

I finished my food as I wallowed in deep thought. I was grateful for Anna bringing me the food. In a way, it made me a little better. I gathered the empty plates and carried my tray downstairs. I was almost knocked over by some pack members. They were all walking towards the same area. I stop one of the girls. "Where's everybody going?"

"Pack meeting in ten minutes." She said and kept it moving. I dropped my tray in the kitchen and followed everybody to the meeting. I didn't have to go far. The pack members were starting to crowd the area in front of the Alphas house. Alex and Godric were front and center along with the three men I saw in the office earlier. I searched for Anna but couldn't find her, so I just took my place standing next to people I didn't know.

"Listen up!" Alex said in a voice I had never heard him use before. Instead of his kind, sweet, carefree voice; all I heard was authority. Everyone else must have heard it too because they quickly quieted down.

Then Godric begins to talk. "I have an announcement to make. As you all know, there's been an attack on a few packs. My father and some of his best fighters, along with my mother, and the Beta went to join these packs to fight off the rogues." I could feel his pain as the words dripped from his mouth. I braced myself for what would come next. "Alpha Ken is dead. The Beta is wounded. The Luna is wounded." The gasp, cries, and sobs from the crowd were enormous. People were hugging each other and crying. Alpha Ken was truly loved. He raised his hand to get their attention. "There is more. The rogues have taken prisoners and are trying to negotiate for their release." The pack where my father was killed has been almost completely destroyed and will move here to join us until they can rebuild. We will keep you all updated about the situation. For now, there is nothing else."

Once the announcement was over a few people gathered around Godric and Alex to talk to them. I felt a hand grab mine and I knew it was Anna. Her other hand was covering her mouth and her eyes were teary. "I just heard the pack that got attacked was where your parents were working."

She grabbed me and wrapped me in her arms. I hadn't been hugged like that since my parents left. I embraced her as the tears ran down my face.

"I know. I wanted to tell you but they made me promise. I tried to call my parents, but they are not answering their phones. Neither my dad nor my mom."

Trying to cheer me up she started giving me alternative circumstances. "Maybe they got captured and they're not dead. Maybe they're okay. Or maybe they moved on to another pack and they just haven't checked in yet. Either way, I will pray to the moon goddess for their safe return."

I thanked her and went back to my room. I dialed their numbers until my phone died. Later that evening, I decided to spend the night at Anna's. I could no longer take being in that room. I grabbed a bag of clothes and headed downstairs. There wasn't a wolf in sight. The house was completely empty. When I opened the front door, a brush of sweet air touched my face. Godric and Alex were standing on the porch handing out orders to some of the security guards.

As I passed them, Godric reached out to me. Stopping me in my tracks. "Where are you going Zaya?"

"To Anna's. I can't stay here alone. Or else I'll go crazy."

"You are not alone." I heard Alex say. "We are here. I'm sure Hailey is in her room." I thought about what he just said. Hailey's dad is the Beta. Or was the Beta. And he too was hurt during the attack. I didn't talk to her as much because she was good friends with Sophie, but she was still a nice person. And I would not wish this on her or anyone else.

"She can go," Godric told Alex. "But have her escorted to Anna's."

"I'll do it myself," Alex said. I looked at him to ask if he was sure. He held out his arms allowing me to continue on my way. I didn't mind walking with Alex. It was better than walking with some security guard I barely knew. He followed behind me and I could feel his eyes tearing a hole in my back.

"Why do I need an escort to walk to Anna's house. It's not on the outskirts of the pack land."

"These are weird times and we just want to make sure everyone is safe."

"Oh, so everyone gets an escort to walk from house to house?" I asked with a smart tongue.

He let out a small laugh. "You're funny when sometimes. You know that."

"You still haven't made clear your purpose of walking me to Anna's."

He nodded his head. "Funny and smart. Did Anna ever tell you how she came to the pack?"

I shook my head anticipating his story.

"Anna was only ten when a pack of rogues attacked us. After they were defeated, my parents visited their camp a hundred miles south of here. There were a few women left at the camp. The slaved women were set free and allowed to live among some of the packs if they wished. Or even return to their home packs from which they were taken. The rest of the women left at the camp were the mates of the wolves who attacked us. They refused to repent and were dealt with accordingly. Among the women was a girl. Anna. Both of her parents were killed during the battle. And no one wanted to claim her. That was the life of a rogue. My mother took one look at her and knew she belonged with us. But even though the Luna favored her, a lot of pack members were still cruel to her. No one wanted the child of a rogue around. Let alone two rogues. Seeing this, my mother took her under her wing. Not too long after that, the reformed rogue members started to resent her. So, my mother had this home built for her. This way Anna wouldn’t have to go home to a house full of hatred."

"Do people still feel like that? About Anna."

"Not really. A lot of the pack members people have come to like her. And she is accepted in many groups. But with the most recent attack from the rogues, I want you to be careful. There may be some wolves who may hold anger towards her, or any other rogues turned pack member."

Anna was waiting outside with a small blanket wrapped around her body as we approached. She smiled and waved at Alex. "Alright. You made it safe. I'm going to head back to the Alpha's house. We have so much to work on."

"Shouldn't you guys be resting? A lot happened today with the pack and your parents."

"We should be resting. But we have to meet with the builders to plan housing for the new pack members. And then I have to meet with the elders to plan the ascension ceremony for the new Alpha."

"Get some sleep, Alex. It seems like you are going to need it." I placed my hands on his shoulder. "Ouch!" I called out, snatching my hand back. A stinging feeling rushed my fingers. "What was that?"