
The System And The Vampire

Summary of the story There was a guy named "hero" unlike his name, he is a trash and doesn't have a job, he is living in a messy, dirty, and unpleasant place. Because of it he died in a car accident, a mysterious figure appeared before him and give him a chance to live once again. He got transferred in a world where people have magic. Demons and Monster exist. Can he survive this cruel world?

IHateMySelf · Anime et bandes dessinées
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49 Chs

Chapter 42

Midnight lay down as he saw Jones getting burned by fire, he sat down tried to recover a little and escape fast but something is wrong Jones is not screaming anymore.

The fire vanished and Midnight saw Jones body burned but he is not dead, he is still standing, Midnight was in despair and he tried to stand but he don't have the strength to stand anymore.

He sacrifice his sword for nothing and Jones is still alive despite being burned, Midnight thought that he will die in that moment, he doesn't have the strength to fight Jones anymore.

He wondered how the hell can Jones survive all of that and something cross his mind, Midnight is already level 57 and he did all he can do to defeated Jones but still in vain.

There is only one thing that cross Midnight mind that can answer his questions, it is because he is... "You are a High Level?!" Midnight said. Jones stop walking to him.

"Yes! He is a high level and is one of the highest in the Capital! Did you just realized that you fight someone like him and you manage to give him a beating!?" Someone said as the figure slowly appearing from the dark.

"Hey! How are you Jones did you have a hard time beating one of my students?" The guy said. Midnight look at the guy appearance and give a sigh of relief.

"So? He was one of your students Sora? Do you think the both of you had a chance of beating me?" Jones said. "I know I don't have a chance to beat you even the both of us combined but do you think I'm alone?" Sora said.

Midnight give a sigh of relief when he found out that it was Sora came out of the shadow. Sora ask him if he was okay and give him a hand to stood up and some other guy came out of the dark.

They all look so strong, "I know you still don't give your all, but you let a kid beat you? That was embarrassing! Are you that weak? Maybe I can also beat you now?" Sora said taunting.

"Why don't come and try?" Jones said. "You are both lucky that you got some companion, but do you think I can't kill you all? Numbers doesn't matter to me!" Jones said.

"I know you can do that but do you think you can get out unscathed?" Sora said. "Just let us go Jones if you still in your right mind!" Sora added. "And what the hell are you doing to this place?" Sora asked.

"That's out of your business and just get the hell out of my sight, I'm letting you go right now and don't talk to me! I might change my mind regardless of what you said! I can slaughter you all right here and right now!" Jones said.

"Then you have my gratitude! Let us meet again someday! And also I will remember you face right now! Hahahaha!" Sora said as he run in the dark. " You little sh"t I'm going to pursue and don't show your face in front of me or I will kill you instantly!" Jones said as he tried to catch them but he didn't.

On the same time while Sora and Jones talking to each other a while ago Midnight collapsed because of his fatigue and mana depletion and someone catch him and get away.

Most of them are using a mask and a robe to hide their Identity but Sora is different he didn't use mask or a robe because he is special he isn't scared of the government in capital.

He is also not scared in anything so he exposed his identity and he is also considered a high level criminal because of so many people he slaughtered.

When Sora and his companions escaped bringing Midnight with them, Jones tried to find his white clothes that he throw before the fight started and as he tried to find he look around and saw the sorrounding.

The sorrounding house and walls are broken and has some crack because of him swinging his fist before the rubbles can see in the fight scene, Jones change back to his form again as he wear his robe that can see through to his thin body.

He also scratch his head saying that "what a mess, I might going to get scolded again of what I did here". The wounds he get from fighting Midnight healed already as if he didn't really get a scratch from the beginning then he head back to his business.

6 days later after Midnight collapsed. In the town of fisherman, as the town name says all of the people living here is relying on fish and it is also located in the far south near the ocean.

Most of the people here have a strong physiques and have a darker skin because of being exposed in the sun, also this town is one of the most famous because of it is the town that is the closest to the sea.

Other races visit here to have a vacation and enjoy summer but it is always summer in fisherman town if you are a native here.

One of the rented house, Midnight finally wake up, Midnight is looking around and find himself in bed full of bondage, he saw his body that full of scratch marks that he get when he was still doing a hellish training with Sora.

Then Midnight recalled of what happened before he collapsed, he remembered that Jones beat him into pulp like he was a kid trying to pick a fight with a fully grown up man.

Then someone is walking in the stairs, Midnight look at who is it, then he saw a familiar figure, it was Sora. "How are you? Can you feel some pain?" Sora asked.

"I'm fine" Midnight answered. "How was the fight with Jones? Was it fun?" Sora asked again. "How was it fun? I got nearly killed if you didn't come!" Midnight answered.

"You are still lucky you are alive! So you should be thankful to me I happened to be around!" Sora said. "But do you realize who you were fighting?" Sora asked.

"He said he was one of the towns chief guard!" Midnight answered. "Guard my ass!" Sora said. "But that's what he told me! And he also look skinny too so I thought that he is weak!" Midnight said.

"He is actually a guard but he is not Ryze guard! Even the Noble family can have a guard that can destroy a town if he wants too!" Sora said. "How come that he can destroy a town?" Midnight asked.