


I awoke at the buzzing sound outside the window. It was half past noon when I had just woken up. Streaks of sunlight penetrated at the slit of the curtains blinding me. I quickly covered my face and moved at the side of the bed. Moments passed, I slowly regained my consciousness and get back at my feet. It took me a long while to get myself moving. Finally, I stretched my arms above my head and gave out a big yawn. I had sleepless night.

Everyone had gone out it seems. The room was empty.

"Where did everyone go?" I wondered, grabbing up my glasses at the side table.

I make my way to the kitchen only to find a little side note that Ian had left.

"No food left. Go buy at the convenience at three blocks away." -Ian

Sure enough, when I opened the fridge, there was nothing left. Great. I am hungry. Thankfully, there was a half-eaten bread left and a small drink.

After I hurry and eat my breakfast, I make my way going to the grocery store. It was a small neighborhood with a small narrow path going uphill and downhills. I watch as people chattered and minded their own business. Despite, the island not known to the public, it looks like there are some young folks around.

I watch the borough trees planted at each side of the street. It was refreshing to breathe in nature outside the city. Small chatters were heard from the across the street. And children running past me. It seems like there is a whole crowd today. I was almost near the block when I noticed that people were talking about me.

Weird. I tried to come closer to hear what they were talking about.

"Is that him?" a woman giggled from behind.

"He probably is," her companion replied. "Doesn't look like he's around here though.

I turned around just to see two women giggling towards each other. But stopped abruptly when I turned to them suddenly. Before I was able to ask them, they ran away from embarrassment.

I'm not exactly sure why, but I find myself holding in a smile but at the same time feeling embarrassed about myself as I look at all the expressions of their faces. Despite my outrageous outlook, people seem to be interested to me.

For some reason, I suddenly became anxious at their sudden glances and their unusual whispers. I walked up the street briskly and turned my head down, not noticing the people around me.

Lost in deep in thoughts, a sudden force stumbled on my feet and books fell to the floor in a clatter.

"Woah, sorry I- "I quickly rushed into an apology as my hand wrapped around the girl's shoulder and held her there, safe from falling. Our eyes met for a moment and I forced myself to look away as her cheeks flushed bright red.

Moments later, we both stood down to gather the books together. I handed her the books and finally looked at her. To my surprise, it was someone I know.

"Vie?" I looked at her closely this time if I had mistaken someone else. And it was her. She was wearing her plain black oversized jacket with her hoodie on.

"It was just you," she says and cradled her books back in her hands. "Where are the others?"

"They went out," I replied. I stand up and helped her up. "Need some help?"

Vie took a pause. "No need, but thanks. I should get going." She was about to leave when I instinctively grabbed her hand. I did not want to be alone when I could feel their presence at my back.

"Help me out, just this once please," whispering at the back of her ear and backed away at once. "People are starting creep me out."

She took a quick survey and understood the situation. "Oh, it's okay. Pretty common around this island if they see someone unfamiliar. Not many tourists come around here since the island is not known yet to the public.

I felt relieved hearing her say that. "I see, thanks. Did you come here to buy something, too?"

"Mhm, yeah," nodding out her head. "Was told to buy some snacks and dinner for tonight."

"Oh," I said, surprisingly. "What's the occasion?"

"Later," she said. "I'll tell it to you when we head inside."

We made our way to the grocery store and packed all the things we needed. Surprisingly, she was quick with her grocery. Considering, everything was stacked with each other in just a small store. I took a quick look at her basket and it was filled with meat and a couple of beer. There were some snacks she placed on to the basket.

"That's a lot of food for two people," I said. "I doubt you'll even finish all that."

"Oh this," she said, lifting her basket for me to see. "It's for a welcome party for you guys for coming here."

"Oh, you didn't have to," I tell her.

"No, it's okay," she says, lining up the counter. "Is that all you're getting?"

"Yeah, it's supposed to be for our dinner tonight" speaking from her behind. "But I'll just keep it in the fridge in the meantime."

"I can pay for that," she sticks out her hand. She doesn't even hesitate. She immediately grabs all my things and placed it in the counter together with the other food.

"Are you sure?" wondering if it was really alright to pay it all. For a moment, I could feel her close.

"Yes" she confirmed.


"It's nothing."


We went back to the hotel when we saw everything was set up for the dinner party. There was a small grilling set and dinner chairs circled in the center of the bonfire. They were just waiting for the meal.

"Where were you?" I asked Ian about it.

"I forgot to tell you," Ian said. "We didn't want to wake you up, so we went to get some chairs and equipment from the other neighbors. I just knew about it awhile ago. So, don't worry about it."

"What are we waiting for?" I asked. "Let's start cooking."