
The Sword of Dawn

Gawain is crossed, but something went wrong when he traversed. After floating in the sky over an alien continent for hundreds of thousands of years, he felt that he might need a body to be a complete traverse, but he did not expect that he would still need to carry this body after he succeeded. Climbing out of the coffin and faced two frightened great great great great .. great-granddaughters. And a world that is about to usher at the end of the era.

LimitlessSage · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

Shadow Realm

The ethereal and weird laughter kept coming from the mist as if a frivolous woman were making fun of the lost people who were in the mist.

The phantom that was split in half by Gawain has indeed vanished, but In an instant, it completed its reorganization in another place.

  This mist of resentful spirits... is actually deliberate!

  After realizing this, Heidi felt a slight cold sweat on her forehead.

  The mist first made the illusion of nonthreatening, so that everyone assumed the situation was not so critical and tried to find opportunities to breakthrough.

but as time passed, everyone's physical strength would be continuously weakened by the mist, and if Gawain and his party really tore through, everyone's state must have been degraded to varying degrees. If then the resentful spirit in the mist suddenly shot, the consequences would be inconceivable.

  But perhaps it is the inherent flaws of mentality in undead creatures, and the chuckle from the fog destroyed its own trap.

  Even though the situation is still bad.

  It is difficult for ordinary soldiers to play an effective role in the face of such strange enemies. They can only resist the malice and fear that constantly seep out of the fog with the tenacity they have tempered in the daytime. Betty, who is useless, is the first time is guarded in the center of the team. The steel-long sword in the hands of Knight Byron was surging with scorching high temperature. With this sword, he constantly dispelled the ubiquitous cold air and cut off countless phantom arms protruding from the mist, while under his protection, Heidi and Rebecca had a relatively stable casting environment.

  Heidi reads the spell, and constantly uses a variety of low-level auxiliary spells to weaken the power of the surrounding fog, but Rebecca's attacks are much simpler and rougher-she wields her staff, and she releases only one magic from beginning to end. -Fireball.

  Large and small fireballs flew from Rebecca's rod into the mist, triggering a series of explosions, but the effect was really not good: flames had a certain restraint effect on undead creatures, but the mist of wraith was a kind of very special thing, it is thin, and it has no entity to target directly to sustain attack. When a fireball bursts in the fog, most of its lethality is being lost.

  "Don't use fireball!" Gawain noticed Rebecca's fighting style and quickly reminded him loudly, "Use a wide range of spells-the power doesn't need to be large, the range must be large! Otherwise, these mists will disperse all attacks. !"

  Rebecca shouted: "But I can only use fireball!"

  Gawain was taken aback: "What?!"

  "Rebecca can only use fireball skills!" Heidi's voice was nearly a little frustrated. "After five years of learning, she can only do this trick!"

  Rebecca was ashamed and annoyed at her dullness in her magical aptitude. She gathered her powerful magical forces together, and almost constrained it into a spell model with the strength of mind, and then waved her wand. An enormous pool of... Fireball flew to the densest place of fog.

  An immediate epiphany, an emergency breakthrough, a shocking counterattack, etc., does not happen.

  This far exceeding standard fireball technique caused an explosion far outpacing the specification, and even the fog in front of everyone became thinner, but almost in the next instant, the gap in the fog was filled again, abruptly, Gawain suddenly heard a roar full of fear and anger behind him.

  A soldier's eyes become blood-red, the negative power transmitted by the mist of the wraith finally completely crushed the soldier's soul, and the damage to the soul was immediately reflected on his body: his skin quickly became shriveled like air-dried goatskin. Pale, the whole person went crazy while howling. He raised his long sword high and chopped frantically all around as if he was facing enemies in all directions.

  The other two soldiers nearby reacted for the first time. After avoiding the violent and random attack from the other side, they swarmed up and held down the poor guy, who had gone mad.

  The soldier who was being held down was struggling frantically, his whole body squirming and twisting violently as if he was about to take off his body. He was full of anger and finally yelled hoarsely: "Kill me! Kill me!"

  also, the eyes of the other two soldiers changing to the colors of blood, and gradually converging like a veil, and they did not respond to the requests of others.

  They are also about to lose their minds.

  Upon seeing this, Gawain immediately pierced the pioneer's sword into the ground, mobilizing the original power of the body according to the method recorded in his mind: "Mind shock!"

  This is one of the few abilities of the knight that can act on the mind. Strong willpower will sweep across the battlefield, causing strong spiritual oppression on all hostile targets, and it can also have a powerful, inspiring effect on its own personnel.

  Because of the effect of mental deterrence, the two soldiers quickly got rid of the state of fear, but the poor guy who was held by them had been devastated by the mist of resentful spirits, and after a few struggles, he stopped moving completely.

  Gawain's eyes swept across the battlefield quickly, and he saw that the surrounding fog, instead of showing the slightest sign of weakening, became denser and denser. The attacks of Heidi and Rebecca didn't change the situation slighter. In the initial position of the three soldiers, Betty has disappeared somehow.

