
The Super Team: Tales of Julia Gurl

Upon Tiran resurrection, the set of heroes has been born to stop Tiran, and their leader is Julia Gurl a 20 year old, most powerful from the Gurl's bloodline and the strongest being in the world of Humans after Tiran, who now wants to end her because she is a threat, will Tiran succeed? Or Julia will destroy him? Julia later finds out an ultimate secret about her existence and the secret of her Crush, she doesn't know whether to love him or not, but she chooses to continue life with her lover, and team now expands from 3 to 5, and Julia is happy about it, she now has a chance of defeating Tiran, but will that be the end of him? Or it is just from one bad state to a worst one, read this book to find out the tales of Julia Gurl AKA Ladylight

Tega_Asadarho · Fantaisie
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Nightmare Part 1

Nightmare Part 1

They all were shocked at the disappearance of Giran, then everyone started asking who

they were, and then Ladylight said; "We are The Super Team here to make Treasure city a better

place away from world's greatest evil Tiran, for he holds the power to destruction and darkness

and I am Ladylight"

"Wow heroes in Treasure city awesome" said a reporter who was with a microphone and

someone who was recording her, then she said; "I am Lisa a reporter Good day channels, and I

have a few questions if you are Lady wind who are they" then she pointed at Speedster (William)

and Sunshine (May).

"I am speedster" said Speedster (William).

"And I am Sunshine" said Sunshine (May).

"Sorry, but we've got to go" said Ladylight, then they all pressed their transcom, and they


They appeared in the base, and then they said; "Power off" and then they transformed

back to themselves.

"Look I don't understand anything first we a group of robots which Tiran called; 'T-bots'

and now a monster that can talk? This is all getting crazy" said Julia.

"I understand your complains, those group of robots you battled last night are called T-

bots created by Tiran himself, a merciless and heartless killer created for destruction, and that

monster you speak of is a Minran, another of Tiran's creation but more advance than the T-bots

that is why they could speak and if you fought one today, it means Tiran is ready for this battle"

said Commander Alex.

"Commander, I picked this up during the battle with Giran" said Julia as she gave the

commander the white stone. Then the commander gave to Sabrina (a researcher and an inventor,

she was the one who invented The Super Team's transcom, which they use to transform into

superheroes) minutes later she came back and told the commander and the super team that it is a

very power crystal used to power up anything to become more powerful than ever.

"So that's what he used to power up the scepter" said William.

Then the red light started beaming again. Then Sabrina said; "There is disturbance

downtown its Giran, he is back again, I think you will need more power this time, so I created

these weapons (then she pressed a button and a door opened displaying their weapons) you may

need them" said Sabrina.

"Thanks Sab" said May and William.

"Thanks Sab! I guess, is that your name?" asked Julia.

Then they pressed a button on their transcom and then they disappeared and they

appeared downtown.

"I don't think anything is going on here" said May.

"Shhh, do you hear that?" asked Julia, then they all became quite and listened closely,

they heard a strange sound.

"That's weird, it sounds like someone is digging" said Speedster (William).

"No something is clawing its way out" said Julia.

Then they got a call from the commander saying; "Super team our scanners shows that

something is clawing its way right under where you are"

"What does it mean?" said William."It means we should leave this spot" answered Julia and May at once as they both ran out

of there. Then something flew out of the ground hardly causing William who was still standing

there to fall. Then they saw that it was Giran, then he said; "Isn't this quite an upgrade, I now

have the ability to both dig into the soil and claw my way...…."

"Save it" said William

"Let's transform," said Julia.

Then William pressed his transcom and said; "Cheetah, paws out, Elephant, collide" then

he transformed and said again; "Speedster, power of speed and Strenght"

Then May also pressed her trancom and said; "Dragon, flames on, Whale unite power

unleash" and then she transformed and she said again; "Sunshine, the power of sun and sea"

Then Julia pressed her transcom and said; "Wings out, power unleash" then she

transformed into Lady light and she said again; "Ladylight, power of the wind and moon"

"I don't care who you are but I will make a quick work of all of you" said Giran as he

attacked them. Then they started fighting, Speedster (William) called upon his power of speed

saying; "With the power of a cheetah, grant me the power of speed" then he started running very

speed and was striking Giran, although it hurt Giran but they would need more of that to stop


Then Sunshine (May) summoned the power of the sun saying; "I summon you power of

the sun, oh mighty dragon grant me your heat" then she started glowing very bright and then she

strike at Giran, and Giran flew through the power of the waves and he fell very hard causing the

ground to break.

Then an idea caught Julia and then she said; "Why didn't I think of it before, we all have

our powers and we have special animals behind that power, so if we combine both our powers

and animal spirits we will beat him"

"Yeah! Super team that might work" The commander told them through his call.

