
The Sword of the Morning || ASOIAF x Jojos Bizarre Adventure

Jon Snow lived a good life in Winterfell as a Ward of the Starks, he was lucky that Lord Eddard Stark had taken him in at such a young age after his Father had supposedly died during the failed rebellion. While he doesn't have much he wants apart from learning every sword style there is to know, he does wish he could learn who his parents were. Though Lord Stark is incredibly tight lipped about it, so he'll just have to go and discover it himself. I do not own a song of ice and fire or a game of thrones.

TheManUnderTheBed · TV
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6 Chs

Kingly Request

"AHHHHHHHHH!!!" Aegon screamed as he flipped the table in his room, he was seething, the anger he felt towards the baseborn boy who had dared humiliate him in front of everyone could not be understated.

"Brother you should calm yourself, there is no need to get angry over a peasant," His sister Rhaenys spoke as she lay reading on the bed, Aegon looked towards her with a glare before he stomped towards his chair and sat down drinking deeply from a pitcher that was close by "This peasant dares to humiliate me in such a fashion! I was just going to let him off with a quick beating for defying my orders but no... now things are changing." He said in a dark manner which worried his sister who had put her book down on the bed and sat up.

"Aegon you are the heir to the throne, do you think people will sing your praises when they learn that you killed a bastard boy for the crime of beating you in a spar?" Rhaenys reasoned.

Aegon looked at her with rage-filled eyes and stood up "HE DID NOT BEAT ME!" He shouted.

"He used an underhanded trick while my guard was lowered, had I been fighting seriously I would've destroyed him!" He assured her.

Rhaenys shrugged "That is not how people will see it, most small folk do not know the intricacies of sword fighting, so to them it looks like this bastard beat you and you're a sore loser." She explained, that while this did more to enflame Aegon's anger he sat down and instead of acting he started to think.

"So what should I do?" He asked his sister, she had always been the smarter of the two and when he had problems he'd always come to her for help as he could always count on her to have a solution to whatever problem he was having.

"It is simple, you fight him again and show people that the first match was just luck for the bastard." She stated.

"But Mother will not allow me to fight him again if she knows I still harbour hatred for him, she damn near tore my ear off when she dragged me away before," Aegon said with a sour expression on his face.

"Then you show there is no ill will, go and apologise for your behaviour and perhaps even befriend him, then once you spar again there will be no hint as to what your true intentions are," she replied.

However, Aegon's face morphed into one of disgust at her suggestion "Apologise to that? I think not, I'd rather listen to Grand Maester Pycelles rutting the entire night!" He shouted back.

Rhaenys then shrugged her shoulders and picked her book back up "Then I suppose you best live with the rumours that this Northern bastard is a better fighter than the heir to the throne," she said which made Aegon's blood boil as he stood up and walked towards her door, he left the room before slamming the door behind him. Both Ser Barristan Selmy and Oswell Whent were guarding the door to Rhaenys room as was natural for the Kingsguard "Oswell let's go," Aegon said without even looking at the man. Oswell obeyed his command and followed after Aegon quickly however the Young Prince stopped in his tracks before turning to the Kingsguard "Ser Oswell, I need you to do something for me..." he said with a menacing smile on his face.


Rhaenys looked at the door with a small smile before shaking her head and going back to her book "You can come out now," she said seemingly to no one while she focused on reading her book. From under her bed, a head of silk black hair popped out before a girl rolled out from under her bed, she stood up and brushed herself down before sitting on Rhaenys bed "You know you can't avoid our brother forever?" Rhaenys stated as she looked up from her book to Visenya who had a scowl on her face.

"I've done a good job of it so far," she said dismissively as she leaned back on the bed putting her head on Rhaenys thighs.

"Did you see the man that has angered Aegon so much?" Rhaenys asked, while both of her siblings were enamoured with fighting she much preferred to read and study so she never usually watched the constant sparring sessions that they both engaged in. Though she had to admit she was curious about the man who had managed to best Aegon even if he did use underhanded means.