  "Where is Betty?!" Gawain's heart tightened, and he shouted, "Betty!"

  Amber jumped out from the nearby shadows: "I just saw that little girl ran into the mist-it looked like sleepwalking!"

  "Oops... she lost her mind," Gawain was taken aback. "How can this mist of resentful spirits be so strange?!"

  Amber's face was full of fright: "I don't know how strange it is, the situation is already terrible, anyway!"

  "There is no sign of the mist of resentful spirits dissipating at all. It stands to reason that after being attacked for so long, no matter how powerful the mist is, it should be weakened a bit," Gao Wen quickly said of his judgments based on the knowledge in his mind, despite The memories are not his, but he found that as long as he actively mobilizes them, they will be as easy to use as his original knowledge and experience.

"And we have also judged before that the focus of magic here will not be very strong, such ordinary magic Center, how could this kind of mist of resentful spirits that can even produce spiritual intelligence?"

  Amber is very clever, and she realizes: "You mean this mist is not produced naturally? Is there any artificial energy source or the like to maintain it?"

  "It doesn't have to be an artificial energy source, but something is definitely maintaining it—" Gawain frowned and stared at the fog as if he wanted to penetrate the fog with his sight and see its essence clearly, "and the one that maintains it Something should be around here, but we are blinded to perceive and cannot see it at all!"

  "But Ms. Heidi has used magic to detect..." Amber said in confusion, and then suddenly opened his eyes, "... Isn't it on that level?!"

  Before the words fell, Gawain watched the half-elf lady suddenly jumped back, and her whole person disappeared into the space out of thin air.

  No, she did not disappear.

  Gawain noticed that there were abnormal shadows floating on the ground nearby. It was a vague silhouette of a human figure. It was vaguely recognizable as the outline of Amber. This outline is merely a shadow without the body and moving like teleportation. Jumping and shifting between various planes, sometimes appearing on the surface, sometimes appearing on the nearby tree trunks, and he totally lost track after it jumped several times.

  It was not an actual shadow, but a "reflection" of Amber walking on the edge of the material world in the state of shadow and it's actually projected in the material world.

  Such a simple, rude, and powerful "Shadow Walk" gave Gawain an eye-opener.

  What is the origin of this half-elf thief?

  Before Gao Wen raised more questions, Amber's figure suddenly appeared in the space again, and she rushed to his side. Just when Gawain wanted to ask about the situation, he was grabbed by the other party's arm and then pulled hard by her.

  Gawain staggered and then felt that he had passed through a cold, illusory barrier. When his eyes were focused again, the surrounding environment had changed.

  Everything has lost its color. There are only two colors in the world, black and white, and a thin layer of fog envelopes the world. The fog is cold, but it doesn't have the power to take life away like the mist of resentful spirits.

  Gao Wen looked around and found that the dense forest had disappeared, but there were dry stumps one after another on the surrounding ground, and the positions of those stumps exactly matched the positions of the trees in the forest.

  And everyone, including Heidi, was standing close to him, but they were standing still on the spot as if they had been hit by petrified magic.

  Rebecca's position is closest to Gawain's. She maintains a tense posture with her staff gripped tightly, but her eyes have no expression at all. She has turned into a gray-white "statue" and she looks at the front, empty and soulless. The statue is like some kind of rough ceramic product.

  The strands of black mist were rising from the ground nearby, digging into their bodies, and creating tiny cracks in their ceramic bodies.

  This weird and terrifying sight made Gawain look at his hands subconsciously. After confirming that these hands are still human arms, he breathed a sigh of relief. Then he squeezed the Trailblazer's sword and walked quickly towards Rebecca, preparing Cut off the black mist that was obviously harmful.

  But as soon as he took a half step, Amber suddenly appeared beside him, and the half-elf lady clung to his arm tightly: "Don't come close, external forces can't help them, accidentally, it will make the situation worse."

  Gao Wen looked at Amber at this moment in astonishment-she actually appeared in another form in this black and white world.

  Her hair looks longer and floating behind her as if there was no gravity, but the light brown eyes were filled with a faint golden light at the moment, and a cloud of black smoke, like a flame, gathered under her feet and kept repeating. The process of cohesion-dissipation.

  There is no knowledge in Gawain Cecil's memory that can explain the vision in front of his eyes.

  "Don't ask me too many things, if you asked it would embarrass me, especially I recently dug your grave, so it will make me feel guilty," Amber said quickly, "Our time Limited, it's the first time for me to enter such a 'deep' place, and then also drew you, and God knows how long it will last."

  "Where is this place?" Gao Wen asked his most concerned question.

  "Shadow Realm," Amber said faintly and pointed at the place where Heidi and the others were. "Let's see."

  This is where Betty and the soldiers stayed at the beginning, but one soldier has fallen to the ground at the moment, turned into countless pale fragments-really like broken porcelain, while the others are with Heidi. Byron still maintained the actions and demeanor when he had just contacted the mist of the Wraith Spirit.

  It's just that under the feet of Little Maid Betty, there is a row of tiny gleaming footprints extending forward...