
The Synchronized Brothers GONZI and BONZI

The Synchronized Brothers GONZI and BONZI is a kids' story of two adventurous hand puppets who want to be friends with all babies and children in the world. It is a modern fantasy children's books who likes children reading books, fantasy characters and fairy tale stories for kids. It is a story of hand puppets. #kidsimaginationrandom #fiction #fantasticcreatures #kidstory #handpuppets #kidsbook #handpuppetsbook #omniscientreader #suprememagus #sololeveling #AnimationScripts #AnimationMovieScripts #fantasticfictionkidsbook #kidswriter #fairytale #cartoon #Cartoon #cartoonfanfiction #Cartoons #cartoonFanfic #adventure #comedy #action #kid #kids #kidsfriendly #fantastic #fantastical #fantast #fantasti #puppet #Puppeteer #puppets #children #Children #qidian #yuewen #Childrens #Childrenstories #fantasytvseries #ChildrenstoriesChristmas #webnovel #cartoonmoviecharacters

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The Synchronized Brothers GONZI and BONZI Chapter 3

Written by Senem Öcal


All rights reserved. All rights belong to the AUTHOR. In part, it can not be quoted. Texts may not be reproduced or published by electronic, mechanical, photocopying or any other recording system without the prior permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. The responsibility of the texts in the book belongs to the author.


Raf Rafi was living in a detached house with a large garden near the lake in Copenhagen - Denmark. They were very interested in this freckled man with medium-height and carrot-orange hair.

In addition, the colorful bow ties he wore constantly pointed out that he had a different creative style. They had a nice family frame with twin babies.

During the day, the hand puppets began to watch all Raf Rafi's cartoons with pure attention.

"Yes, maybe we can meet him," Gonzi said.

"Can't you see? He lives in Denmark. We are in Izmir and we didn't even get out of this house"

"Isn't that place close to Izmir?"

"When Zinda goes to bed, we will open the laptop and learn it from the internet," Bonzi said.

"Yes, this is perfect!"

Gonzi had written down his place on a small piece of paper.

Zinda got up from the couch, and she drank a glass of water in the kitchen. Then, she went straight to her room to sleep. Gonzi and Bonzi went softly to Zinda and his son's rooms to see if they were in a deep sleep. They turned to living room and opened the computer.

"Look! Here! It writes here. Four hours by plane, a day and a half by car." Bonzi said.

"So what! We can also learn how to drive a plane from one of those computer games," replied Gonzi

"Don't be funny! Gonzi! We don't know how to drive a plane. We never even got on it either." said Bonzi.

"Everything has a first," Gonzi said with an adventurous attitude.

"Imagination is good, but we have to be realistic," Bonzi replied.

"We haven't even get on a plane yet, but we can learn the way from a pilot on the plane," Gonzi said.

"We will get on a plane and go there. It's like a better idea."


"We can go there. Because we are the synchronized brothers!" screamed together.

"The plane makes more logical because we'll be there quickly," Gonzi said.

"All we have to do is find the plane that goes to Denmark," Bonzi replied.

"We can ask it to the maggot."

"The maggot is a sluggard. It's hard for him to even get out of the tree hole." Bonzi said.

"What do you feel about Zinda and her son?"

"Yes, this is a difficult situation. I got used to them."

"Me too," Gonzi replied.

"What about the other babies? Think about them! Raf Rafi will make us a cartoon star when he sees us."

"What will you do if he doesn't care about us?"

"I don't think he won't be careless to us because of his twin babies' interest in us."

"Then, all the babies will be with us. Imagine it! The millions of babies and the millions of synchronized sister and brother hand puppets."

"Wow! We will have a lot of brothers and sisters. It means a very crowded family."

"Yeah! We will be the most crowded family in the world."

"Gonzi and Bonzi synchronized brothers will grow like an avalanche all over the world," they said together.

The parakeet listened attentively to their conversations.

"I'm looking at you. Your thoughts seem on clouds," she said seriously.

"What does it mean?" Bonzi asked.

"We have a saying in parakeets" continued the old bird. If someone whose mind is on the air, their wings will be always on the ground."

Gonzi couldn't solve this saying.

"What's wrong with the wings which are on the ground?" Gonzi asked.

"The bird which wings on the ground will be either crushed under the car or became food for a predator won't fly in the sky again."

"Wow! This is terrible. We don't have the wings." Gonzi said.

"So, our minds can be on the clouds." exclaimed the synchronized brothers.

"It's very difficult to understand you." told the parakeet in a serious manner.

"If someone's mind is on the clouds, we can't find any logic there. It means that there no logic and no wisdom. However, it is the mind that leads to purpose and also protects."

Thereat, Rafi's program had begun on television.

Bonzi was confused.

"Let's talk about it again at another time," Gonzi said.

"Okay! Well!" replied the parakeet.

While they were even watching the documentary, their minds were in their dreams.

"We can be among the cartoons that we read. It's so fantastic. Someone could even write a story for us."

"Yeah! That would be nice. The kids will carry books about us in their bags."

"Maybe we'll be a birthday present that will make kids very happy."

"Or with a smile source of a baby who cries as "INGA" while changing their nappy."

"As soon as they see us, they will get silence and start giggling because we are so much fun." they shouted together.

"Hurray!" "We are synchronized brothers," screamed them again.

"All we have to do is wait for the right time to go there. We will surely find a way to see Raf Rafi." Bonzi said.

"Yes, we can do. Because we think we can succeed." Gonzi replied.

"Just as we can come upon this jar, we could go anywhere."

"Gonzi! Get out of there! You smeared jam on you."

"Where? Here, look! Don't touch anywhere else."

"Alas! You've got me some jam and we're sticky now."

