
The Sun God's Awakening

In a modern, bustling city hiding those with powers, our protagonist, Scion Bright, leads an ordinary life as a college student. However, this mundanity shatters when he suddenly develops an inexplicable connection with the Sun God, Ra. With this newfound bond, Scion gains the power to manipulate solar energy, but another side shows itself as Scion must survive in the hidden world of Mysticism as obstacles arise and mysteries reveal themselves. - Chapter length: 1100-1400 words - Release schedule: 7 chapters per week (Not necessarily daily)

Vacaar · Fantaisie
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71 Chs

Mik Nightshade [1]

The following morning was bathed in the soft, golden light of the sun, giving the American Mystic Academy's campus an idyllic glow. The peaceful appearance of the surroundings stood in stark contrast to the mysteries and challenges the students would soon face as they returned to their classes.

As Scion, Eve, and Luke entered the classroom, they couldn't help but notice the varying expressions worn by their peers. Some radiated enthusiasm, eager to explore the world of mystic control, while others couldn't quite hide their lethargy, yawning and sighing. Among them, Scion stood out, a beacon of unwavering determination, ready to seize every opportunity.

Their middle-aged teacher, a seasoned mystic, welcomed the class with a gentle smile. "Today, dear students," he began, "we will delve into the essential foundations of mystic control and the cultivation of your powers."

The classroom hummed with anticipation, mixed with the occasional sigh and stifled yawn. The students understood that mastery of their mystic abilities was integral to their development. It was a truth they couldn't afford to ignore.

The teacher's words continued to captivate the class. "Mystic control is the art of harnessing your powers with precision. To cultivate your abilities, you must engage in repetitive training, meditation, and the consistent movement of mystic energy within your meridians. It's the flow of energy that defines your control."

Scion, his eyes focused and intent on the professor, hung on every word. Although he was a recent addition to the mystic world, the intricacies of controlling his powers fascinated him. It was as if a veil had been lifted from the arcane secrets of mystic control.

The professor's passion and enthusiasm were palpable as he elaborated further. "In practical terms, imagine your mystic energy as a river. A river must flow steadily, unblocked by obstacles. Your meridians are like the riverbed, directing the flow. To ensure your energy moves consistently, you must practice. Repetition is the key."

With each word, the boundaries of the classroom seemed to blur, leaving only the ethereal realm of mystic knowledge. Scion was completely absorbed, realizing the intricacy of the path he had embarked upon. The professor's lessons had a way of making it all the more real, reinforcing his unwavering determination.

"In your journey, you'll encounter sub-stages within your tiers," the professor continued, "Each sub-stage demands an increase in training, growth, and mindset before you can progress. To break through tiers, the same principles apply but to a higher degree. Mastery is a journey, not a destination."

The words reverberated in Scion's mind like the chime of a temple bell, resonating deeply with his newfound calling. This journey was his alone, and he was prepared to navigate every challenge that lay ahead.

Throughout the class, it became clear that the students' responses to the material varied. Some seemed disinterested, their heads drooping, and eyelids heavy with sleep. Others maintained a vacant stare, their thoughts far removed from the lecture.

Scion, on the other hand, was a paragon of concentration. His recent entry into the world of mystic powers had ignited an insatiable curiosity within him. His gaze never wavered from the professor, and his brows furrowed in contemplation. The profound knowledge he absorbed only fueled his determination to grow stronger.

After the class had concluded and students filed out, Scion approached his friends, eager to engage in conversation. "How long have you been training?" he asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.

Luke responded first, "I've been training since I was four. It's practically been my entire life." Eve nodded in agreement, acknowledging her lifelong dedication to mystic cultivation.

Scion's sense of urgency was more pronounced as he heard about his friends' lifelong journeys of training. Feeling slightly out of place, he half-jokingly asked, "Is there a shortcut? Maybe some sort of cheat to catch up with less training?"

Eve couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, her initial response tinged with amusement. "Scion, if that's your attitude toward becoming stronger, then I don't know what to say. It's not an easy path, but shortcuts aren't the answer."

Realizing that his words might have come off as disrespectful, Scion quickly added, "I apologize if I insulted you guys. I didn't mean to undermine your hard work."

Luke responded with a smile, reassuring his friend, "No offence taken, Scion. We know you're new to all this. The path to mastery is different for everyone."

The trio left the academy with a newfound sense of purpose, their shared determination shining like a beacon. Scion was determined to catch up to his friends, to prove his worth in the world of mystic powers, and to unlock the full potential of his abilities.

The path to mastery had just begun, and it promised challenges and triumphs alike. Scion walked home, pondering the professor's lessons, feeling the weight of the words "training," "growth," and "mindset" guide his every step. He knew this journey would be anything but easy, but he was ready to embrace it wholeheartedly.

But as he continued down the winding path, a tall, attractive man appeared before him. Scion's immediate instinct was to go on the defensive. He had learned that unexpected encounters often held hidden challenges, and his senses were on high alert.

The man, however, emanated a confident aura, his presence undeniable. Scion cautiously inquired, "Who are you?"

With a charming smile, the man introduced himself as Mik Nightshade, a name that held significant weight in the mystic world. "I know who you are, Scion," Mik began, his voice laced with an air of intrigue. "You're a Mystic Master."

Scion's eyes narrowed with suspicion as he weighed Mik's intentions. "What do you want from me?"

Mik Nightshade, despite Scion's guarded response, appeared unruffled. "I want to make you my disciple," he stated plainly, his eyes searching for a glimmer of understanding in Scion's gaze.

Scion's confusion was evident as he questioned the motives behind this sudden proposal. "And why would I want to be your disciple?"

Mik's patience waned, a hint of frustration creeping into his voice. "Because, Scion, I am one of the strongest mystic masters in the world. The knowledge and power you seek are within your grasp as my disciple."

However, Scion remained sceptical. His pursuit of strength and answers had taught him to be cautious, especially when presented with opportunities that seemed too good to be true. "I don't have time for nonsense," he replied, his tone unwavering. "If you don't mind moving, let me pass."

Mik Nightshade, seemingly unperturbed, playfully responded, "How about this, Scion? If you're so confident, prove it. Beat me in a fight."

The challenge was issued, and the air crackled with anticipation as Scion, driven by his insatiable thirst for strength, accepted. The stage was set for a confrontation that would test both his abilities and the validity of Mik Nightshade's claims.

Mik Nightshade's eyes glimmered with intrigue, and a wry smile played upon his lips. "I sense great potential within you, Scion," he said, his words tinged with a hint of admiration. "Your path to mastery begins here."

Scion's determination remained unwavering as he prepared for the upcoming battle. With each step forward, the young Mystic Master stepped further into the intricate world of mystic powers, seeking answers, strength, and his destiny.

Just be patient, something is going to cook up. Trust me...

Also, I'll be releasing exactly 1 chapter a day since I need to change some things in my draft.

Vacaarcreators' thoughts