"I did..." Visenya said in a tone that Rhaenys did not recognise.

"And?" Rhaenys said seeking a bit of elaboration.

"He doesn't look like much, while he did disarm Aegon it was using an underhanded method." She stated

"In a real fight there is no such thing as underhanded there is only victory and defeat, life and death," Rhaenys said as she put her book down.

Visenya turned her head and looked at her older sister in shock "Winning by underhanded means is Dishonourable!" She shouted.

Rhaenys simply giggled "The dirt does not care whether one man is honourable and the other is not it will swallow them up regardless," she said laughing even more at the shocked expression on her sister's face. With a smirk on her face she moved her legs from under Visenya's head and started to crawl towards her "Tell me, sister, was this man handsome?" She said in a sultry voice as he sister backed away from her on the bed.

"He is nothing more than a bastard..." she said unconvincingly making Rhaenys smile widen. The truth was that Visenya was impressed by Jon, she had never once managed to disarm Aegon like that and she was taught the same techniques and skills that he was but he had managed to master them to a greater degree than she was. While Jon was taller than her he wasn't that different in build being more slender and agile than Aegon who trained for strength.

"Tell me the truth sister, you know you've never been able to hide anything from me," Rhaenys said with a smirk as she pinned down Visenya's arms. While the girl could easily overpower her older sister she found it difficult to defy her when she was embarrassing her in such a way.

"He is handsome..." she said in a quiet voice that would've not been heard had Rhaenys not been so close to her. Rhaenys started to giggle again which caused a look of displeasure to cross Visenya's face "Stop laughing at me!" She said a little childishly.

"Forgive me sister, but you've not even looked at the men who come from every corner of the seven kingdoms in an attempt to win your hand, yet you so easily admit your attraction to this northern bastard... perhaps I should pay him a visit." She said with a smirk before lying next to her.

Visenya snorted "They were not men merely boys wearing their father's clothes, not one could beat me in a spar!" She said.

"Not everyone has the luxury of being trained by a Dayne," Rhaenys replied with a roll of her eyes.

She then tapped a finger to her chin "I believe I'll go and meet this bastard that has upset our brother so much, perhaps he could prove to be interesting in this dreary place," she said mostly to herself.

"You have no such issue with that... do you?" She said with a catlike grin on her face.

Visenya scowled at her sister "No! Why would I! Stop being stupid!" She said before standing up from the bed and walking out of the room slamming the door behind her. Rhaenys just watched as she giggled slightly at her younger sister's antics.


Ulrick Dayne only had one thing on his mind ever since he had seen the young ward of House Stark and that was to get some answers from his niece. However, he had to wait before he did so as right now she was still attending the Queen and this was a conversation only he had between family members.

Ulrick waited down the corridor from the Queen's chambers as he was in no mood to deal with the arrogance of the Kingsguard today, he was only glad that his nephew stuck to the King like a child to his mother's skirts. While he did love his family an exception was made for Arthur Dayne, but that was to be expected when you are the strongest man in Westeros and have been deluded into believing every word of the King.

Ulrick sighed as he cast these thoughts from his head, they were no help. He rubbed his eyes as he leaned against the wall waiting for Ashara to leave the Queens quarters and make her way down the corridor where he could speak to her. She may have everyone fooled but not him, he'd recognise a Dayne anywhere and Jon Snow was most certainly a Dayne. While it could be reasoned that Jon was sired by one of the other Daynes, Ulrick recognised the Stark features in the boy as well, he was surprised that no one had noticed that the boy was a spitting image of his father. There was also the way that Ashara had interacted with the boy in the courtyard, she was practically shaking as she watched him.

Ulrick stood there for a while longer before he heard the door open and light footsteps walking down the corridor, he knew it was Ashara as he had memorised most of the footsteps of the people in the Redkeep. Ashara nearly jumped as she turned a corner and saw her uncle there waiting for her "You frightened me!" She said with her hand to her chest as her heart pounded from the surprise.

Her uncle didn't reply and just looked at her with an emotionless expression "We must speak," he simply said to her.

