
The Summoned Extra Is Way Too OverPowered

Tadano Kasumi you're average office worker and loner lives an unfortunate life that met an unexpected end after deciding to live a little for once. This end causes him to be pulled along with the hero's destined to save the world. You don't have to be a destined hero to be overpowered. Join Tadano on his amazing journey in another world where he will pick up skills and abilities to live the way he want all while hiding his true abilities

Yanushi_Sama · Fantaisie
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17 Chs

Chapter Four - Welcome To Engrasia

>Ping, Welcome to the world of Engrasia.

A translucent blue panel appeared before me just like before, it then blinked twice and vanished.

"Engrasia Huh, I guess I really am in another world. It wasn't just a dream." I looked around at my surrounding and noticed the goddess didn't transfer to a populated area.

I was surrounded by vegetation as far as my eyes could see.

"A meadow hmm interesting..."

I wonder did those three also end up in a similar situations as this. Normally hero's would appear before a cute princess in a castle.

Still I need to find a city or town, am just level one ain't no way I'd be able to defend myself in a wilderness like this without a weapon.

I adverted my eyes to the left of my field of vision where a panel had been floating for a while. I ignored to to scout my surroundings earlier.

[Name: Sai]

Species: Human

Age: 17

Level: 1 [00/100]

Mana: [10/10]


Weapon mastery (*-one star)  - weapon mastery provides necessary knowledge on how to wield any weapon held. Affinity and combat knowledge is provided subconsciously.

Weapon handling increases.

Reducing weapon deterioration and enhances weapons durability by 10%.

On the panel I was provided with the information I forged before my descent to this world. The name I chose to use in this world is Sai. That way even if I encounter the hero's party I won't be recognized easily.

Also based on the things the goddess said about gaining skills by leveling up it wounding be strangled if I was seen as an anomaly if my actual status was seen by the folks of this world and who knows what might happen.

While assessing all this information I haves almost walked a mile in random direction from where I started out. This might not be the best thing to do though.

"Ah let's used that." I smacked my left fist into the palm of my right hand after remembering one of the skills I took earlier.

"Let's see... detection." I felt a wave of energy left my body, I could also feel it running throughout my surrounding and all my senses grew sharper. I could feel the grass sway in the wind and the insects crawling below.


Huh, seems I picked something about seven meters away to my right. The presence held zero hostility but I could tell there were at least ten individuals.

The tall grass blocked my view, so even now I couldn't see what my detection had picked up earlier. I dashed through the grass towards the direction of the individuals I picked up.

I killed my pace when I was close and stooped, I peered through the thick grass and was met with the sight of a dirt road.

"Sebas my butt hurts can't we quicken our pace to the city!" A complaining feminine voice broke the silence.

"Such terms are debasing for a lady." A man I spoke in response, my quest was that man would be Sebas.

"I don't care!" The female retorted.

I looked to the source of the conversation alone the dirt road and I was Mets with the sight of two carriages down by stallions surrounded by knights on horseback that seemed to be escorts for the two carriages. One of the knights looked in the direction to where I was hiding in the grass.

I pulled back my head which caused me to topple over on my butt. 

Isekai rule number one:

-For a person who don't want to stand it's best to avoid those who seems like royalty.

I waited a few minutes until I no longer hear the sound of horses, which means I wasn't noticed by the knight earlier. I slowly retreated from the grass unto the dirt road where I followed the direction where the carriage was heading.

Fifteen minutes until my walk and I could already see a massive cobble stone wall up ahead.

'A city huh another ten minutes and I'll be in the at the gates.'

>ping:  monster slain, a farmers plague Ruthless Grasshoppers has been defeated. Exp gained {5x10}

Huh what just happen. I looked down and saw a small splatter of green blood below my shoe.

Interesting even killing grasshoppers gives exp.

Let's level up before I go to the city.

~time skip

[Name: Sai]

Species: Human

Age: 17

Level: 4 [150/700]

Mana: [120/120]


Weapon mastery (*-one star)


- weapon mastery provides necessary knowledge on how to wield any weapon held. Affinity and combat knowledge is provided subconsciously.

Weapon handling increases.

Reducing weapon deterioration and enhances weapons durability by 10%.

"Hmm... you may pass." I removed my hands from the crystal orb upon the city guards words.

Upon getting to the city gates I was stopped by the guards who asked for me to touch an orb so they could see my status as I didn't have any form of identification.

Oh and in case you're wondering, yes I leveled up to level four by killing grasshoppers.

Oh and apparently this city is called Ryuk, the royal capital of the kingdom of Erza. They also told me that there will be a massive crowd in the city square because the summoned hero's will be doing a parade by high noon and that's why the outskirts of the city is empty, everyone has already begun to gather in the city square.

"Good luck Sachi, Mizuki and Satsuki. Seems y'all have really become hero's huh."

Detection (*- one star)

5 Mp per Minute

The ability to detect mana in ones surroundings and determine hostility, sharpens one's senses once activated and enhances reflexes until deactivation.

Range: 10 Meters.