
Chapter Five

"Aii, Mate. Have a little something." A brain-shuffling slap covered my face, forcefully taking blood out from my mouth.

"Remember me, Pendejo?" The person who punched me asked in a menacing tone.

With my vision still blurry, I knew who he was. It was the bully I stood up to at the cafeteria earlier that afternoon. Karma surely caught up with me.

"What is it again?" I tried to have a face although I was already losing my face.

He roared in a weird laugh alongside his counterparts who were already surrounding me like a secured sturdy fence. All hopes and plans to breakthrough and escaped was a meaningless endeavour. I had to lay hopeless and wait for my painful judgment.

When the round of outburst was over, the lead bully returned his sharp gaze to my face. "So where's your friend?"

"I don't know." I promptly snapped.

Another powerful punch squared my face yet again, this time, I was sent rolling a few meters. Coughing up a mouthful of blood, I struggled to my feet, only to be kicked hard by the side. Waves of pains ran through my body as some of my ribs cracked.

"Want a fight? Come on, prick." He ranted in mockery.

Anger filled my bloodshot eyes, strengthening my weak bones, giving me a fit of explosive energy. In a flash, I darted towards him with a well-clenched fist, jabbing him squarely on the nose, in the process, breaking it.

Having that short term revenge, I still had in mind that I was totally doomed. The new energy that filled me had left me in a blink.

Wiping his bleeding nose, he prowled towards me with eyes narrowed dangerously.

I held my breath, still maintaining my direct glare to his broken nose.

Suddenly, I felt a cold ominous wind graze my skin, making my hairs to rise.

"Give me the club." The bully suddenly ordered in a cold tone, stretching his arm to receive it without looking back. One of the boys in fear, placed it in his palm.

I looked closely at him, his eyes in particular. His eyes were empty and cold, omitting a deadly aura. Without being told, I knew he was no longer himself, something was controlling him.

Pride still didn't let me beg for mercy or run for my life. Giving it a second thought, I couldn't move my body. I was pinned down by an unknown force.

"Do your worst, Motherf*cker!!" I uncontrollably blurted out.

A sinister smirk carved on his face. He whispered dangerously. "With pleasure, till we meet in hell."

Before my reflexes for survival to do their job, the club hacked down heavily on my skull perfectly.

My consciousness began fading away slowly, my vision blurrier and blurrier by each breath, then I passed out.


3rd Person POV

The bully swung the club heavily onto Matt's head, cracking his skull in the process, then his eyes became clear from the minute-possession. In fear coupled with heavy guilt, he dropped the blood-smeared club, taking steps away from the now-corpse.

The bully's friends seeing the situation, took to their heels, leaving him in utter despair. All alone, he dropped to his knees, sobbing uncontrollably, whilst still staring at Matthew's dead body.

"No, no, no, no…" He pulled at his hair in confusion and guilt. He never meant to kill him, his intention was only to beat him up but he suddenly lost control of himself and killed Matthew instead.

Soon, People began to gather at the scene, the vicinity was filled with blaring sirens of ambulances and police vehicles. The bully claimed to be the killer and was immediately hand-cuffed and put in a police van, Matt's dead body was zipped and taken away.

Billy, standing somewhere among the crowd that had gathered, took one last look at where Matt died, now tainted the concrete ground dark red, and then vanished into thin air.