"Anyways! It will dry." Gonzi said with a relaxed attitude.

"The jam isn't a fly away thing, it's a sticky substance," Bonzi replied.

"The taste isn't bad either"

"Give me some, too."

"Here! Eat it!"

"Hmm. Pretty tasty."

"Zinda tidied up the kitchen. She left the flour and jam packages on the table this night."

"So, she will probably make cinnamon cakes with this delicious jam tomorrow morning. Her friends are coming."

"We are very lucky, my brother. I like cinnamon cake very much." Gonzi said with a smile.

Zinda arrived home early the next day. She was in the kitchen all day. The ingredients seem very delicious. She took a large glass bowl from the bottom cabinet. She put some powdered sugar in it and then broke the eggs into a case. She started to use the mixer in the bowl. In the face of the humming sound of the mixer, Gonzi and Bonzi closed their ears with their hands and went to under the seat cushion. If they weren't so eager to learn about how the cake was made, they could prefer sleeping under the soft velvet fabric of the sofa. When the sound stopped, they went back on the shelf. They continued to follow Zinda behind a jar bottle. The mixture in the bowl was bubbling like a shore of a sea they watched in a documentary. She continued to mix a certain amount of flour, yoghurt, baking soda and some vanilla in the bowl. The temperature of the oven had reached Gonzi and Bonzi. A jar of cherry jam and cinnamon stood next to cute hand puppets.

"I almost forgot!" Zinda murmured.

She headed towards the jam jars.

Gonzi almost felt his heart in his ears. Bonzi pulled him down with a rush. Zinda would have noticed them if the timing hadn't been good for this. The scent of cinnamon from the cake was thrown from the oven calmed down the excited brothers whose hands got entangled like a thread. While they were lying on the edge of the couch, they suddenly startled with a ringing tone.

They were startled on the edge of the seat and startled with a ringing tone. The incoming person was Zinda's old school friend.

"Fortunately you've come, my dearest friend! I'm so glad to see you."

"Nice to meet you again, too."

They ate their cakes and chatted for hours.

"I have some good news for you," told Zinda to her friend.

"What is it?" asked her.

"Our favorite film will be released next week. What do you think about going to the cinema together?"

"How about we go to the cinema the week after?"

"Why?" Zinda asked.

"I was planning to go to Denmark for a business seminar this weekend. Flights were canceled due to heavy weather conditions. If I were there, I couldn't eat your delicious cake this week." said Zinda's friend.

They were both laughing.

"I moved to my new home. Luckily, I could place my furniture in comfort this week. I am waiting for you before my business trip."

"Sure, we will," Zinda replied.

Gonzi and Bonzi's ears were upright like a lamppost while listening to them.

"I think the big day is coming. Why are you looking at so confused, Bonzi? We have to visit Zinda's friend. Then Denmark and Raf Rafi!"

"So easy?"

"Of course, what did you think else?" he said.

Hooray! We are synchronized brothers. All the babies will be with us!"

"I am so excited!"

"Me, too'"

Three days had passed. When the phone rings, Gonzi and Bonzi were standing up. They were listening to Zinda's speeches. They were on the fourth day. They didn't get the news they were expecting. Her sister whom Zinda had not seen in a long time come to dinner.

"Tomorrow is Saturday. I want to go shopping. Will you come with me?"

I would love to come, but I already promised a girlfriend three weeks ago. I'm going to go to her new home tomorrow afternoon."

"Okay. I understand. Send my greetings to her."

"Sure, I will."

Gonzi and Bonzi were very excited, but also so sad. After all, tailor Zinda had sewed them. They learned to read, write, and use the computer with their little friend. That night they said goodbye to Zinda and his son. First, they went into Zinda's room.

Young woman was sleeping deeply. They stared at her with their eyes filled. Then, they went to their little friend's room. After touching his hands, they left his room and walked into the hall. The day after, they didn't leave behind Zinda for a moment. She decided to wear her new brown bag. She took her wallet out of the tassel bag and put it into the new one. When she left her room to pick up his phone, the synchronized brothers jumped into her bag in a snap.

"Over there! Gonzi! We have to get into the middle division of the bag." said Bonzi.

"Okay, I jumped there," replied Gonzi.

"Well done! Let's bend!"

"But we can't fit like that."

"Then let's curl up like a roll"


"Do not you remember? How was Zinda wrapping when she made roll-shaped pies from the pastry?" Bonzi asked.

"Oh! OK! I remember now! It's like the stuffed leaves." Gonzi said.

"Exactly. Now let's overleap and when I say one, two, three, we will be a roll."

"That's funny!" Gonzi giggled.

After Zinda put her mobile phone in her bag, she quickly left the house to go to her friend. Since the inside of the bag was jammed, they weren't be shaken. The fragrance which spreads from the shaking perfume bottle stunned them a little. When they heard the vibrated sound of the phone, they immediately closed their ears. The thunderous sound of the phone perked up them. Fortunately, the caller could not reach to Zinda. Thus, her phone sound stopped. Zinda hadn't heard the phone ring because of the buzz sound in the bus. The notification sounds of the phone continued unceasingly.

"I think the phone had hiccups." Gonzi said.

I've never seen a phone that hiccups." Bonzi replied.

"I think all phones hiccups like this due to incoming messages and calls."


Meanwhile, the zipper sound of the bag was heard.

"Hey, Bonzi! Let's be quiet! Zinda opened the bag."

"Yes, I heard it," Gonzi replied.

She almost threw a handful of coins into the bag. The metal coins bumping into the key made sounds. On the one hand, the telephone notification sounds, on the other hand the key and coin sound made the journey difficult in the bag. They were also in the form of two twisted rolls.