
The Sword Of Deira

Childe_is_hot_ · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

A shooting star...?

A shooting star so bright and beautiful fell from the sky creating a new life. A new beast. Scales that are tougher than metal and snake-like eyes that could pierce the soul. In an egg lay a new hope for a world corrupted by war. Wars between nations have gone on for far too long. A new era was to be seen and advancement was needed, no. It was dire. Aftermaths of war erupted people starved from the outcome of the war, and rebellions people left, joining together to create a new nation, a nation of peace and prosperity.. Deira.

A King was chosen to lead the new country, Deira. It was a diverse and peaceful kingdom. He ruled well and fair until a day of fortune came, his first twin boys were born, and the two parents were overjoyed for the arrival of an heir, two. The queen was beautiful, but she was also crippled, her husband, the new king still loved her and would do anything for her. The queen had gorgeous blonde and pink hair with such soft blue eyes that had a hint of green. The King had raven black hair and a set of beautiful deep emerald eyes. The two made a beautiful couple.

As the years went on and the princes got older, a new member of the family arrived and the queen loved her so much that she had green eyes just like her father and had the same pink tone as her blonde haired mother.


"Honey… Isn't she beautiful she has the same colored eyes as you" she spoke sweetly reaching up and caressing her lover's face,

"Yes my dear she looks just like us" he smiled at her as he played with the princess's fingers. The little Princess could feel his touch and squeezed his finger that was in her small palm,

All of a sudden a loud bang was heard in the nearby forest, a meteorite crashed on the side of a mountain. Which startled the two and made the princess cry. Guards immediately rushed to check on the two.

"Your majesty..." one of the elite guards spoke as he bowed upon seeing them, "A giant rock like meteor has crashed nearby in a mountain, Are you and the empress alright?"

"We are alright just scared the princess" he spoke softly gently picking her up and cradling her in his arms. The King carefully swayed back and forth calming her down,

The empress finally spoke, "send a group to go investigate the incident, and bring back whatever has crashed into the mountain" she commanded,

"Yes, of course, your majesty" he bowed again and the group left immediately gathering a group of twenty soldiers to go and investigate. As the soldiers left the two princes were seen knocking on the door,

"Conrad, Felix what is it?" the king spoke, he noticed them shaking and ushered them inside,

"Before you two come in, your little sister was born, are you two ready to meet her?" the two twins perked up immediately, no longer scared and more excited than ever.

"Can we see her??" they both said in unison, holding hands. The two twins Conrad and Felix were inseparable, Conrad looked like his father the most with his blue eyes and black hair. Felix was spitting image of his mother.

"Does she have a name yet?" Felix spoke happily first,

"No, not yet are you two ready to see her?" the king patted their heads. He had a grin on his face leading them to their sister who just calmed down and was looking around happily,

Conrad spoke first a bit too loud and scared her, making her cry again," aaa!" she whined crying to her mother,

"Conrad not so loud next Time newborns have delicate ears" she smiled trying to calm the princess down again

Conrad's panicked expression soon faded as his mother spoke and felt guilty for making her cry already.

"Conrad, don't worry it was just an accident" Felix spoke to him rocking their hands back and forth with a smile,

Conrad started to feel better as the two smiled again, staring at the baby as she settled again in their mother's arms. The empress look at the children and was happy that she could finally have a family of her own, she was a middle-class child that had been friends with the nephew of the duke's son, Louis, he always caught her eye, the two were inseparable and agreed on arranged marriage as soon as his father suggested it. They were married for a month before fleeing with some of their servants, commoners, and anyone that didn't want to starve and die to the king's choices. They built a grand kingdom in ten years staying completely hidden the entire time, the kingdom thrived through goods trading with other nations and soon was a grand nation. The King was grand and ethical, he won many wars and fights between nearby nations his people knew him as the king of blood or a blessing from God.

The investigation of the meteor shocked all the knights and guards when they arrived at the crash site, it was such a small object but it made a creator like a cave on the side of the mountain and in the center was an egg, a green egg. The soldiers talked amongst themselves to try and figure out how it could have done that.

"Wouldn't it have shattered?" one of them questioned, they started to talk amonst themslelves trying to figure it out,

"Anyways let's bring this to his majesty and he can decide what to do with the egg…" the elite captain spoke, rubbing his temples in complete disbelief.

A wagon was brought to the mountain where they found the egg and it was loaded up for transport to the kingdom's palace. Inside the king determined that the egg would be set in the treasury and reside. The two princes were amazed by it and liked it a lot. They wanted to see it again but the children weren't allowed if the king wasn't with them or the Empress.

-nearly six years later-

"Daddy!" a little girl's voice was heard as she came running into the garden with her mother walking behind her,

"Hi my sweet daughter~" his face lit up as he stood up taking her in his arms and kissing his wife as she sat down to have tea with the emperor.

"It's nice weather to talk about a ball for the princess" the empress smiled sipping tea from her porcelain cup,

"Shall we finish discussing the plans" he rested her cup down on the saucer.

The princess looked up to her father curious, "a ball? For me?" her big eyes staring at him confused

He couldn't help but smile at her cute expression, "yes a ball to introduce you, since you have come to an age where it's appropriate to introduce yourself to the public and make friends your age"

Her eyes lit up fast at the idea of that, "I can't wait to meet new friends" she smiled happily munching on a cookie, "when is it?" she spoke and immediately her parents started to giggle. Her father wiped the crumbs from her cheeks,

"Why are you two laughing at me?" she tilted her head cutely,

"You are the cutest my beloved daughter" he leaned in and kissed her cheek, and wiped off the cookie from her cheek and the crumbs.

After a few cookies, she rested her head against his chest clinging to him. her full stomach made her sleepy as the two talked discussing details she eventually fell asleep as the king patted her back,

"Help.." a faint voice was heard as she slept, "mommy... Help me…" it was heard again,

"Huh... Who is that?" she looked around in the darkness and saw an egg, she started to walk closer to it until she noticed it was chained up,

"Mommy!" she heard the voice cry out again, "help.. I'm scared" the voice sounded like that of a young boy, it was the green egg afraid she had never seen the egg before but felt a connection that made her cry in her sleep she was worried about the scared egg she had no idea what it was. or who it could possibly be