
The System of Son of the Night

A being of light embraced by darkness." Evan spent the first years of his life in an eternal sleep. But this sleep was not really eternal, it was all due to the assimilation of the Night System which was assimilating with his body. Now that he woke up, he was confronted with reality. What he never had in the nightmare world, he now has; the family he never had is now by his side, people who love and support him, he now has.

Biscuit_8 · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

20-Fake Smile

Enola stood by the door all night, listening for sounds in the room, and no matter how hard she checked with her senses, she could hear nothing but a static Evan on the couch.

Evan's face is devoid of emotion and energy.


Enola paid attention to Evan's every movement, but Evan did nothing, he stayed there static until the sun flashed.


At dawn, the quiet hallway was disturbed by the footsteps of Nirva, Vayre's best friend.


Enola watched her and frowned with annoyance at Nirva, as it was clear she came here at Vayre's request.


"Just, try to understand her a little," She said with a sympathetic and discouraged look, as she doesn't share the same opinion as her dear friend, but maybe she understands Vayre's feelings a little more because of her closeness.


So even though she is reluctant to come this way for Evan, she just tries to do the best she can for her friend.


"But if Evan asks me for what he wants... I don't care if Vayre gets mad at me, then she'll forgive me" Nirva said, pulling clothes out of her space ring.


Enter in the dark room, where Evan looks at her with emotionless eyes.


"Can you put these clothes on?" said Nirva in a calm, loving voice.


Evan nodded with a slight smile, getting up from the couch and taking the clothes from Nirva's hands.


"Where are we going?"


"To the studio in the library, your mother has called several teachers for you."


"Thank you, I'll be out in five minutes."


Enola walked into the room, saying nothing just standing by her young master's side.


When Evan finished getting ready and dressed, Enola stepped forward and arranged her clothes to look presentable, thus receiving a smile from Evan, a different smile than usual.


Evan followed Nirva next to Enola.


Dressed in an elegant white suit with gold accents and the same blindfold as the day before, Evan walked calmly without disturbance.




Upon entering the library, he went to one of the studies where several professors were located.


There were three professors.


The first one, had a butler's suit, almost pale white skin, and his hair was tied to one side in a white color showing his old age. A fine and elegant appearance. The professor of etiquette and manners.


The second teacher looked more like a scholar he would be in charge of teaching him the basic subjects. Such as mathematics, science, and literature, plus many more. Dressed in an elegant green suit, his hair was cream-colored, rimmed glasses with a chain attached to the collar of his suit.


The third teacher, not possessing an elegant suit, it seemed that he was wearing common clothes and a little messy, had a relaxing and fun air, this teacher will be in charge of teaching arts and music to Evan.


The introduction was brief, they discussed their subjects but not their names.


Vayre hired them so they wouldn't waste time and would start classes as soon as they arrived. Evan had no say in the class schedules, everything had already been planned by Vayre during the early hours of the morning.


Evan was only given a paper with the schedule, during the whole day Evan would have classes 6 days a week leaving Sunday without classes, but with tired social events to use in practice what he had learned in the classes.


Evan would have a total of 9 hours of classes, with short breaks every hour.


Classes started immediately, the old man in a butler's suit was the first to begin.


"We'll start with posture" with a rough and refined tone for the age he started the classes.


Over the course of the three hours, he was taught basic posture.


Back straight, gaze forward, shoulders back, legs straight without leaning on any leg, feet shoulder-width apart, arms at his sides. After that, he was taught to walk in this posture.


Books were used to maintain perfect balance, the books were placed on his head. In addition, two sticks were used, one had to be horizontal across the back next to the arms so that their arms would get used to being backwards and the other had to be vertical from the tips of the toes to the top of the head using it as a guide to keep the back straight.


At the end of the class, the teacher checked Evan's posture and directed his thoughts to him.


"Perfect" were his words.


On to the next class, with the professor having a scholarly appearance.


In the first hour, they focused on learning about grammar, he had been previously informed that Evan could not read for "special" reasons so the teacher taught him to read and write.


Believing it would take more than an hour the teacher tried to go slow and teach him the best way, he never expected Evan to have a good memory and learn to read quickly and write with average-quality handwriting in a single hour.


Seeing the fast progress, the professor felt envious of the noble families as he could use spells to improve his memory, he would be very surprised that Evan is not using any spells to improve his memory


For the next two hours, he taught him history.


At the end of the class in the last 30 minutes, he gave him a test to review what he had learned.


The grade was excellent, with simple mistakes from questions that are very specific and would be hard to answer if you have not previously studied. In the end, the teacher had a few words for him.


"You have a good memory, it was a perfect result" Complimented the professor.


In the next class, with the professor specializing in arts.


The 3 hours were more relaxing than the others, in the time they were there they concentrated on the piano. In the 3 hours, he taught them hand position, chords, and other basic theories of music. When they finished the basics the teacher decided that they should learn to play a song.


In the hour and a half, since they started playing the song, Evan got better at each one, at first there was no rhythm or music to what he was doing, but eventually, it all started to make sense. The rhythm, the feelings expressed by the music, and even the imagination began to soar as he improved with each practice.


