
Family struggle

My Mum dad had seven children. Eldest Anthony cruse, Francis, Fathima, Jacintha, Sebastian, Thomas and philip. Ours was a happy family until 1965 the struggle of my parents starts this way. My eldest brother Cruse one fine day just d day before he received d good news he had passed his 10 std and the next day his friends took him and he climbed a palm 🌴unfortunately my brother fell from d tree. At that time there was a strong wind and d news reached my mum she ran where he was tore her saree and tied it on his bleeding head and was taken to d hospital it was a small town no proper fesilities so he had t be taken to another city by train but in the way he passed away. Here the struggle started my dad was so upset losing d eldest son he started to drink met accident and he dint go to job for one year. Later they left that place. With six children came to Bangalore bought an auto opened a wokshop but dad fell I'll the auto met accident mum managed somehow, Dad had no peace of mind he left Bangalore and again Bhadravathi, then Rajmunry, Rayagada. Goa, Dandeli and after ten years struggle dad got a job in Kenya east Africa. So dad left first then with my mother and three brothers in 1975 we also went there dad worked only for 5 years during this time my elder sister who was in India left home and married. This was a great shock to my parents.since the work was over he returned and started a small business.But it don't work out he started to work in a paper mill . My elder brothet got married in St Philomena s church Mysore.later dad went to London Tanzania, Malaysia, There wad another great tragedy my younger brother passed awaydue to some illnes. And later in April

I got married it was a arranged marriage.I was a Montessori teacher my husband was working in sales department my marriage was a disappointment after 5 years I had a girl child she was my angle yes I named her Angela. When she was three years I lost my husband due to cardiac arrest. I was shattered but God was always with me I went back to my parents.I lost my mother I 1999. I got a govt job in tamil nadu on compassionate grounds. Then in 2002 I lost my dad. I shifted to Coimbatore South India.My Elder brother settled in Mysore my younger brother Thomas was in Kenya till date. My yougest brother philip a photo journalist in Bangalore. I started working in Tamilnadu my daughter was studying in Coimbatore. And there where many struggles in life but God was always with me my daughter was a gold medalist in her BSC Visual communication it was d greatest happiness I got from my child after a struggle of 20 years. Later she did her M A Mass communication and journalism . I retired in 2016 my daughter got married in 2018 to her class mate now she is doing her own business with her family I shiffted to Mysore. And that's it I lost my Elder brother Francis his family is here my sister with her family my younger brother Thomas lost his wife his son recently got married. Philip is also single at Bangalore my daughter settled In cochin and this is my story praise be to God. This is jacintha