Ashara felt nervousness invade her heart as she saw her uncle gaze upon her "I am rather busy Uncle, the Queen wishes for-"

"It can wait," he said bluntly before lightly grabbing her arm and leading her way. They went down twists and turns in the castle before they walked onto the battlements, looking around Ulrick checked they were alone before letting go of Ashara who rubbed her arms in an attempt to stave off the cold wind "What is this about uncle?" She asked. Ulrick had to applaud her mummery as had he not seen the boy and witnessed her first interaction with him her confusion on the matter might've been enough to convince him that he was wrong.

"The boy..." he simply said.

Ashara once again barely let out a twitch at her uncle's words and simply wore a face of confusion "Do not give me that look Ashara, I can recognise a Dayne anywhere," Ulrick said bluntly as he looked at her with an annoyed expression.

Ashara unconsciously clenched her hands against her arms before she put them down and behind her back "You're right... I'm sorry Uncle I did not wish to lie to you..." she said apologetically as she looked down not meeting his eyes.

"Then why did you? Why is a Dayne so far away from the capital, you know the law," Ulrick admonished.

Ashara let tears flow freely down her face as she looked up at her uncle which caught him off guard "I'm sorry I just..."

Like a coiled snake, Ashara struck at her uncle with a dagger she'd retrieved from behind her back aiming for his throat. Unfortunately for Ashara, her uncle was not one to be caught off guard by such things and he easily caught the dagger between his finger and thumb. Ulrick looked at Ashara and saw her sad and feeble expression was now gone and replaced by one of anger and desperation 'She didn't hesitate in going for a lethal blow...' Ulrick thought to himself quite impressed at his niece's resolve.

However as easily as plucking something from a child Ulrick pulled the dagger from her grasp "I don't believe you'd try to kill me on a whim, so it must be that he is your son..." Ulrick stated which increased the desperation and anger that Ashara felt at that moment 'I can't let him leave...' she thought to herself as she thought of any way she might kill her uncle.

Ulrick noticed every twitch of Ashara's muscle and could see she was about to strike so he held up his hand to stop her "Be calm niece, I will not tell anyone of my discovery, but I expect you to tell me the whole story," he said to her sternly.

Ashara felt herself shrink under her uncle's gaze, however, she remained resolute and was still leaning towards attacking the man despite knowing it was a losing battle. Eventually, though she sighed and unclenched her fists, her uncle had never given reason to doubt him before, when it comes to Daynes he was one of the good ones unlike her brothers and that damn Darkstar.

"Very well Uncle I will place my trust in you, it began just after the Battle of the Trident..."


Jon stood in the wolfswood outside of Winterfell with an axe in hand as he swung it at a tree. He was not satisfied with his performance against the Prince, while he had done his first move to take revenge for Robb when he was attacked by the Prince he felt the raw skill and power that he had at his command. The fact he had to resort to using his back annoyed him and so now he was back to training even harder than he had before, though he'd need to start learning new fighting styles as his technique was starting to plateau.

With one final swing, the tree started to fall and fall shaking the earth as it did. Jon rubbed his shoulders as he slammed the axe into the tree.

"I didn't know the mighty tree slayer was home, you certainly know how to break a girl's heart," a voice said from behind him, Jon recognised the voice and turned with a smirk on his face as he saw the frizzy red hair of Beth Cassel approach him as she wore a maroon gown with a matching cloak.

"I only arrived today, I planned on visiting you later tonight," Jon replied

Beth smirked at him "Oooh? And what would you have done once you did," she asked.

Jon closed the distance between them before taking her into his arms "I think you know..." he whispered in her ear before biting it and then travelling down to her neck while she giggled and hit his shoulder "Let me go you beast!" She said while she laughed.

Jon however lifted her causing her to wrap her legs around his waist "Woof! Woof!" Jon barked which made Beth snort in an unladylike manner before she pushed his curly black hair out of the way and pressed her lips towards his mouth. It had been too long since she'd been held by Jon and once she heard he had returned she wasted no time in coming to see him.

