
Chapter 7: Fantastic Four

Gwen and I arrived at class on time.

Our first class of the day being AP Biology together.

Which we both got through without even trying.

Then after that when AP Bio ended we went our separate ways, since our schedule didn't match up again until lunch then AP Chemistry in the afternoon.

So with that I followed my own class schedule.

But as I did I noticed people were staring at me and whispering about me.

Then as soon as I would get close to them they would instantly stop talking.

'Okay. That's weird.' I thought.

So I tried to find out what everyone sudden interest was in me but no one would tell me.

Due to this I found myself with only one avenue remaining to uncover the details of this mystery.

My friends.

When lunch came we all met up as usual, and then sat down at our usual table in the cafeteria.

After we did I just decided to ask my question and rip the proverbial band-aid off.

"So, you guys know why I am suddenly the most popular guy in school?" I asked.

"Pete, you're telling me you seriously don't know?" Harry asked me.

When he did I gave him a flat look. "No Harry, I do know why everyone is suddenly looking at me and whispering about me. That's why I'm asking you all." I sarcastically spoke.

"Haha Pete, very funny." Harry replied.

"Thanks.". I said. "But seriously, what is going on?"

"Dude, they're saying you beat up Flash this morning." Ned spoke.

When he did I couldn't help but laugh a bit.

"So it's true, you did beat up Flash." Ned said. "That means I'm friends with the new strongest kid in school." He spoke.

"No, Ned. No." I spoke. "First off, I am not the strongest kid in school."

Well technically speaking I am, but that's not relevant at the moment.

"Secondly, I didn't beat up Flash." I said. "Physically at least. No instead I hurt him with words. Since that old rhyme is a straight up lie. Words hurt just as much as sticks and stones. Sometimes worse. Which is what Flash gets for being a bully." I said. "And I don't regret my actions. Because seriously, enough is enough with that guy."

"I hear that." Harry added.

"So Peter, do you think your words got through to him?" Gwen asked him.

I shrugged my shoulders in response. "Who knows. Only time will tell." I said.

I then went back to eating my food.

Only to stop when Flash entered the cafeteria and looked directly at me.

He did this for a few seconds.

But in find end that's all he did.

Soon he began moving again, and everyone that had been watching, went back to their own business as well.

"Wow, that was tense." Ned said.

Ah, don't ever change Ned.

Don't ever change.


[January 3rd, 2011]

Humming the Spiderman 1994 theme song, which is a song that actually exists in this world, I walked on the streets with my fellow New Yorkers.

My destination, the headquarters of the Fantastic Four.

Because today I have a meeting with them.

Since right before winter break I managed to finished re-creating the Medi-gel formula from the Mass Effect series, and then submitted my idea on a Grant application to the F4 website.

I heard back from them last week, and so now here I am.

On my way to meet some of the most well-known heroes in the Marvel universe.

I can't tell you how excited this makes me.

Continuing on my way I arrived at my destination in another thirty minutes.

The famous Baxter Building.

[Insert Image of Baxter Building Here]

Looking at it I have to admit it's even more amazing in person.

After taking a moment to take in the building I headed inside.

Then right up to the front counter, where a man was seated watching a small screen television he had set up.

When I got close he looked at me.

"Names Peter Parker, and I'm here with a meeting with the Fantastic Four." I told him.

When I did the man simply pointed, and so I followed the direction of his finger to see a small floating robot heading towards me.

Who is none other than HERBIE. The F4 robotic assistant/nanny.

At least when Franklin and Valeria are born.

Which might be soon considering Reed and Susan are already married in this reality.

But I do hope it's not to soon.

Since I am in no way prepared to deal with that little reality warper Franklin.

Just thinking about that child sends a shiver across my entire body.

The same for his father.


Which is another reason I wanted to forge a connection with the F4. To keep an eye on him. Given what I know about the various versions of him.

Since if Reed Richards has a bad day the entire multiverse could be in danger.

Yeah, and since this is my home now I don't want a version of 'The Maker' to be born here.

That's why I've taken it upon myself to keep an eye on Reed Richards, and if I see him going too dark then...

Well, let's just say I hope that day never comes.

For his sake.

Moving on.

Soon HERBIE had floated in front of me.

"Greetings." He said. Sounding exactly like he did in the Superhero Squad Show cartoon in my previous life. "My name is HERBIE. I work for the Fantastic Four, and from my memory banks I know you are the grant applicant we have a meeting with today. Peter Parker."

"Yep, that's me." I replied.

"Excellent. Then follow me." HERBIE said.

So that's exactly what I did.

The two of us then headed into the elevator and rode it all the way up to floor 31 of the building.

One of the five floors the F4 use as their headquarters/home.

When the elevator doors opened HERBIE began guiding me.

Until eventually we reached a place that would be every scientist wet dream.

"Welcome to Dr. Richards personal lab." HERBIE told me.

"Thanks." I replied.

Not even really focusing on HERBIE anymore as I hungrily took in all that I saw in Reed's lab.

From the equipment, to the inventions, etc.

Now I truly understand why he's call Mr. Fantastic.

Still doesn't mean I won't keep an eye on him though.

"Ah, you must be Peter Parker." A female voice said.

When it spoke I looked in its direction and saw none other than Susan Storm, the famous Invisible Woman walking towards me.

[Insert Image of Susan Storm/Invisible Woman Here]

As I looked at her my teenage hormones started flaring up and a single thought crossed my mind.

'Damn, she's hot.'

Seriously, not even the rule34 images I saw of her in my previous life do Susan Storm justice.

Now I can see why many version of Richards, and even Doom, simp for her.

Oh and if Susan's beauty isn't enough she's also an extremely gifted biologist and geneticist, just like in the F4 films.

She's actually one of Gwen's heroes.

Boy, I wonder what kind of face she'll make when I tell her I met one of her idols?

I'm sure it will be a sight to see.

"Excuse me, Mr. Parker?"

"Mhm,yes. Sorry." I said. Getting out of my thoughts when Susan called to me. "That's me. And might I say what a pleasure it is to meet you Dr. Storm." I told her.

"Why thank you." Susan replied. "Now then if you'll please follow me we'll need one more thing before we can begin discussing the details of your grant application." She spoke.

"Okay." I said.

I then followed Susan, HERBIE with us, until our group of three reached a man manipulating several holographic projections at once.

Mr. Fantastic himself, Reed Richards.

[Insert Image of Reed Richards/Mr. Fantastic Here]

"Honey, our ten o'clock appointment is here." Susan spoke.

"Mhm, okay." Reed said.

He then stopped working and focused on me.

"Who are you?" He bluntly asked.

Leading Susan to sigh and shake her head.

While HERBIE made a deadpan face icon appear on his face monitor.

"Reed. This is Peter Parker. The grant applicant I told you we would be interviewing today." Susan explained.

"Oh right, sorry." Reed replied a few seconds later.

Leading me to put a wry smile on my face.

I hope this meeting goes well.