

“Your life as a Knight has over, Rezvan.” In the life and death situation, I only have two choice: Die as The Weakest Knight or Stay alive as a Secret Magician. Even though I'll struggle alone in this hell, as long as it can protect my family from this chaotic world, I'll keep striving to become a Supreme Magician!

R_M_2897 · Fantaisie
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79 Chs

The End of the Simulation

Chapter 11 The End of the Simulation

Run! Run! Run!

I'm unsure how many times the clock tower had passed, probably more than a hundred or thousand, maybe?

All activities I do only include running and shooting those accursed Golems.

I know The Golems rushed to annihilate me only from the sound of the quivering ground, followed by the shaking steps from behind.

I look slightly, and four Giant Golems are running toward me with murderous intent, but that does not make me falter anymore.

Their location is still far away, approximately one mile behind me, which is my opportunity to strike them.

I quickly turned around my body while simultaneously aiming my palm hand at each of the heads of the Golems.


The imagination of gunfire sounds fills my mind in a glance as the gray aura on both my palms releases six of the magic bullet.

All Giant Golems fall apart as four of six of my shooting star penetrate each of their head.

Their fall is not the end because I hear another sound of gigantic steps coming near simultaneously from the east and the west of me.

I spread my right palm to the east and left to the west.

Even without seeing it directly, thanks to the Soul's Spirit, I can sense these four Golems' location and their impulsive intent.

Two golems from the east and two golems from the west.

They all rushed with rage for hammering me with their gigantic stone fist.

They roughly ranged half a mile from me, so it's still on my long-range shot.

My Soul's Spirit had been triggered, as the four Soul's Strike from each my palm hand aimed their head.

Six of eight of my Soul's Strike successfully impaled the head of four golems.

All their collapsed bodies become rumbling stones that swarmed the road.

As I barely catch my breath, the enormous sound of a gigantic landing, followed by a momentary earthquake, makes me realize the battle is not over.

In the north end, the remaining Giant Golem with a slender body and gigantic fist is staring at me.

The Giant Golem location is around one mile from me, but it swiftly becomes closer as it runs like a wild Gorilla.

My instinct snapped as I predicted this Gorilla Golem could reach me in less than five minutes.

I quickly aimed and barraged the Gorilla Golem's head with magical bullets.

But, my God, none of the bullets penetrate or even scratch the Gorilla Golem because its slimmed head easily avoids all my shots.

The result is still naught as I try to shoot the Gorilla Golem's leg as it jumps rapidly to pass my attempt to stop its agility.

"Remember your magic energy limitation and its regeneration. Attacking your enemy recklessly will only open your defense."

Amdarais's advice pops up in my mind, making me immediately stop the rapid Soul's Strike.

The tremor shakes my body entirely, indicating the Gorilla Golem almost reaching me.

It is too late to escape, so I quickly activate the magic barrier with my remaining magic energy.

A few seconds after the magical barrier protecting my entire body, The Gorilla Golem fist struck harshly.

That punch forced my body very far away into the wall of the town hall ruins.


I kneel with a grimace.

If my magical barrier was late, probably my backbone would be cracked.

As I breathe in pain, The Soul's Spirit regenerates my magical energy gradually into my limit.

I gritted my teeth and swallowed all pain since the Gorilla Golem dashed with anguish to destroy me.

It would be difficult for me if this damn Golem was already in short range.

However, I understand that's the only way to defeat this menacing Golem.

As I concentrated more deeply, the Soul's Spirit blessed both my legs; the gray aura that shone on my feet made my body lighter.

I ran toward the Gorilla Golem as fast as possible while maintaining my concentration on its fist.

A few seconds passed, and our distance was madly close.

The Gorilla Golem moves its two fists first like a hammer to slam my body.

I had already predicted that deadly attempt a few seconds earlier as I slid through between its legs, so I managed to avoid that.

I feel the time is frozen as I stop below the Gorilla Golem.

With a gleaming gray aura, my palm lifted, aimed at The Gorilla Golem's head from below its body.

My Soul's Strike rocketed, piercing from the bellow of Gorilla Golem's waist until its head fiercely.

The Gorilla Golem crumbles as its yellow eyes die out and its body breaks into pieces.

Still lying down, I am panting heavily.

The blue sky I can see now is obviously a sign that the menacing Golem has already been destroyed.

