


There was a huge explosion from the center of the Universe that brought forth great changing everything in the Universe.

This changes evolve everything, from the plants that some gained sentience and some become powerful elixir that can even give people immortality, this kinds of powerful herbs and fruits was spread throughout all the planets in the Universe.

This changes doesn't stop from plants but also affected the animals and insects or pest, some of them becomes a powerful beast with sentient Will that some of them are good but also some of them become evil.

Not only them had some changes but also all the beings with wisdom in the universe gain supernatural abilities that some of them can be called mutants, while some had superpowers that can control elements or the very laws of the Universe like even Time itself.

After the epic evolution of the entire Universe creatures, there came a Great War that changes everything, in which the monsters want to rule the Universe and eradicate all the humanoid beings that currently ruled the Universe but because this beings also gained powers their battles was turned into an awkward situation in which no one still wins but the casualties was horrible.

So, the monsters and the humanoids made a truce and on that time the peace in the Universe was restored but deep down, they are still in hostile with each other but no one started the war again but just waiting for each other to know which side will break the agreement first.


After 5000 years of peacetime..

On this day, Alex Smith was overly excited because it was the day of his 18th birthday on which is known as the day of awakening because it was known that the humanoid had a chance to awaken supernatural abilities on the age of 18 and especially if you are born from a family with supernatural abilities themselves.

Alex's Father and Mother was both superpowered people and they both are the rulers of the planets they are currently on, they are hailed rulers by this huge planet because their supernatural abilities themselves was very powerful being Time for my Father and Space for my Mother.

Being a single child for a couple that can control Time & Space made all the rulers from other planets excited and the planet that my parents named which is Earth was currently in holidays because this is a great day in which their Masters only Son's 18 birthday which is known by the humanoids as the day of awakening.

Now, the whole planet was welcoming a lot of guest from other planets, all kinds of skin color, shapes. This humanoid also called themselves in a Racial names like, angels, demons, devils, elves, dwarfs, etc.

Meanwhile, the shape of the Beast and Monsters are different, the beast are the Dragons, Phoenixes, and other beast that evolved from animals some of them have allegiance with the monster while some have also made allegiance from the humanoid that gained themselves a place to live on their planets.

While, the shape of the monsters was insect like that made them gained the known name as monsters.

When all humanoid was appearing on the planet Earth to join the celebration of the birthday, the monsters itself was also sending spies to know what kind of ability will the son of Time & Space Lords will had because being born from this two beings that was known as the Great Generals of the first Universal War made them vigilant.

To be continued..



I'm still formulating the story.. if some of you will have questions why the demons and devils was not part of the monsters, it was because they named themselves as demons and devils for the reason of the mutant ability they gain transforming them physically that some gained horns, bat like wings and tails.

The difference between demons and devils was like devils have human facial features while demons have some distorted facial features.

The Humanoids was a being with Two feet and two hands, while the Beasts and Monsters was a being with sometimes having multiple limbs and features that can't be described as humans.

All humanoid creatures was born from the Original humans but beings some have mutation in their physical appearance, some of them that looked like the same with each other formed their own race that was same before but they themselves was still in the force of the humanoids.

PS. I hope this explanations was enough..