
The Summoned Extra Is Way Too OverPowered

Tadano Kasumi you're average office worker and loner lives an unfortunate life that met an unexpected end after deciding to live a little for once. This end causes him to be pulled along with the hero's destined to save the world. You don't have to be a destined hero to be overpowered. Join Tadano on his amazing journey in another world where he will pick up skills and abilities to live the way he want all while hiding his true abilities

Yanushi_Sama · Fantaisie
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17 Chs

Chapter Sixteen - Dungeon Break (Prt3) Dive (Prt 2)

Landing on his feet safely still holding Ellen in his arms. His lips parted and released a sigh of relief which was short lived his entire body tensed as the repercussions of his action finally caught up with body.

His legs started shivering like that of a leaf and his tank was completely exhausted. The beauty in his arms noticed such and immediately dismounted his grasp to became his support.

"That was pretty reckless huh." Ellen chuckled under her breath with an air of that was awkward.

"Yeaa- B-but what was that?" I spoke struggling to remain on my feet despite Ellen holding up my body.

"Huh- what do you mean?" She tilted her head confused.

"I- your personality changed along with your aura earlier." I could feel my eyes begin to dim as my body was approaching its limit from all the pain it was being forced to endure.

My reckless act to save Ellen really did a number on my body.

"Oh that it's a skill Rochelle has, it enabled her to inject her consciousness into an individual she marked she can use her abilities within that persons body temporarily." My mind was bearly registering what she was saying but I understood that what she spoke of was an awesome skill.

"That's right!" someone spoke from behind me before hitting me in the back which caused my body to lose the fight to stay conscious and the last thing I was Ellen's cleavage exposed through the rip on her top.

Floor 50 of a certain dungeon

"We've been, in this dungeon for hours now, isn't it about time we left." Sachi asked as he sliced through the slippery leather hide of a giant python.

"I am indeed a bit tired." Mizuki added looking over at Satsuki who have been complaining earlier about his hunger. The side effect of using his skills and casting spells is that as his mana drains he becomes increasingly hungry.

"Yeah let's go! At this hour the city gates should be empty so I wouldn't have to worry about on lookers if I wrap us there."

"Let's go!" Mizuki reacted to Satsuki's statement showcasing his enthusiasm towards leaving.

The fiftieth floor of the dungeon was now bathe in a crimson aura that vanished momentarily along with the three musketeers that stood among its walls.

"Whoa! What the hell!"

A random voice echoed on the noise fill battlefield.

"It's the hero's party! We're saved!" Another voice proclaimed as the shimmering crimson hue dissipated revealing three men clad in the most glamorous of fantasy wears.

A man in a golden light armor, a golden breastplate and gauntlets and a pair of golden metal footwear. And the chain mail clothing beneath were made with the purest of silver and a cape that was a mixture of silver lines amidst a golden sheet, That emphasized the shiny silver and golden sword on his hip.

Another in a muddy copper heavy armor, giant shoulder plates and a massive breast plate along with bulky legging and a giant great shield in his right hand and a small short sword that was about the size of a hunters knife on his back above his hip.

The third was dressed like a noble or fantasy scholar with a grimoire in his left hand and a long crimson cape along with red and black clothing beneath that almost resembled a business suit except for the fact that it was lined with small pieces of leather that made small armor paddings across his body at his vital areas.

"""HUH!?""" The trio reacted in unison at the battlefield before them.

The unconscious/exhausted body of men and women lined the ground that was also littered with blood of monsters and weapons no longer in use.

Battled cries could be heard one after the other and the flashes of aura and spells rummaged the skys it's was almost like a noisy fireworks concert.

A body fell by the feet of the trio wearing a rugged and torn white hooded cloak. The person got up instantly still packed with adrenaline and fighting spirit.

As she jumped to her feet the return to the battle ensuing on the frontlines the hood floated from atop her head revealing two small horn like appendages.

She grabbed her hood and pulled it back over her head before she ran back onto the front lines with her staff in her hand.

"Wall of the priestess!" She yelled as her body enveloped in a pink aura and a pink dome covered a black hair boy that was about to be hit by the massive battle axe wielded by a giant Minotaur.

"Thanks Sheena!" The boy shouted as the impact was cushioned by the dome she created.

"Flame spears!" A purple haired beauty shouted as she rushed towards the towering minotaur.

Two spears that glowed a deep red hue appeared above her head and launched at the minotaur.

It swung its axe deflecting one of her flame spears to the right but was hit by the other in his left thigh.


The Minotaur bellowed releasing a terrifying roar that sent shivers down everyone's spine.

Another Beauty was now seen descending the sky's with a giant great sword in her grasp.

She lunged the great sword at the Minotaur like a spear it created shockwaves as it pierced through the air and hit into the flat side of the axe as the Minotaur used it the guard it's chest.

"Titan stomp!" She shouted mid air as she stepped on the hilt of the great sword midair causing it the break the Minotaur's axe and pierce his chest and revealing itself through the back of the beast.

The Minotaur then fell onto his back shaking the entire battle field and the beauty atop the sword's hilt began to fall from the sky like a broken aircraft destined to hit the ground,

only to be caught by the black hair young lad down below who had a massive smile plastered across his face.

His excitement could be seen by all and it spread among everyone on the battlefield like a contagious disease as the entire battleground erupted into cheers and celebration.