Suddenly, the blue sky I see becomes half because Amdarais tilt his body while staring at me with his grin.

"It's the 250th Giant Golem you had destroyed in these two year, Rezvan. That last one is the strongest Giant Golem I had."

Amdarais said with constant chuckles.

"Two years for non-stop fighting with those Giant Golems? Time really flies in this place."

I mumbled.

"…If I add the time I learn Soul's Spirit, it would be three years of training. So that means it's only three hours in my place, right?"

I asked this repeatedly because I worry if it was not true, then I will make my sisters panic.

Besides time, Amdarais explained that I do not need to eat, drink, and sleep here because the Soul's Spirit could facilitate all of that in this dimension.

Sounds useful, but only train with total torture here is absolutely not a leisure place.

"Sure, Rezvan. Do you want to go back? I think you did very well in this training."

"Yeah…probably it's a good time to rest in my place."

"It's just a beginning though. Those Giant Golems are only a simulation for you to adapt yourself so you can be well prepared for fighting a real monster in the Dungeon."

I stand up and straighten my back.

"I thought those Giant Golems could elevate my Magician skill somehow…."

Amdarais pointed his finger toward my left chest.

I can feel the cold of his bone finger.

"As I said, training here is only for you to adapt yourself with Soul's Spirit. You had a significant change in moving, shooting, avoiding, and sense, indicating that your intelligence, cleverness, and vitality are adequate."

"Wait, what?"

Amdarais now circling his finger on my chest.

The gray aura on my chest immediately formed a gray star-shaped symbols

"Intelligence, cleverness, and vitality. To become a prime Magician, you only need to focus on these symbols. It will imply to increase in your magic energy limitation, the strength of your magic attack and buff, and the speed of spelling your magic."

Amdarais only point out the center area of the star symbol.

"All these symbols could strengthen after you reinforce them with Monsters Diamond."

"Ah, I need those diamonds for me 'leveling-up,' huh?"

Amdarais look at me with confusion.

"Levelling up?"

"Well, to put it simply, it means to power up, as you said."

Amdarais nodded slowly.

Probably this word is unfamiliar to him.

"So…our next goal is to power up, right? Where do you think we should collect the Monster Diamonds?"

"Probably Beast monster. They are just a bunch of dumb and wild animals that always getting controlled by the Goblins and The Dark Elves. It might take time to cultivate their diamond energy, but it is safer in that way."

Since Amdarais can open Dungeon Gate by himself, I'm sure he can take me to the place full of Beast to strengthen my Magician skill.

After a long silence to relax for a bit, I look away at the debris of houses in this city.

"What happened in this town?"

I asked Amdarais curiously because this is my biggest question after training here for over three years.

"The dragons, led by the Dark Elves, destroyed this city brutally. Only the Clock Tower survived because my apprentices managed to defend it."

"Hmm…. how're your apprentices?"

"They all die. Murdered."

Amdarais's voice becomes low tone.

Looking at his palm hand clenched, I guess The Dragons related to his vengeance.

As far as I remember, when I was a Knight, the lowest rate of Dragons Monster was an A-rank Monster.

The dragon was well-known dangerous with its bite, claw, and fire breath.

I haven't gone hunting the dragons, but it is well known that dragons are threatening because they move in a group.

Last year, two Raid Team of B-rank Knights died because of getting ambushed by The Dragons.

If The Dragons could make almost every house in this city crumble, it's reasonable to be cautious when hunting them.

However, deep inside my heart, it is not the right path.

It's strange, and I also can't explain why this feeling always emerges out of nowhere.

Still, this kind of feeling resonates inside of me.

I had this familiar feeling when I requested Amdarais to summon his Giant Golems more so I could practice more vigorously.

Is it because I'm bored?

Do I seek a deathly way again like a dumb?

Or is it simply I want to become stronger?

The last one might be the most relevant to me.

At this second opportunity in life, becoming more potent than before was always the right path.

The death in the path always haunting, but in the end, it's the only way for me.

When my heart is full of faith, I can sense The Soul's Spirit glowing its gray light to support me in collecting the Dragon's Diamonds.

"Let's hunt The Dragon."

I asked casually.

Amdarais stared at me for a while with opened mouth.

"Are you joking?"

"No, I'm serious. Dead serious."