, everyone spent the maximum time together, and they did not talk about what Evan experienced in the nightmare world.


They did not try to ask questions directly or indirectly, seeing young Evan's smile was enough for everyone.


Evan knew every person in his family, the 100 warriors who accompanied his mother for so long, they were the ones he had interacted with the most. Currently from time to time they go on missions around the country called Alexandria the same name as the capital where Evan currently resides with his family.


The 100 wars for the public are known as:


The War Arsenal is one of the smallest and strongest armies on the continent. Their malleability and specialties are varied enough to say that there is no style that is totally repeated, although to the public they are known as an army trained by Alexandra the reality is quite the opposite.


Enola, a girl with an unexciting face and dull gray hair, wears a maid outfit like all the other warriors, is in charge of taking care of Evan and showing him around his home in these few days before the party.


The reason why they all dress as maids is that they are no longer in the constant adventures and fights, although from time to time they are sent on a mission, these are only in the country or in the surroundings. As a way of distraction, they decided to take charge of the WR residence, although it must be said that there are another number of servants who are actually in charge of the house chores.


They are all helpful, kind, loyal, and affectionate in a way with Evan, but all of them being so close to Evan, they were the first to notice the changes in him.


By the end of the first day, Evan's eyes were no longer gray in a way that they looked empty, they were now a deep red contrasting with the blood red of his hair.


His skin which was pale did not regain its vivid color, instead, it became more accentuated making his skin as white as milk.


On the third day, Evan's smile was disappearing as if he was lacking emotions, but luckily there was still a small hint of them, so a slight smile and a small laugh could still be seen on his face.


On the 4th day Evan could not sleep instead he lay awake frolicking in the moonlight in the garden, in the deep dark of the night.


If it were not for their highly developed senses they would not be able to see what was happening in the garden, still, it was amazing all the changes that began to emerge in Evan.


A fear also arose within them, a strange, cold foreboding that they could not afford to keep to themselves.


Caos, Enola, and Selene were the ones who met in Alexandra's office this very night, a night before the party celebrating Evan's awakening.


"My lady" In a respectful manner Chaos entered the office after asking permission to enter the room.


She was a short woman, 5'6", her hair was black styled in two long pigtails sticking out to the sides, and her eyes were just as black only in the iris you could see small twinkling stars. Chaos, being the youngest and the strongest commander in the entire War Arsenal.


"Hmmm" Leaving the pen in the inkwell, Alexandra looked at Chaos then at Enola, and then at Selene "It has to be something serious..." With indifference, she settled back in the chair to pay attention to what they were about to say


"Young Evan his eyes..."


"I was already told the same thing a few days ago Is there anything new?" curtly cut off what Selene was saying.


"No," they said to all three.


"Then tell me what is troubling you?"


"These are not normal changes my lady, his appearance resembles that of a vampire and his attitude is like that of demons and his eyes seem to be seeing the nature of things just like the beasts."


The room was silent, no one uttered any words for quite some time, the only sound was the candle burning and the wind coming from the window.


Alexandra's eyes began to glow, the gold in her eyes began to move like a river of gold into her pupils, a few seconds passed and then that glow in her eyes faded until her eyes returned to normal.


"My lady?" Enola asked with concern, she just wanted Evan to be okay, but with Evan's condition being constantly changing fast she wasn't sure if Evan would be able to have a normal life.


"Not to worry, as long as he is inside the country there won't be much we can't do freely, by tomorrow ask my wife to run an analysis on Evan and prepare an amulet that will change the appearance of his skin and eyes."