At the end, of the class, the teacher shared his thoughts as did the other teachers.


"You improved in a big way, it was perfect," said the teacher and then retired.


And despite all the flattery he was given during class, he felt no emotion at all. Joy was not born at his compliments, instead she felt disgust, disgust at his praise and polite attitude.


The next day, the same scenes were repeated.


"It was a perfect result."


"A perfect memory, don't waste it."


"You have a talent for music."


A week passed and the praise reached the ears of his mother Vayre creating a big smile on her face, but not on Evan.


By the second week, his interest in learning was gone and although he managed to learn what he was being taught day by day, it was of no value to Evan. Over time the disgust he felt at their praise turned to resentment.


He never disrespected the teachers but, he couldn't stand them.


By the third week, Evan stopped taking notes and simply listened to the teachers. His art teacher wanted to continue with piano lessons, but Evan refused and they switched to Poetry.


A full month had passed since classes started, Evan ran out of blood reserves, and Evan started ingesting more blood since classes started. Evan had no free time and the events he attends on Sundays are not good for relaxation either.


Evan did not consume the bottle of souls he had stored in his ring again, he realized that by not consuming them, he could feel less intensely the emotions roaring inside him. Still, those emotions roared within him.


"How was class today day?" asked Enola greeting Evan at the library study door.


"Like all the others, a waste of time," He said sincerely with a monotone to Enola.


"..." Enola didn't respond or continue the conversation, she remained silent, conflicted with her inner self.


"I don't want us to be overheard, isolate the place 10 feet around me, please Enola."


At Evan's request, Enola used her aura closing the place so that Evan could speak freely without anyone hearing them. The Maids who noticed this respected Evan and did not try to listen to what Evan was saying.


"Why do I have to learn history from books? Can't I learn it on a trip?"


"Learning to play an instrument was interesting for a while but now it bores me, poetry also seems boring to me, it's tiring and I don't like finding rhyme in words at all."


"Not to mention etiquette and manners, I understand why I have to learn them but this teacher only knows how to flatter."


"If you wish, we can change teachers" Enola replied to Evan's words.


"No that won't do, and I don't think my mother will be satisfied with me changing the teachers for no real reason either."


"Enola, Can you seek blood for me?" asked Evan, that was his true intention at the beginning of this conversation and Enola knew immediately when she heard this question, that what he commented even though they were his true thoughts was not the point of this conversation.


"I will try to fulfill your wishes... Does it have to be human blood?" asked Enola.


"No, I need about 4 liters of blood."


After that Evan went to his room where he sat on the bed and started reading the book Lya had given him.


'I've barely managed to learn the first part of this technique. The first part is not complicated, but the complements that I have to learn to take full advantage of this technique I haven't had time to learn.'


The first part of the blood circulation technique, explains the entire path that each drop of blood has to travel throughout the body. Starting from the heart, and the brain as key points and then around the whole body, using all the veins.


The most important thing in the first stage of vampires is to increase the thickness of the blood until one drop of blood equals two, then three. So on and so forth until it equals one liter of blood per drop.


Evan has been practicing all this time and has not made enough progress, or progress worth mentioning.


The complementary techniques that come along with this blood circulation technique, is a regeneration control technique, this technique should be complemented by the vampire's natal ability.


The other technique is one for blood absorption, it should be complemented with the respective skill. The blood absorption skill, what it normally does is that by consuming blood instead of going to the digestive tract the blood will be absorbed by the body by attaching to the circulatory system.


[Welcome to the Night System]

[Cultivation Level: ]



<Title >

[Dark Apprentice: your home is the dark night, you get a higher recovery in the dark].


<Statistics >

[Blood: 9 liters]


[Mana: 0]

[Aura: Ice Element Berserker ] 


<Skills >

-[War Arts: Strategy][Before your eyes the possibilities become infinite][Initial Stage].

-[Vampire Eyes]

-[Blood Absorption]

-[Demon Eyes] -[Demon Eyes]

-[Soul Absorption]

-[Elemental Communication]

-[#$Sa#In "#4]

-[Berserker: The more damage he receives the more strength he will have and the crazier he will become].

-[Shadows: When you attack there is a probability that invisibly that attack will happen again, it applies both for techniques and simple hits] [Initial stage]


<Techniques >

[Aura control technique]

-[Storm control]

[Blood circulation technique]

-[Blood Moon Control][Incomplete Knowledge]


Evan has just begun to learn a bit about the Blood Absorption Supplemental Technique, as with these two skills he can cycle through thickness faster than his current rate.


'Only until I have more blood and this skillfully learned will I be able to do more things.'


Evan checked the black ring Lya gave him before he left, this ring serves as a storage ring. In it, he has kept various things, such as clothes and the sword the Lady in White left him.


He received the sword last week, one afternoon when he went to play a game of chess with his mother Alexandra. She did not tell him much only mentioned that this sword belonged to him..


"Yes, this can work," Evan said with a golden glow around his pupils.


Evan continued reading the book Lya gave him. Two hours later he went to sleep, after having already spent 5 days without sleeping he rested on the sixth day.