Jon felt Beth start to grind her body against his own, his blood started to boil and he pressed her up against another tree before slipping his hands under her gown and ripping her small clothes off "I was rather fond of those," Beth said with a mock glare before biting him on the chin. Jon just smirked before undoing the lace of his breeches and releasing his cock in the cold brisk air. Beth moaned into Jon's lips as she felt him line it up with her cunt and slowly lower her onto it "Mmmmm," she said as she leaned her head back, every time she feels Jon inside her it feels like the first time, had she not been so wet she wasn't sure whether Jon would've split her in half with the weapon he had between his legs.

Jon growled as he started to thrust inside her with a continuously increasing pace. While he wasn't in love with a bed there were very few places he'd rather stick his cock rather than her cunt, no matter how many times he fucked her she remained as tight as she was since he took her maidenhood. She was also a little minx and when he stayed at Winterfell he'd have to fuck her at least once a day, sometimes even more if he had the time, she was insatiable and let Jon do anything he wanted to her.

Jon thrust into her hard again and again, to the point where the tree was shaking and Beth was screaming in pleasure. Exposing her shoulder he bit down on her hard enough to draw blood which had the effect of pushing her over the edge, her slick hole started to squeeze Jon's shaft as it soaked him in her nectar. The feeling was enough to push Jon over the edge as he fully engulfed his cock inside her and started shooting ropes and ropes of his seed inside her.

While Beth breathed heavily as she leaned her head against Jon he wasn't even winded and his cock hadn't yet softened either, something which Beth noticed and smiled about "Behind this time?" She asked

Jon placed her on the ground before turning her around and lifting her gown.


Remsey watched from the branch of a nearby tree as Jon ploughed into the red-headed woman. She followed Jon when she saw that he was walking out of Winterfell and so she tracked him through the woods before watching him cut down the tree.

She wasn't sure why she followed him, nor was she sure why she didn't just run away, she could leave right now and Jon would be unlikely to catch her but she didn't want to leave. But most of all she didn't know why she watched Jon fucking the girl and she didn't know why her body felt so hot, it made her angry and her hands clenched so hard against the branch she was perched on that it nearly cracked.


Jon walked towards Lord Starks Solar, he was quite annoyed that as soon as he came back to Winterfell he'd been summoned but being summoned twice in one day was beyond irritating. Especially since Beth was going to allow him in her other hole once he washed up 'I suppose I'll have to wait till tonight,' he thought to himself as he lightly stepped down the corridors his winter cloak trailing behind him.

Before he had been summoned and after he had ploughed Beth into a sweaty mess he was planning on visiting Robb who had confined himself to the Godswood after his defeat at Aegon's hands. He knew the Young Stark Heir must be feeling humiliated and he hoped he could offer him some support and maybe even train with him a little bit, though if he was honest he didn't much care for Theon, he was most likely in a whore house somewhere taking his anger out on one of the workers to make up for his weakness.

Jon also had to remember to visit Arya, the little wildling was one of his favourites and she'd always been eager to help and watch him train even fetching him water and food... of course, this came at the price of offering her some training as well but Jon didn't much mind that. Though he did hope to avoid Sansa, Jon thought that things might be a little easier if he managed not to speak to the eldest Stark daughter.



Jon knocked on the door to Lord Starks Solar and waited for the man to give him permission to enter, only he didn't instead the door was opened by a tall man donning shining silver armour and a white cloak with a helmet under his arm. The man whom Jon instantly recognised as a Kingsguard barely regarded him before moving out of the way and allowing Jon to step through.

"Jon I am glad you've come, I do apologise about summoning you twice in one day," Lord Stark stated, Ned was aware of how much and often Jon trained and so knew how he didn't like to be disturbed but would always come if he was needed.

"There is no need to apologise My Lord I am at your service," Jon said politely as he saw another man in the room standing over a large table adjacent to Lord Stark's desk.

"This is King Rhaegar Targaryen, and he wishes to speak with you regarding your time in Skagos," Lord Stark explained.

