

The city that was close by was the city of metropolis. Naruko Hinata, and Shiro were all sitting on the bed, Goku was in Gine's lap, while Kal was in Naruko's arms in a way to allow Gine to breastfeed him. "Gine- chan..." his eyes lingered a bit longer to her breast. "You know.... Kryptonians do not need food, so you don't have to breastfeed."

"Awe, you don't have to be so jealous Shiro-kun, you get yours every night~" Gine smirked as shiro's face lit up in a blush.

"t-thats not what I meant Gine-chan, Kryptonians, don't need food, they need sunlight, I mean they can enjoy, and eat food like the rest of us, but they can survive just from absorbing the Sunlight from there bodies alone"

Gine raised an eyebrow obviously interested in this information, and decided to fill it in later.

"Alright, so what are we going to do about the money?" Naruko asked.

"We aren't going to be here for long." Shiro replied, "We will definitely return, but we won't be staying."

Hinata frowned, "But, didn't you say-"

"Yes, I know what I said." Shiro sighed, "and Superman will be back for it, by the time school starts and everything..I actually don't know, but we will definitely be back before all the chaos happens in the future. for now. we can just homeschool them till at least 14"

"So, what do you want to do now?" Gine asked curiously..

"Well, make a name for ourselves, reduce the criminal population of this world." Shiro said with a small smile, Playing Superhero before anybody really gains there powers would be an amazing start. Killing criminals with actual intent without evidence or any people seeing that he was the one who did it? and people who are unstable, he can just stuff them into his inventory and give them eternal youth as a prison, like the joker, he could kill him, or he could stuff him inside a place where he could do absolutely nothing for all eternity. But maybe curing them is the best options, he does have a technique for that after all, recently learned it, but he does have it. For people like Shikamaru, that's paradise, but for people like the joker, it is a place worse than death, to be able to do absolutely nothing for all eternity.

There are so many things to do in this universe, just now was not the time, the only thing he really wanted to do now is make a name for himself and put himself outward as the starting point The first person to actually do this work, no not person, Group...a badass not cliche name.

Second, we do not need money in this world, but I need to make a name for myself, leave a mark as you say and I am not talking about crime fighting.

"We could write a story about my life." Naruko shrugged with a smirk, "How you protected me and everything, only to end up banished, gold material right there."

"True." Shiro nodded his head, "I could do that, I really could..."

Naruto the manga doesn't exist here, so there would be no copyright sue,

A smirk began to form on his face easy fame, easy money, and with his system, everything should go out smoothly, really, everything was a piece of cake, he looked at his family and grinned, "We got this."

How was it? If you like comment, let me know of your thoughts, and vote powerstones, I will see you tomorrow.

Ken_Uzumakicreators' thoughts