
The Sword of Dawn

Gawain is crossed, but something went wrong when he traversed. After floating in the sky over an alien continent for hundreds of thousands of years, he felt that he might need a body to be a complete traverse, but he did not expect that he would still need to carry this body after he succeeded. Climbing out of the coffin and faced two frightened great great great great .. great-granddaughters. And a world that is about to usher at the end of the era.

LimitlessSage · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

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  This kind of creature hasn't appeared in the world of mortals for a long time. In fact, for the vast majority of intelligent races in the Loren continent, dragons are creatures between myth and reality. They clearly know the existence of these powerful creatures, but basically, no one can see an actual dragon in their lifetime.

  Except for those elves who talk about gods and are who live in the south, elves with long lifespans are well qualified to claim to be watchers of history. In the long history of the elven empire, there are records of interacting with dragons once or twice.

  Not only the Dragon has dark blue scales and huge wings. It is an elegant and powerful creature and it's flying across the sky while releasing a deadly breath.

The pillar of fire coming from its mouth is too hot, which contains ancient dragon magic, and its power is not so simple. The flames are so dazzling, where the pillar of fire swept across the earth, ignited by the raging fire, and it continued to burn and spread without stopping. After only a few breaths, the entire Cecil land was completely engulfed in the sea of ​​flames.

  After doing all this, the dragon hovered in the sky for a while, as if checking the effect of its own work and finally fluttered its wings, disappeared into the clouds.

  Gawain heard several deep breaths coming from his side, and everyone including Heidi didn't dare to open up their mouths and take a deep breath until now, if the dragon stayed for a while, I don't know who among them could not hold back and will faint to death.

  "Dragon...Dragon..." Rebecca clutched her staff tightly, muttering constantly in her mouth, "Ancestor, I saw the dragon..."

  Gao Wenqing coughed twice: "Ahem, you don't need to say, I saw it too."

  Only then did Rebecca wake up suddenly, gave Gawain a brief look of embarrassment, and then looked at Cecil with a complicated expression.

  Once ravaged by the Demon Tide and burned by Dragon again, this place is beyond repairable.

  And those monsters... Although they are rather tricky for the poorly fighting guards of Cecil, they are only the lowest level of distortions. Under the burning of dragon flames, they have almost all been wiped out. Even if there are still some who survived, their self will disintegrate after the dramatic changes in the surrounding environment and it will happen only in a matter of time.

  "I thought dragons would only appear in legends," the taciturn Knight Byron couldn't help but said. The three soldiers beside him were still swaying and unable to stand up. The always strict knights could not stand straight at this moment. He didn't blame them either but frowned. "My lord, have you ever dealt with dragons?"

  "No," Gao Wen shook his head. "Dragons are a very mysterious creature. Even when half of the Loren continent was turned upside down seven hundred years ago, they did not intervene in the world."

  Although he said so, Gawain was not too shocked by the gigantic creatures, because he had seen dragons from other side. He had seen such creatures more than once in those days when they appeared on the mainland, while he was hanging in the sky. It's just that the dragons are really mysterious. Even if Gao Wen in the sky for tens of thousands of years, the dragons he saw were quite limited. With the messy and trivial pictures, he can't sum up the characteristics and habits of dragons.

  At this time, the shadow next to Gao Wen suddenly shook twice, and he turned his head to look, and he saw Amber was standing behind him, and the half-elf lady's face was still somewhat astonished.

  "I saw the dragon!" Amber yelled, "My mother, I would never believe it—I saw a dragon! That's so big!"

  "Come on, we've seen it all here," Gao Wen glared at the timid and noisy thief. "Where did you go?"

  "Drilled in a crack in a nearby shadow," Amber said with her chest puffed up, "I have a first-rate ability to escape!"

  Gawain held his forehead and sighed: "Shadow Affinity is at least a master level, and the frontal combat ability is a bit stronger than that of a goose. You are quite proud."

  Then he shook his head: "It is not suitable to stay here for so long, let's leave quickly."

  He stepped down from the hillside. Although the dragon had already left, God knew that something weird would pop out, so leaving as soon as possible was the kingly way. But Heidi looked at the family territory for the last time with a complicated expression: "The ancestor... that dragon burned our territory."

  "He burned our corrupted land. actually, he burned those monsters." Gawain glanced at Heidi. He had examined when the dragon released its breath before, and it was basically directed at the monsters. The densest place it's sprayed, although I don't know why it has been sprayed in the wrong direction several times, the tendency of its quite obvious. "The Cecil people were gone before the dragon came."