"Alright!" They all said.

"With the power of both the cheetah and Elephant, I call on the power of Strength and

Speed" said Speedster (William).

"With the power of both the dragon and Whale, I call on the power of the Sun and Sea"

said Sunshine (May).

"With the power of all things that fly, I call on the power of Wind and Moon" said

Ladylight (Julia).

Then they all strike at Giran, then he fell and started screaming; "No!!!!!!" then he

destroyed, as soon as Giran destroyed, Speedster (William) and Sunshine (May) fell on the floor.

Then Ladylight (Julia) asked them what was wrong with them, but they were too weak to


When they went back to base, they took May and William to the STF clinic, then Julia

asked the commander; "What's wrong with them?"

"They over use their powers, so they are weak" said Commander Damien.

"Over use?" asked Julia confused

"Yes over use, they used their powers at first and then they used it twice the power they

first used, they used the ultra-mode and it made them really weak" said Commander Damien.

Then the red light started beaming loudly again, then the commander said; "There is a

Minran at the park, the others are still weak, you got to go alone" said Commander Damien."Wings out, power unleash" said Julia, then she ran out of the command room and base

and when she was outside, she then flew to the park, and then she saw a Minran destroying

everything in its way, and scaring people"

"Hey! Why don't you pick on someone your own size" said Ladylight (Julia)

"And I think that would be you" said the Minran

"Maybe, I'm not sure, but the one thing I'm sure about, is that you are coming with me"

said Ladylight (Julia).

"Jungy is not coming with you" said the Minran

"So you are Jungy? What a funny name sound like the name of a pet, are you one?"

asked Ladylight (Julia).

"Now you've made Jungy mad" said Jungy as he attacked her.

Then they started fighting, then Julia appeared her bow, then she took an arrow and

started firing at him. Then Jungy said; "If this is how you wish to do it, I summon you power of


Then he pointed at Julia's head, and immediately she fell, and started seeing her hands

stained with blood, she was in a place where there was no sun and she was being chased by a

demon, then she said; "I hate demons"

There were so many of them, chasing her and when she checked her left hand she saw

that she wasn't wearing her transcom, then she saw Jungy started in front of her, and then he

said; "How do you like my magical world, the world of nightmares where all of your greatest

fears come to reality, it is unescapable, and slowly your fears will kill you"

Then she picked up a wood and hit him, but it didn't touch him, it passed through him

like as if he was a ghost. Then he said; "Nice try, but in this world I rule and I am an immortal

here in the Nightmare world, only me can come and escape this place"

Then Julia smiled and said; "My friends will find me, you can't keep me here forever"

"Well if your friends come find you, they will join you" said Jungy then he disappeared.

As Julia was running, she saw a woman coming, and she was covered in blood, then she

recognised her as her mother. Then she started crying and she said; "Maybe Jungy is right I can't

escape here"

Then she wiped her tears and said; "I am from the Gurl's dynasty I will find a way out"

then she kept on moving deeper and deeper into the forest, then she found a lake, and the lake

was right under the moon, then she said; "Strange, this is the only place the moon is, it wasn't in

the other side" then she fell on the ground, and her eyes closed.

Meanwhile back at STF, the Sabrina told Commander Damien that he had lost contact

with Julia, and her transcom can't be tracked. Then Commander Damien said; "What do we do?

The city is under attack, and the others are still weak and we've lost all contact with Julia"

"Commander, I just found out she in an inter-dimensional place, and her body organs are

weak" said Sabrina.

"What do you mean Sabrina? Explain correctly" said Commander Damien.

"This means that Julia is dead commander" said Sabrina in a sad tone.

"What?" said May and William, who just entered.

"Julia is dead? This can't be" said William.

"We have to bring in that Minran, that's what Julia would have wanted" said May.

"But you are still weak" said Commander Damien.

"No worries commander, we'll try our best" said William.Then William and May transformed, and went to the park, then they saw Jungy

destroying everything, then speedster (William) said; "Activate weapon" then two red blasters

appeared on his hand, and then he started firing at Jungy, and then sunshine (May) said;

"Activate weapon" then a battle axe appeared on her hand, then she threw it up and said;

"Speedster, you know what to do" then speedster (William) ran speed and he caught the axe and

attacked Jungy superfast, then Jundy fell to the ground, then he stood up and said; "Enough, you

are not the only one with cool weapons" then he appeared a spear, then he threw his spear at

them, then it strike at speedster (William) causing him to fall, then it flew to sunshine (May), and

it also strike at her and she fell to the ground, then she said; "If only Ladylight was here"