
The Strongest White Asura

John White was born with a weak White Aura, which subjected him to ridicule and scorn by his peers. Despite the jeers and sneering, John was determined to perfect his sword technique and prove his peers wrong. After a particularly defeating battle with a much more powerful opponent, John was overcome with doubt and frustration. However, with the encouragement of his family and their belief in his strength of heart, he sworn to keep pushing forward and strive for greatness. With the support of his family, John mustered the courage to stand tall against those who opposed him and his spirit shone with an intense white light, symbolizing his potential and strength.

Clien_John · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

Chapter 4 - Mastering the Weakest Aura

John had been training himself to master the light-based enhancement and healing magic he had learned from the swordsman.

After days of grueling practice and hard work, he was finally able to finally feel the power of his white aura, coursing through him and boosting his strength and agility.

The next part of his training involved honing his skill with light-based healing, which proved to be even more difficult than the enhancement.

Despite this, John was determined to master it, and he spent the next few days getting to grips with the magical art.

After much practice, he was finally able to feel the power of his white aura, enter his wounds and start mending them as quickly and efficiently as possible.

By the end of the week, John had trained himself enough to feel comfortable with his newfound abilities.

He had found himself able to use both the enhancement and healing techniques seamlessly on training.


John, full of pride in his newfound strength and agility, strutted into the dark and dense forest, gaze fixed confidently ahead.

He had come searching for a wild beast to test his abilities against, and it wasn't long before he found his target-- a huge, powerfully built bear.

Filled with the knowledge and strength that his white aura had granted him, John confidently stepped forward, his sword at the ready.

The bear lunged towards John, but his reflexes were swift and sharp.

He responded with a perfect, powerful slash that was strong enough to take the beast down in one stroke.

The strike had been executed with seemingly effortless skill and grace, and it was clear that the white aura that John had been granted was manifesting its power in full.


John smiled in satisfaction as he skinned the bear, feeling the power of his aura as he moved with grace and speed.

"This will make quite a feast," he thought, as he systematically separated the meat from the bone and began tying it up.

He carried the bundle back to his wooden house, reflecting on the power and skill his white aura had granted him.

"Not only did I manage to beat that bear in one stroke, I was able to skin and butcher it with skill and speed, thanks to enchantment."

He carefully placed the bundle in the corner of the house, and grinned in anticipation as he prepared to cook it.

"Hopefully it will taste as good as it looks!" he thought, as he began gathering the necessary ingredients and utensils.

John stood in the middle of his wooden house, admiring his handiwork.

The smell of cooking bear meat wafted through the air, and he found himself grinning in satisfaction.

Suddenly, a thought occurred to him.

All of the power and accuracy he just demonstrated was only possible because of the mysterious swordsman and the teachings he gave him on aura manipulation and swordsmanship.

What could he achieve if he practiced for a longer time under the swordsman's tutelage?

He felt a stirring of excitement in his heart, and determination rose in him.

He needed to find out.

He quickly cooked the bear, ate it, then went to his bed and slept.


In the next day, John stood in awestruck amazement as he watched the mysterious swordsman demonstrate the fire-based skill.

Flames seemed to emanate from the swordsman's body as he channeled his aura into the sword, creating a flaming blade.

"How did he do that! It's already difficult to concentrate the energy to my finger tips but channeling it to the object is too impossible?" thought John to himself.

The swordsman smiled as he noticed John's awe.

"It is quite simple," the swordsman said.

"By focusing one's aura on a specific object, one can enhance its physical characteristics. As an example, I can channel my aura into this sword, giving it enhanced durability, sharpness and a fiery glow."

John eagerly tried to imitate the swordsman, but he struggled to focus his aura.

He felt a wave of doubt wash over him, but the swordsman's words gave him courage.

"The key is to concentrate and visualize your energy is channeling in your sword" the swordsman began.

John listened intently and slowly, he began to concentrate and visualize channeling his aura into the sword.

With each surge of energy, the blade seemed to glow brighter and brighter until finally, it was engulfed in a dazzling light.

John breathed a sigh of relief and looked up to the swordsman. "How did I do?"

The swordsman smiled and put a reassuring hand on John's shoulder.

"You did great," he said."You managed to imbue the sword with your aura and that is no small feat."

John smiled proudly, feeling that this was only the beginning of his greatness as he wanted to learn more from the mysterious swordsman.

Feeling more confident than ever before, John felt a great sense of accomplishment as he finished his aura training and swordsmanship lesson.

He had put in countless hours and days of hard work to master the skills he had acquired under the mysterious swordsman, and hoped to put them to good use.

The swordsman seemed to share his excitement, as he stopped the lesson and said,

"You are now ready. I can sense real potential in your skills - the potential to become something more powerful. Head to Hunters guild and register there and gather experience from hunting."

And with that, the swordsman disappeared into the night.

John stood there in shock, unable to find the words to thank his mysterious swordsman for the guidance and teaching he had received.

He had developed an immense admiration for his teacher, yet now he found himself in a regretful state, for not knowing his master's name.

John was filled with an immense sense of gratitude as well as a deep sadness.

As time began to pass, he realized that he could only be thankful for the opportunity he had been given and the skills he had learned.