"Your Grace," Jon said as he went down to one knee as was customary.

"Rise," Rhaegar said as he looked up from the book he was looking at on the table.

"How may I assist your Grace?" Jon asked politely, but in truth, he was quite annoyed, he'd only just gotten home from a long trip and wanted to rest a bit before being sent out on another task that would undoubtedly be difficult if the King was the one asking him.

"Is it true you've travelled the Skagos?" Rhaegar asked.

"It is your Grace, I travelled there a year ago as there were reports of people going missing," Jon explained. Lord Stark frowned at the reminder of the people who went missing last year, the mystery had never been solved and those people never turned up again. Lord Stark wasn't the only one who grimaced, Jon had found that situation utterly frustrating as well as strange in general, the Skagosi had not assisted him at all in trying to look for their missing people and instead tried to prevent him from looking for himself 'Not like I found anything...' he thought to himself.

Rhaegar smiled brightly as he ushered Jon over with a gesture "Have you ever seen this before," Rhaegar asked as he showed Jon a crude sketch of a mask that had a face carved in with fangs coming out of a closed mouth. Jon frowned as he saw it as it caused a memory to resurface, Rhaegar took this as a good sign and his excitement grew "Well?!" He asked his voice brimming with anticipation.

"I do..." Jon said though he wished he had not seen it, in truth he did not want to speak of this subject as he had neglected to report it to Lord Stark, something he'd no doubt get punished for, but in truth, he didn't much care, what he saw was simply too horrible to speak of.

"Well, where did you see it!?" Rhaegar almost shouted.

Jon sighed "Skagosi are not the same as the rest of us Northerners... they don't worship the same gods and they do things a lot differently, in truth they're closer to the wildlings than they are to us." He explained.

He then nodded his head towards the mask "Near the peak of one of the many mountains overlooking one of the villages, there is a temple dedicated to their gods." Jon stated.

"Which gods do they worship?" Rhaegar asked curiously.

Jon shrugged "I'm not sure I've never seen any symbols similar to the ones they use, outsiders are not allowed in their temple so I had to sneak inside at night." He continued.

Jon paused as as he struggled to get the next part of the story out "The temple... it was a blood bath... Men, Women, children, all dead and dismembered..." Jon said with gritted teeth as he felt bile start to invade his throat. He'd seen a lot of death but the smells and sights from that night still haunted his dreams.

"Why did you not report this Jon..." Lord Stark stated sternly.

"I was asked not to by the Chief and in exchange he'd pardon me for the crime of trespassing upon their holy ground." He replied.

"Where does the mask come into it?" Rhaegar asked trying to get back on track.

"The mask stood at the centre of the dead bodies, it didn't have a drop of blood on it either, even being in its presence made me feel sick," Jon explained.

Rhaegar found his excitement reaching a higher level as what he'd sought was finally within reach "Pack your things, Jon Snow, we leave as soon as the procession is ready, you will lead us to the temple on Skagos leave the rest to me," Rhaegar said as he shut the book and walked out of Lord Starks Solar without even waiting to hear if Jon wanted to go.

"I'm sorry Jon..." Lord Stark said with a sigh.

"It's no issue Lord Stark, we all live to serve at the King's pleasure," he said a little distastefully.

"If you approve I wish to visit the Stark children, I have a lot less time to do so now," Jon requested.

"Of course, you're dismissed," Lord Stark said gesturing with his hand.

Jon bowed and left the Solar before walking down the corridor and slamming his fist into the stone walls cracking them slightly. He hated Skagos, the people, the smells, the animals and most of all the weird things that happened there, at least he wouldn't be travelling alone this time.

(AN: pretty much a filler chapter that signifies Jon's upcoming adventure and the Kings hunt for the Stone mask. Don't worry I'm coming up with a Lore Friendly backstory for the Stone mask, the Pillar men will be in this fic as well though I doubt I'll use stands. And if I do end up using them I'll likely just use the abilities not the actual stands. Anyway hope you enjoyed the chapter.)

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