
The Hyuuga Incident

After Shiro left ichikaru Shiro made it back home to the apartment, where he put the rest of the ichukaru he saved for him and Naruko to have for dinner.

Once that was done he took a shower looking at his abbs and his dick that was growing really fast for his age, he couldn't help but smile, he was going to become huge for Naruko.

When she reaches 14 years of age, I'll think about asking her out. Shiro thought as the water dripped from his chest. For now, she's way to young although unayurally beautiful, she is still to young for me right now.

After a while he turned off the water and put on some clothes, just the basic grey sweat pants and a black jacket that covered his chest.

Shiro. after he did that went to the couch and sat down to contemplate his day when suddenly a loud *Bing! was heard quickly startling him. Quickly realising that it was his system he calmed down.

"System? Something wrong? What?' Shiro asked mentally.

[Hinata Hyuuga kidnapping event is occuring] The system responded, causing Shiro's eyes to widen.

Immediately he dropped everything that he was doing or er..thinking about, and dissappeared in a swirl of fire.

Jumping from roof to roof, Shiro was rushing towards the source.

Seeing the troublesome event coming to distance in his eyesight, Shiro landed onto the edge of the roof, before vansihing in a swirl of fire.

Appearing next to a dazed hinata Shiro noticed Naruto engaging the kumo nin while hinata seems to be in a dazed state.

Naruto seems to be limiting himself making her style and skills look very bad. about as good as the peoplelike the third hokage suspect's him to be but enough to that she is supposed to win.

Hinata was. in a daze, most likely too stunned most likely kind of shocked about the incident

Shiro narrowed his eyes at the kumo nin before turning towards Hinata. Once he did, he srarted checking in on her.

Hianta was adorable in person, not as adorable as Naruko but still, seeing her in person made Shiro quite happy different experience then real-life in Google.

He used used the skill Observe.

Name: Hinata hyuuga

Race: Human

Job: Hyuuga heiress

System, how is she, and by that I mean is there any problems.with Hinata effecting her health.

[No, nothing is wrong with Hinata hyuuga, she appears to be in a dazed state from being stunned, but that is tempeorary.]

Ah, good... so she is just fine.

Shiro glances at the battle. just in time to see. naruto increase hisspeeds. Not to long after the battle is over, as the kumo ninjas lay unconcious.

Naruto turns to face Hinata, upon noticing Shiro his eyes widen slightly in surprise not having seeing him their

Shiro nods and smiles at naruto, before walking towards hinata. They both looked at Hinata in concern.

"Are you alright?" Shiro and Naruto both say at the same time causing the two of them to look at each other startled, before a sheepish expression forms on his face as Shiro laughs.

Shiro shifted his gaze towards hinata and smiled softly. My name is Shiro, rhe guy who saved you is naruto."

"Believe it!" Naruto (Fake)grinned.

Hinata blushed, "H-Hello, My name is H-H-hinata. H-H-Hinata H-Hyuuga."

Shiro shifted his gaze towards hinata and smiled softly. My name is Shiro, rhe guy who saved you is naruto."

"Believe it!" Naruto (Fake)grinned.

Hinata blushed, "H-Hello, My name is H-H-hinata." she then bowed at Naruto, "T-thank you, for s-saving me."

Now it was naruto's turn to blush, "It was nothing."


"I see," said Hiashi as he narrowed his eyes at both Shiro and Naruto we had just. explained everything that had happened surprisingly I thought hinatas guard, would be here with him but I guess some things change. his gaze lingering on naruto a lot longer than Shiro would have liked before his expression shifted to a neutral look.

"So I have you to thank for rescuing my daughter"

"We were just doing what we saw was right," said Shiro, "It was through extreme luck, I thought Naruto was going to die."

Hiashi nodded, "Even so, thank you." he turned towards Hinata, a stoic look appeared on his face... "Come daughter, lets head back."

"Y-yes." Hinata replied obediently and rushed forward, and the two left not before Hinata gave one last glance in their direction.

They both watched as the father-daughter duo disappear into the distance, till she vanished. Once she did, Shiro tapped naruto on the shoulder getting his attention.

"Lets go home." Shiro said, Naruto nodded...but not before taking one last look at where hinata was seen before we both. walked towards the apartment.

Once Naruto got home she took off the seals around his body, turning him back into a female. Her male features shifting back to a beautiful feminine look, Naruko sighed in relief before she plopped down onto the couch.

"Feeling better?" Shiro smiled as he watched naruko sigh in pleasure and relax her back into the back of the couch.

"Yes..." she replied, who knew that pretending to be someone. or something she isn't can be very extremely exhausting.

Shiro frowned, before he plopped down next to her his gaze lingered into her skin far longer than it should be before he stopped himself, you know, why don't you take a shower, I have ramen for dinner from ichikaru's place." Shiro offered.

Naruko smiled, "great, I'll get cleaned up right away." she got up and left to take a shower.

Shiro smiled as he watched naruko disappear, before I closed my eyes and entered my mindscape,

"Naruto." Shiro murmured, The doors sound at lightning fast speeds before me stood a wall with hundreds of thousands of memories related to Naruto, each had all of my memories of all fanfictions or anime or cartoon related to Naruto, even the ones that I have forgot or just scanned through, it will show the full story...or how much the author has completed.

Shiro had assumed that this was One of the perks of having an omnipresent energy system.

Show me Minatos Flying thunder God technique." There was a changed as the wall's rearanged itself, each change represents the category of the words that I said, and the number besides it represents the page or the minutes it was explained.

Once Shiro found the right one, he marked it, so he can find it later for me to read before Shiro started to exit the mindscape to return to normal.

Hearing the shower still running, Shiro decided to make the Ramen so it can be ready by the time Naruko is done.