
Chapter 2: The silly me

Because of my grandmother attachment to me I was most of the time living with her and I was a care free kid during the week days.

Our home was small but spacious and we had a rude yard full of fruit trees and vegetables and from time to time we also had some chickens and ducks. Well, we lived in a country side and this was like normal things.

The surroundings of our home was also very beautiful because we lived in a vale and it had a tropical forest, rivers and water cascades just at our door steps.

I love to climb trees and I was a very naught kid, because being alone all the time is not difficult to lieve the imagination to run wild. I have special passion for water and without fear I would jump into the river without knowing how to swim, and dive under the water cascades almost every day!!

Grandmother Bella was always paciente with me and had me being followed by our maid Rosa. But Rosa was already old and I was a kid full of energy and she could not catch me. This was fun as she walk with a guava stick to wipe my legs!

I was too clever and I knew when she was following me because she had the house keys in her pockets and it would make noises like a bell when she walked!!

...coming home all wet under the cold temperature was a normal thing for me. I was also aware that my grandmother would not punish me. Lucky me!! Not really, soon to find out how mother Carolina was not a kind woman to her pretty daughter.

I was constantly having ear infections and burning in fever during the night. We lived alone and my grandmother already have an advantage age, but she would get up in the middle of the night to run to her stepson's house as he was the pharmacist of our village to get medicine for me. Patiently grandmother Bella took care of me in this way several times during my happy childhood.

Friday is coming and my parents would be driving from the big city to spend the weekend with us.

My torment would already started in the morning when I knew that until Sunday I would be grumpy and not happy at all because I could not scape from my mother Carolina eyes and anger. I just could not stand to be close to her as I had fear of her.

My grandmother would tell me to go to the front gate to receive them. Father Pietro was always happy to hug me. I knew he loved his little girl but I could sense he was never very warm.

Something, I hoped he could be closer to me, play with me, read a book for me and many more other little dreams a silly girl could have about her father. Unfortunately father Pietro was very much controlled by mother Caroline and he never took the initiative to ask how was my week with grandmother Bella and what I have done during the week and if I was good or naughty again. Take me for a walk or maybe teach me to swim or ride a bike. I guess this wasn't on their plan.