  "Do you still want to be reasoned with the dragon?" Gawain shrugged, "Be practical. If you really want to do something, when we return to civilized society, report as soon as possible all about the monsters and dragons."

  Heidi couldn't argue, so she nodded: "Yes."

  In fact, Gawain understands Heidi's mood very well. Cecil is her hometown, where she was born and raised. Even though her hometown has been already destroyed, the hurdle in her heart is not so easy to pass, even if she knows it The dragon set another fire on the ruined land, even the fire was probably to burn the monsters, she would be a little unbearable.

  After all, this is considered to be whipping the body in person.

  However, it is difficult for Gawain to bring her enlightenment. He is not the ancestor of the Cecil family before he crawled out of the coffin...

  With all kinds of messy moods, the group of people left the area, and what stood in front of them was a dense forest.

  Heidi held the staff in one hand, and sketched a few light and dark runes in the air with the other hand, then looked up toward the dense forest: "You have to go through this forest to get back to the main road. That's the only way to Tanzan Town."

  Gao Wen looked at the rune shining in Heidi's hand with a curious and envious expression: "Magic is really a convenient thing..."

  "Ancestor?" Heidi was a little confused, and then showed some horrified expressions, "My skills upset you?"

  Gao Wen was taken aback: "Ah? Why should I be upset?"

  "The Cecil family has always been based on the power of knights. Martial arts and riding are the family orthodoxy, me and Rebecca have embarked on the path of mages... If it were placed over a hundred years ago, let alone inheritance rights., I'm afraid it will be a problem to gain a foothold in the family," Heidi explained a little nervously, "It's just... it's just that since that incident a hundred years ago, the family's status has plummeted, and the people have gradually withered. Children who can master extraordinary powers. Scarce, so paths other than the path of the Cavaliers are recognized...but anyway, it violates the rules of the family."

  Gao Wen said casually: "Who made this stupid X rule?"

  He has always hated this kind of typical pedantic family rules, who with an open mind.

  Unexpectedly, when he said these words, the atmosphere of the scene suddenly became subtle, and the Byron Knight lowered his head for the first time pretending to tie his shoelaces, even though he was wearing a pair of iron boots, Heidi was stunned on the spot, and Rebecca Two seconds later raised her finger timidly and pointed at himself.

  Gao Wen: "..."

  Retrieving the memory, back then... it seems something like this happened.

  When the young and energetic hero Gawain Cecil, after a triumphant return, drank and celebrated with Charles I, the founding king of the Kingdom of Anzu, with the wine, The two friends after drinking, discussed that today's great cause is about to be recorded in the annals of history, The group of people who led the tribe to flee to the north has now become pioneers and founders. It can be foreseen shortly there will be a wave of first-generation aristocrats, and as long as they can survive, this group with no background can born one after another ancient family with a long heritage...

  So, the two founding monarchs and ministers who had been drinking too much came together to think about whether they should in advance plan some family rules and family precepts to prevent future generations from forgetting the spirit of the ancestors.

The pioneers among the pioneers, the founders among the founders, Gawain Cecil and Charles I, should undoubtedly lead by example.

  So seven hundred years ago, Gawain Cecil took a sip of half a glass of wine, then glanced at the knight sword on his waist, raised his hand and waved a few splashes of ink on the table, leaving a line of words:

  The knight is better than the mage.

  Charles, I was very pleased when he saw it, so he brushed a few lines of ink:

  Gawain is right.

  The former became the ancestral motto of the Cecil family, the latter... the latter allowed the attendants and advisers of Charles I to follow.

  For the sake of the overall situation, the ministers and the sober-minded His Majesty the King certainly would not include such drunken talks in the basic national policy, but Gawain Cecil took it seriously.

Leaving from the memory bank, Gawain glanced at Heidi and Rebecca with embarrassment.

  He sighed: "If you drink too much back then, you don't have this rule..."

  Heidi & Rebecca: "...?"

  At this moment, a grunt from the belly of Amber next to him finally relieved Gao Wen.

  "Although I know it's a bit inappropriate to say this when your grandparents are enjoying the family-pleasant talks," the half-elf girl rubbed her belly with a little embarrassment, "but I'm a little hungry."

  Amber's hunger seemed to be the initial signal. After her voice fell, several sounds of gastrointestinal movements came from everyone on the scene.

  Even Gawain is no exception.

  It wasn't until this moment that Gao Wen realized that since leaving the gloomy tomb, everyone present, including him not eaten for a long time.

  And the time he hasn't eaten is especially longer than everyone. The last time he enjoyed the satisfaction of eating food, the monkeys on the Loren continent were far from walking upright.