
God and the womb (Edited)

A young boy, groaned silently as he slowly awoke. His name was Shiro Hernandez, he was an average non judgemental Christian,

Though he had his doubts on what he believed, he till continued onward, most likely because of the fear of dying, honestly he could not understand why someone would want to believe that they will be nonexistant when they die, such a thing scares him, and if that were the case, would it really be worth doing anything if you are just going to end like that?

Anyway, it was your average other day, and he was just trying to make the most of it, when the most unexpected thing happened. A Truck went out of control and went of the streets.

Shiro did not have the time to move. The truck, slammed into his backside causing Shiro to fly headfirst into a brick wall. Unfortunately for him, he did not make it out alive.

Now Shiro woke up here, where he stared at the endless nothingness for a couple of seconds before looked down. Shiro's eyes widened as he stared at his body in shock. After a while of staring, Shiro finally remembered the events that had happened to him before he got here.

I' am alive? I still exist?' Shiro looked at his transparent hands and feet.

He tried to slap himself, so he can feel pain, unfortunately that slap went right through himself.

Shiro stared, as he quietly drifted to the right like a ghost.

It was sudden, but before long he got over It, and relief flooded his body. Shiro couldn't believe it. He was still here? he was still alive?"

After a minute or two of marveling, Shiro gave gave out loud shout which echoed across the vasteness of space.


"I am glad your happy my son." a voice said, causing Shiro's eyes widen in shock. This voice, it wasn't majestic or anything. It also wasn't weak nor was it loud, it was almost...peaceful?

It...it was like...water.

It was nothing, nobody he expected, nobody that was glowing white dressed in a white robe, nor was it a beautiful woman that looked like a Goddess, it was just an Orb of light.

"Who.." Shiro paused, before he shook his head, "I mean...what...are you..."

"I am the King of creation, the sole creator of all existence." it pulsed as it talked. "You have been chosen by random, I have been feeling very benevelont to gift you with reincarnation and a special power."

Shiro thought about it for a second, thinking about all those guys before me; web novel mcs. i\If this exist than that means there are probably beings stronger than him that exist as well, since each thing brings of infinite numbers of universe, It would be wise not to be arrogant. Shiro decided, he will take his chances and see what the infinite universes has to offer.

"All you need to say is I Accept." The Orb finished.

Shiro stared at it for a moment, before he spoke, "I Accept." The second he said that the orb pulsed and Shiro blacked out.


Once shiro regained consciousness he found himself in a in some kind of bag.

Shiro's body was severely miniaturized, about the size as a half a peanut.

Shiro couldn't really see anything, but, he could feel a lot things.

Shiro couldn't move. his hands or his legs as they both were too small.

He felt so much weaker than normal, even the tinest strain, could give you a spike of pain. At least he knows that he was not in a dream anymore.

It was unfortunate, Shiro found myself getting bored in only a matter of seconds.

Shiro could already tell that this was going to be boring..


A couple of months passed and Shiro could finally see now. His sight was a bit blurry at first, but eventually, he managed to see a little more clearly.

There were blue fluids everywhere, bits of white and other unknown things that is floating. Shiro really didn't know what these things were, but it really freaked him out. Shiro really regrets not paying attention in health class.

Eventually, over time for what felt like eternity, Shiro had grown to be used to it.

Once Shiro had gotten used to it, he had found himself once again feeling like dying in boredom. The only thing Shiro could do was sigh, as he waited for the time to go by.

I figured actions speak louder than words, the chapters up into the part when he leaves will stay the same, I might change the battle scenes a little bit

Ken_Uzumakicreators' thoughts