
The Summoned Extra Is Way Too OverPowered

Tadano Kasumi you're average office worker and loner lives an unfortunate life that met an unexpected end after deciding to live a little for once. This end causes him to be pulled along with the hero's destined to save the world. You don't have to be a destined hero to be overpowered. Join Tadano on his amazing journey in another world where he will pick up skills and abilities to live the way he want all while hiding his true abilities

Yanushi_Sama · Fantaisie
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17 Chs

Chapter Five - Hero’s Parade

So this is a fantasy city, it's not too far off from works of fiction back on earth. I strolled about looking at each building in eyes reach. Doing this, I was able to examine every small detail.

Each building is made from either wood or cobble stone and a few with both, I also noticed that each building was structurally positioned along main roads and avenues with little yard spaces in between, there was also no fencing just small alleys in between each building. There wasn't a single soul in sight and each building was shut tight almost as if this part of the city was a ghost town.

"Everyone's gone to the hero's parade huh... guess I'll head there too."

I continued heading along the main road heading the opposite direction from the main gate, this was I assumed I'd be heading straight for the center of the city. It wasn't long before another giant wall came into view this time it was a wall made from red bricks. This wall wasn't as tall as the outer wall but it seemed more built and stronger than the previous wall.

I saw another gate beneath this brick wall, as just as before this gate was guarded. I approached the gates fully prepared to get my status checked again.

"Welcome to wall Alaina, I assume I purpose is the hero's parade?"

I nodded in responded then proceeded the look at the guards from head to toe. Their armor and equipment a lot more refined and tended to than the Guards at the previous gate. They wore silver armor with a golden insignia on the left of the breast plate covering the heart.

"You may pass." A buff male guard spoke before stepping aside making a path for me to proceed.

This part city was completely different from the previous. It's buildings where made from bricks and cobble stone with colored decorative metal roofs, these buildings even had glass windows and each housing had its own personal lot with fences and gates.

I guess this is where the nobility live huh.

I heard voices in a distance along the road I was heading that distracted me from my daze. I dashed towards the cheering voices and was met with a massive crowd.

I couldn't see anything besides the back of the people gathered here but I could hear the sounds of trumpets and drums. I guess I've gotten shorter huh, now that I think about it I don't even know what I look like right now. I did ask the goddess to make me younger but I don't know what my face or even my hair is like.

The crowd began to cheer in unison and the drums ceased leaving only the trumpets the crowd then broke and clears the main road. Three horses emerged from where the crowd broke, it's Sachi and the others. My eyes gleamed as I noticed it was those three riding on horse back, I knew it would be them so that's what am excited about. They where all wearing fantasy equipment

Sachi had on a golden breast plate with a silver cape flowing behind it, he also has on a pair of gloves as he raised the sword he received from his blessing in the air.


Heavens piercer (******* -seven stars) - A weapon one used by the high elf  Vlad who later ascended to rank deity as the spirit king Epsilon.

Severance- an effect that grants the sword the ability to sever all falsehood and present the truth to the world. Allows the wielded to not just sever physical objects but also magical and spiritual entities.

Not bad but for a seven star item I was expecting the sword to have more than one skills, but the severance skill is pretty badass.

"I wonder if I could... [Copy]"

{Error}- Skills star rank differences above threshold.

Well that's to be expected it's one of my seven one star skills. Still sucks tho.


"Hmmm based on appraisal the lowest level in the city is 6 and that was from a child and the average is somewhere ranging between 20 and 35. Am just at level four and that's thanks to my unique skill transmigrator.

I took up a nice size piece of stick and tested its durability bending it a few times before taking a flat stone and sharpening the tip.

The guards did say that only low level monsters stroll around this forest on the outskirts of the city so it should provide a moderate leveling ground.

In case you're wondering I am about to hunt monster to increase my level a bit before trying to register as a mercenary or adventurer. As such I am currently in the forest beyond the meadow that landed in.

According the the information I got from the guards to be registered as an adventurer the minimum level requirement is 15 and a mercenary is 25.

While I do want one of these jobs to go with the isekai settings it's also the fastest way to gather income and get a place to stay for the night I am currently broke.

After walking a bit deeper into the activated my skill detection. I could feel my mana expand as it spread across the forest reacting to every many signature it came across.


My skills reacted to a mana signature.

It was a dark and ominous mana that had malice exuding from it. I could tell from the size of the mana that it wasn't much of a threat for me and as such I dashed towards my first prey.

"Welcome, Victim number one."

Copy (* - one star): The ability to permanently assimilate any skill or martial arts that has been shown or appraised. Rate at which skill can be copied depends on the difference in star level.

Skills can only be copied if lower star rank or is two stars above users copied skill.

If skills is two stars above ability's strength decreases by 10% and if lower each star rank lower increases it's ability by 5%.

Transmigrator (Unique * - ten stars) :

A visitor from an unknown land, welcomed by the world itself. By the generosity of this world you will be granted special benefits granted only to you or any other who has traversed upon this land from another.

-10 times the EXP received from completing quests of killing monsters.

-proficiency of any skill below nine stars will be ten times faster