
A Morning Run

The next morning I was awakened by my phone ringing. I reached around the nightstand until I found it. "Hello," I said with a raspy voice.

"Zaya? Are you okay? I called you all day yesterday." I could sense the irritation in his voice.

"Luke, I’m sorry. I wasn’t feeling well. I guess I slept all day. What time is it?" I asked seeing the dark sky through my window.

"It’s almost 5:30 in the morning. I was getting ready for school. Did I wake you?"

"Yes, you did. But it is ok I was about to get up anyway. I figured I might run before the day starts. I saw a path that leads into the forest."

"I’m glad there is a place for you to run. I know how important that is to you. But I’m more excited to hear your voice. How are you?"

I blushed at his words. "I miss you too Luke. And I’m fine."

"I wish I had more time to talk but I’m going to be late for practice. I just wanted to get you on the phone and hear your voice. I will call you later so you can tell me about this new home of yours. And maybe talk about me coming to visit." I didn’t respond. "Zaya, did you hear me?"

"Uh yes. I heard you. I need to go. Call me later." I hung up the phone knowing our time was coming to an end. Luke could never come here to visit me. Alex’s words were starting to sink in.

I put on my running clothes and made my way outside. When I was at the festival, I could see a path opening to the forest behind the house. It was still dark outside when I reached it. I took one good stretch and took off at my normal pace. A light jog. Being near the human cities meant I always had to hold back and never show my strength or speed. In all honesty, I had no idea how fast I could run. It didn’t take long for my pace to pick up. My body flowed through the forest like it never had before. Normally after a few miles, I would be tired. But this time, I felt empowered. I felt strong. I wasn’t sure if it was the atmosphere or the fact that my 18th birthday was coming soon and with it my wolf. And my full strength.

I ran until I saw the sun peaking behind the lowest mountains. When I stopped running, a light breeze caught my nose carrying the scent of fresh water and something else. I followed my nose to a small lake. But even after I found the water, I still could not make out the other smell. Whatever it was smelled good. Almost sweet.

The sight before me was beautiful. The trees were tall around the lake making it a place of true solitude. I heard a splash of water and a body rose out of the water. I gasped at the sight of his naked body. I turned around and tried to walk back towards the forest quietly.

"Where are you going little one?" I heard Godric shout from the lake.

I couldn’t face him, so I shouted over my shoulder. "I’m sorry. I didn’t know anyone was here. I’m going back to the house."

"Nonsense. You don’t have to run off so quick."

"I’m not running. Just giving you some space." I finally turned to face him.

"I’m not asking for any space. You can join if you like or just sit by the water."

"Hmm. I don’t know about that." I watched as he continued to bathe himself, never taking his eyes off me. I wanted to walk away. Retreat to the comfort of my room. But something in the air was keeping my feet from moving away. There was a dock close by. I took my shoes off, walked to the end of the dock, and placed my feet in the water. It was cool against my warm skin.

"Now doesn’t that feel good?" He floated around the dock on his back. "You’re up early today. Anxious about training?"

"No. I always run in the morning. Sometimes at night. I saw the path during the festival and thought I would check it out." My feet swayed through the water as he swam closer to me.

"Be careful running in these woods. You aren’t that familiar with our lands. I would hate for you to get lost. Or worst. I would hate for someone to take you."

"But you are out here alone in the woods."

"No one is going to take me." I was confused by his words. Who would take me?

A gush of wind flowed over the lake, covering both of us. "What is that smell?" I asked while breathing deeply. My nose was in the air trying to catch the scent. "It’s so sweet." He laughed at me. "What’s so funny?"

"How old are you?"

"I’ll be eighteen in a few weeks. Why?"

"Your wolf is coming soon."

"How do you know this?"

"First, you slept all day yesterday. And now scents are stronger to you."

"Do you already have your wolf?" I asked him, not exactly sure of his age. Though he seemed to be a few years older than me.

"For a few years now. If you are asking my age, I am twenty-one."

I ignored his second comment. "And you went through the same thing. Sleep and smelling sweet things?"

"Yeah. Only I can't say why you are smelling something sweet. Scents were stronger to me but not sweet. It’s almost time for breakfast, we should get back."

Godric climbed out of the lake with nothing but a pair of thin shorts. I closed my eyes embarrassed at my first thoughts. The muscles in his chest and shoulders were toned beyond anything I had ever seen. He made Luke look like a little boy. I shook my head to clear my mind and left the dock to get my shoes while Godric got dressed not far away. We walked back to the house enjoying the morning air in silence.

"Earlier you mentioned something about me being taken. Were you serious?" I asked replaying the conversation we just had.

"Yes, I was. We often get rogues in these parts of the woods." I glanced at his face to see if he was serious. His eyes said he wasn’t joking. "They have been known to take a few girls before. We have been working extra hard to build our stronghold and train everyone."

"Is that why your guards captured that man yesterday? Was he helping the rogues take girls from this pack?" I was reaching with that question. But I was curious about what was going on last night and hoping Godric would explain.

He replied, "Not really. The guy was indeed working with the rogues, but not to take girls." He chuckled a little. I didn't reply to his comment. Or ask any more questions. I just wondered why my parents thought I would be safe here.

By the time we made it back, everyone was piling into the dining hall. I followed Godric in. Everyone was taking seats. I stopped and started looking for an open seat as I realized my parents were no longer at the head of the table with the Luna and Alpha Ken. I hesitated not knowing who to sit next to. Godric was already walking toward his seat when he realized I was no longer behind him.

He looked at me and said, "Come on. You can sit with us." When we got to the head of the table, there were two seats untouched next to Alex.

Soon after we took our seats, Alpha Ken stood up raising his hand to get everyone’s attention. His face was serious, unlike the day before. I wondered if it had anything to do with the captured guy last night. Once the room was quiet, he addressed the pack. "Blood Moon Pack. As you are well aware, there have been a few attacks on our lands and our sister packs. We caught one of the traitors last night and he has confessed to many crimes. But what you should all know is that he has also confessed that the rogues plan an attack on one of our neighbors."