
Chapter 9: Humiliating Treatment

"That's enough practice today," said Clara.

"Yes, thank you. You taught me the technique of your family's sword god. Even though this technique is very private, why did you want to teach it to me?" asked Benedict with a worn look on his face because it was not appropriate for the Gomez clan's very secret sword god technique to be taught to others. Clara even taught it to Benedict for free.

"It's okay." Clara shook her head lightly.

Then continuing, Clara's lips smiled slightly, "You are my best friend, and I trust you. Besides, it's just one sword god technique, not the whole technique. So I don't think it's a problem."

"Thank you again." Benedict bowed respectfully to Clara with the corners of his lips forming a satisfied smile as Clara let Benedict master his clan's divine sword technique.

"You're welcome." Clara also bowed respectfully to Benedict, with the corners of her lips forming a wide smile.

The four of them had finished training today and gathered at the academy canteen to eat.

Suddenly Vincent and Raquel approached the table of the four of them.

"Hi, Jacob!" greeted Vincent with a sarcastic smile, pointing at Jennifer, Clara, and Benedict individually.

"Why are you even sitting with this rubbish? Ashamed of your title as the eldest son of the Marseille family, the richest family in the Babylon sector."

"None of your business; go away!" Jacob replied with a stern tone and a flat face because he hated Vincent, who liked to look down on others, especially if they were weak and poor.

"You'll get poor from this idiot," Vincent sneered as he pushed the back of Benedict's head.

Clara and Jennifer gnashed their teeth, their hands clenched into fists, their emotions running high. But Benedict shook his head not to get provoked and make a scene with Vincent.

"I'm sure you're afraid of Benedict; that's why you live under Raquel's armpit," Jacob sneered, deliberately provoking Vincent to get angry and cause a scene in the canteen.

"Fuck you, Jacob! I'm not afraid of you! Especially not this poor fool!" said Vincent with a furious grin and pointed at Benedict's face.

Jacob glances at Benedict, giving the code to challenge Vincent because Josephin believes that with Benedict's strength now, he can defeat Vincent, who is always arrogant.

"Let's fight! The bet is that the loser has to strip naked, give up all his resources, and run naked around the academy!" Benedict challenged with a sly grin.

"Okay, I'm not scared of you, you idiot! I'll make sure you're the one who loses!" Vincent snapped, pointing at Benedict's face.

Then the man continued, "We will meet at the academy arena tonight at 23.00."

Vincent took Angelin by the arm and left the four very upset.

"Benedict, don't be rash! Just cancel your fight with Vincent. You know he is level 5, and you are only level 1; your strength and Vincent's strength are like earth and heaven," prevented Clara with a worried look on her face and tugged Benedict's arm.

Then the girl continued, "Vincent also has weapons at the platinum level called yellow flash sword and flash power."

"Never mind, Clara. Let's trust Benedict with everything. Benedict will win; you've seen Benedict, who can beat Jennifer. Isn't that right, Jennifer?" said Jacob, his eyes glancing at Jennifer.


"Idiot!" Clara hit Jacob on the head.

"Jennifer is level 3; Vincent is level 5. The strength is much different. It's like hell below level 7 and heaven above level 7."

"Aww..." Jacob squealed while stroking his sore head.

"What the heck, I don't care, and I'm still rooting for Benedict to make that snob know which is diamond and which is rubbish. If Benedict wins, I, Jacob Marseille, the most handsome man in the Babylon sector, promise to treat you both to a month's worth of meals at the academy canteen."

Clara and Jennifer's eyes lit up when they heard Jacob's promise to treat them both for a month.

"Yes, I will also support Benedict!" said Clara and Jennifer enthusiastically.

"Ah suck... damn it! Both of them were immediately happy after hearing the word treat.

"What an unstable teenager!" cursed Joseph inwardly with an annoyed grin.


