
The successor: Secrets unravel

Can anyone truly remain sane when our view of our own little world crumbles before our very eyes revealing dark secrets that are dreaded and unraveling past mysteries When all dark secrets start to surface to the light what will Valentino Anderson do when the truth about her life is revealed. When she learns that her life was never hers to decide on. Will she silently surrender to destiny all will she try to break free from the shackles that bind her to Alexander Hart, the billionaire tyrant.

Claudy_Storm · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

Chapter 7

When he arrived the guards opened the gate immediately after recognizing him. As if he was the master of the house every servant he passed by as he went to Lenny's room bowed as a sign of respect. He was halfway through the stairs when Hazel, Lenny's mother spotted him leading her to fall into a fit of rage

"What the heck are you doing in my house, you monster?"

she asked but Alex continued on his way. Colton, Lenny's father approached his wife wanting to know who had angered her as Lenny was supposed to be in school. "What's wrong darling?" he asked only for Hazel to point to the hurried figure taking two steps at a time as he made his way upstairs.

Mr Anderson's smile fell from his face as his expression grew grave. He started his way up the stairs to see 'what had brought the devil to their humble home'. Due to the shock of seeing this stoic man in his house again Mr Anderson had failed to see that he had been caring someone. When he reached Lenny's door he stood by the door as he was unable to enter just like the rest of the world despite the room being in his house and it belonging to his only daughter.

Helpless Mr and Mrs Anderson stood rooted in front of their daughter's bedroom while Alex gently tucked her in before blessing her forehead with a kiss. Just then Alex turned his gaze their way, his gaze cold and sharp as if it could pierce anything, piercing through their souls before barking out orders, "Call Irene tell her to come here immediately and she better not be late, lest she angers me. "

Colton could not help but shake his head at how disrespectful this young man was, he had the audacity to call his mother by her maiden name but it was not like he could do anything about it. Even his house did not feel like his own when ever this brute was around and not to mention that his servants even feared and respected this young lad more than they did for the master of the house.

"What are you waiting for?," Alex said through clenched teeth trying to suppress his anger and worry as he continuously tried to not get riled up much, after all this was not his house. Mr Anderson scrambled for his phone before calling his mother, Irene, as ordered by Alex.

Irene felt relieved upon receiving a call from her son, it felt like forever since the last time they met but she did not expect that the only reason this son of hers was calling her was to summon her. She asked what had happened but her son only said that, Alex was at his home. Irene felt a cold shiver tread down her spine before she asked about where Valentino was. Her son's reply made her blood run cold as he said that Alex had come to his home with an unconscious Valentino in his arms .

Irene scrambled to her feet as she suddey felt dread in her heart. "I will be right there," said Irene as she wore her coat and took her car keys, lucky she was in the city. Throughout the entire journey to the Anderson mansion she could not help but ponder and be confused about this man's sudden appearance. Didn't they agree to commence everything on her granddaughter's twenty-first birthday. She was only eighteen, didn't a promises mean anything nowadays.

When Irene reached the house forty minutes later she found the dining hall empty and immediately knew where everyone was. As such she took two stairs at a time as she made her way to he granddaughter's bedroom where she found her son and daughter in law by the open door.

And as expected her daughter in law was wearing her signature disdainful look the one that made her beloved Valentino loathe herself even more. Passing the couple by the door, she went straight to Lenny's bed where Alex was seated on the edge.

"What happened,?" she asked when she saw her beloved granddaughter's pale faces. that looked as if she had seen a ghost. She immediately asked "What happened to her, Alex?"

"Well if I knew there wouldn't be a need to call you now would there," the man sitted by the bed edge said rather annoyed. After carefully looking at Valentino for a long time, "Well she looks unharmed so what exactly happened to her."

Alex blew out an exhausted sigh before answering, "I kissed her and she started screaming before finally collapsing. " Irene raised an eyebrow before asking "Where did this happen?". "In school of course, " Alex gave his shot reply.

"And what was the great and mighty Alexander doing in a high school if I might ask? "Irene asked as she slowly moved her glowing hands on top of Lenny's body for the second time. Nothing seemed to be wrong with her granddaughter so why was she unconscious but most importantly she couldn't tell Alex that Lenny was fine when she was unconscious.

"Alex could you give a me a detailed account of what happened because right now I can't figure out anything about her condition." Alex willingly complied with Irene's request as he told her everything according to his memory. After hearing the entire story Irene could not help but frown as she still could not understand why her Lenny was in that state so she asked "Didn't anything weird or out of the ordinary happen today?" Irene asked.

As if remembering something Alex said "Well she seemed agitated after a tied her hair into a ponytail." It was this one statement that struck Irene with a sudden realization so she asked where they were when he did that and it was only after Alex's reply did she finally discover what had happened.

As if talking to a child she gently said, " See..., Alex that's where you made a mistake, as you know after that Mike incident she was traumatized but most importantly she blamed herself, her beauty for the incident and by showing her face to everyone you agitated her jumpstarting her so her essence was triggered and since she is still weak everything else is the aftermath of your actions.

Upon hearing Irenes explanation, Alex's gaze darkened as he thought of how much pain he had made her go through. Since the cause of Lenny's situation had been found, Irene assured Alex that Lenny would be fine tomorrow when she woke up.

Before exiting the room Irene reminded once more "And Alex don't forget your promise, she still has three years left."

After Irene left Alex remained on his seat until midnight, which is when he left the Anderson home headed to his own.
