
Chapter 9 "Cultivation"

A few days later Mo Xiaowen was one again at the registration office. It had already been an entire month since the last time he visited. Luckily for him the Chen Brothers didn't start anything this time so he was able to go in and out swiftly.

'Damn the resources are still higher than usual, could this be because of all the dropouts?' Mo Xiaowen pondered, either way he wasn't complaining. He was already running out of Body Tearing Grass having only 2 left, so this new batch of 6 was definitely welcome.

Not to mention that Body Tempering Pills were always welcome, they didn't conflict with the Body Tearing Grass and in fact compounded on one another so they were always welcome.

'But how am I going to gain more grass, I could try exploit it from others. Or could even trade for it...hmm losing the Body Tempering Pills would be a waste....That could work.' Mo Xiaowen pondered.

He then went back to his residence and put away the Body Tempering Pills and Body Tearing Grass before heading to the library.

"Oh you're back?" The librarian asked his eyes half open as usual.

"Yes, I need to look at some books." He replied.

"Well that's not surprising since you're at the library. You know the rules so I'll leave you to it." The librarian said before shutting his eyes.

Mo Xiaowen then headed to the "Cultivation Advise" shelf, grabbed the 6 books on "cultivation" and began reading them. In about 3 hours he was done going over them and put them down going over his next steps.

'While Body Tearing Grass isn't exactly your average plant, it isn't anything all that special either. Its found quite commonly and functions almost exactly like a regular grass. In fact there's a passage that talks about growing a grass extremely similar to the Body Tearing Grass.' Mo Xiaowen pondered before making his way to the librarian.

"Excuse me, would it be all right if I borrow a few books?" He inquired while placing the 6 books on "cultivation" atop the desk.

"Hmm, these? Well considering you've already borrowed books before and they came back fine I'll allow it. But remember....." The librarian replied before explaining the rules to Mo Xiaowen once again.

A few minutes later the boy walked happily out of the library all 6 books in hand. It was time to begin farming.

The following day, Mo Xiaowen applied the Body Tearing Paste to his body before heading to the training grounds. Once he arrived he stood at the starting line as he waited for the disciples to arrive.

Unlike in the past, the disciples were actually arriving on time or at most 10 minutes later. Not to mention that over 20 of them had now entered the 4th Stage. While Mo Xiaowen had noted this he didn't think much of it, to him it just looked like things were progressing naturally.

On the other hand seeing Mo Xiaowen standing at the beginning and not training confused the disciples causing them to look at him oddly. Just as they were about to begin their runs, a cough sounded out.

"Ahem! My fellow disciples, today I am proposing a trade! Here I have one Body Tempering Pill, I am willing to trade it for Body Tearing Grass, highest bid gets it!" Mo Xiaowen announced while holding the brown pill high in the air.

Immediately the disciples' eyes shot over. One Body Tempering Pill may seem like a negligible improvement, but to them it was practically free. Some of them literally threw away their Body Tearing Grass, so being able to trade it for Body Tempering Pill would be amazing.

"I'll give you 5 Body Tearing Grass for it!"

"Are you stupid? You think a Body Tempering Pill is only worth 5 of those shitty grasses? I'll give 10!"

"Heh, 14!"

"Don't test me you fools, 18!"

"The great Xiao Hua here will place 22!"

"I knew one day they'd come in handy, that's why I saved them unlike you fools. 28!"

One after the other they placed their bets, and Mo Xiaowen was quite delighted. It seemed that if he really needed to, he could simply trade his Body Tempering Pills but he didn't like it as a long term strategy.

"Damn it you've forced this young master's hand, 47! None of you can possibly have higher than that." A boy with scruffy black hair and brown eyes declared. This boy was Xiao Hua, an above average disciple who was quite the character.

Hearing this bet Mo Xiaowen immediately locked onto Xiao Hua and smiled. "Bring me the grasses, you've got yourself a deal."

In an instant Xiao Hua sped off and came back in less than 5 minutes. "Here you go, now can I have the pill?" Xiao Hua asked while handing Mo Xiaowen a box.

"Wait a second I need to count, I can't have you scamming me now, can I?" Mo Xiaowen mumbled, before opening the box and counting the grasses. Seeing this Xiao Hua's face twitched.

"You think I'd try trick you with Body Tearing Grasses?" He asked in disbelief, no one actually used these things so there was really no point in lying.

"Who knows maybe you're a masochist who uses these for fun on the weekends, how do you expect me to know?" Mo Xiaowen replied before concluding his counting. "But it seems like they're all here, so I take back my previous words."

With a smile Mo Xiaowen lightly tossed the pill to Xiao Hua before heading to his residence, leaving Xiao Hua there stunned. 'Is this guy shameless, or does he have no filter?' Xiao Hua stood there in complete disbelief.

After arriving at his residence, Mo Xiaowen put away the grasses before heading back to the training grounds. 'Over 40! I can now start my farm and still have a lot to spare, that Xiao Hua is a true saint.' With that thought he arrived at the training grounds, grabbed his weight and began his daily run.

Today he'd become a farmer.