At 11.10 pm at the Galdorien School military academy arena, all the officers and mentors were fast asleep, and only a few security guards were patrolling the perimeter of the academy. They fought without being noticed by anyone, including the mentors and the academy supervisors.

"Hey, fool! You better give up, kneel at my feet, and lick this shoe naked." Vincent lifted his right shoe and tapped it while laughing evilly with a condescending look.

"I am indeed weak and stupid. But don't talk too much; only this punch can prove who is weak and strong." Benedict pointed his fist at Vincent, his gaze intense.

"Ah, scary. Hahahaha! Well, don't you regret it, poor boy? I've been kind to you to get you to lick my shoes," Vincent sneered.

"Raquel and Jacob, you will be the referees!"

"Okay, the rules are no killing, only fainting or surrendering, and if one of the participants leaves the arena, it's a loss."

"Game on!" shouted Jacob as he raised his right hand.

"Lightning movement!" Vincent's body was enveloped in yellow lightning, and he ran quickly to the right and left to outwit Benedict. As soon as he was within 2 metres of Benedict, Vincent formed a ball of lightning in his right hand, "Birds chirping!" then the man struck Benedict in the chest.

"Earth wall!" An earth wall appeared, blocking Vincent's lightning strike. Vincent's lightning strike pierced the earth wall; Benedict backed up only 35cm.

"Phew... that was close." Benedict turned deathly pale and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Fool! Even if earth power is rare, it is weak against flash power. A fool is still a fool!" Vincent sped up and was already beside Benedict, sending a sidekick towards Benedict's chest.

BAAM! Benedict parried by crossing his arms in the centre of his chest. Vincent's kick was too strong, but he bounced off the edge of the cage.

PACK! The soles of Benedict's feet rubbed against the surface of the arena. Vincent drew his back sword. The man said, "I'll end it now. Yellow flash sword: Flash slash!"

Vincent's sword was enveloped in a yellow aura and lightning sparks, then slashed horizontally, bringing forth a sickle-shaped silhouette darting quickly towards Benedict.

"Small stone mode: Dark blaze! Sword god technique: Azure Dragon!" Benedict took out a small stone from the system inventory, and in a split second, the small stone turned into a black katana. Benedict deflected the scythe silhouette to the right of his body and hit the arena chair.

BOOM! Fifty arena seats were smashed to pieces.

"No way? My ultimate sword technique has never had a single Aetherians be able to counter it," Vincent muttered, rounding his eyes.

Benedict ran quickly towards Vincent; when he arrived in front of Vincent, who was in shock, Benedict slashed Vincent very quickly and had no intention of killing Vincent at all. His slash only left Vincent's body slashed and his clothes in tatters.


"Argh," Vincent screeched loudly and could not keep up with Benedict's slashes which were too fast, the tempo of his movements. Vincent was hit mentally after Benedict successfully parried his ultimate technique.

"I won't lose, aaargh!" Vincent groaned loudly and unleashed a shockwave from within his body, sending Benedict crashing into the arena's perimeter a second time.


Benedict leaned on his left leg to keep from going out of bounds. "Damn! Why is he suddenly that strong?"

Benedict widened his eyes, a questioning look on his face. "Armour god lightning!"

Vincent's body was enveloped in sparks of red lightning and flashed. The yellow flash sword was also enveloped in gurgling red lightning. Vincent darted very fast to stab at his chest, a furious grin on his face, the muscle veins bulging.


Vincent's sword and Benedict's sword clashed, and Benedict successfully anticipated Vincent's slash. The two swords clashed so fast that the ordinary eye could not see them. Sometimes they appeared in the air; sometimes, they appeared on the arena's surface.

"Benedict can draw with Vincent, who is level 5, amazing!" Clara widened her eyes with the corners bent into a satisfied smile.

"Crazy storm, phoenix!" The dark blaze was gradually enveloped in burning flames and began to slash vigorously. Vincent was slightly pushed back and continued to evade Benedict's slashing attacks with a somewhat unsteady body.