

So why don't we go back to the beginning..............my deaths.

[On earth at an collage campus]

''Yo Dwayne you have to admit that the Boruto is straight fire right.''

Dwayne { Man what are you talking about the Boruto series is straight trash, Naruto is the way to


Two student kept bikering of the difference in there faverate serie. These to are old friend and live in the same dormitory so they see eachother everyday. Even when they make such much noice over something like anime there is no one mocking them about it although there fellow students keep looking at them with judgging gazes and this is all of because of Dwayne. Being a 2 feet black dude with lots of muscle givees you this perk that no one wants to easily mess with you.

As the two got to class they stopped talking and waited in theire seats.

Dwayne {But man what i would'nt give to be a ninja like Itachi}

''I Know right to bad we don't live in such a wo............

Suddenly there was a very loud sound and everything was encased in red.

In the vast darkness without a trace of light, Dwayne doesn't know how long he has been here, a year, tenyears, or longer? He could not remember clearly. He does not know how but he could somehow feel the presents of other beings in this darkness.

When he first came into this darkness he thought it was gonna be like those novels where usually, he who was exposed to protagonist's strange encounter was going to be one, so when he found himself suddenly appearing in this vast dark place, he quickly reacted and even felt some excitement surging in his heart.

Is it that things have changed for better and he arrived in the legendary chaotic era, then according to the next pattern shouldn't he meet some Divine Being, come under his protection, and then whenever he saw God he would kill God, saw Buddha he would kill Buddha?

But the passing time let Dwayne know that novels are a scam, he not only did he not encounter the legendary expert and got a treasure, but also did not even see a trace of light.

Slowly Dwayne understood his plight there is no legendary godly treasure here only infinite chaos. It is simply a black cage without any hope, and unfortunately, he has been firmly locked up inside.

He not knowing when he will be able to escape, suddenly became very depressed.

Suddenly one day out of nowhere he could feel his body getting swept by somsething like a current. When he finaly stopped he opend is eyes in suprise because could actualy see the fade shadow sof people. Maybe they were the other who he sensed here he finaly did not have to be alone although he did sense the evil menecing aura surrounding those shadows he did not care sinds he was so lonely all this time, when he was going to go to them he saw a faint shimmer of light in the corner of his eyes he know he should be going to the fading shadows but for some reason his body moved towords that shimmer.

A small group of Small bright or dark lights was fluttering in front of his eyes, Dwayne approached those light groups with great effort,when he made it through the front of them everything was suddenly illuminated .but whenever he approached them, they quickly disappeared into the darkness.

He did not know why he chased the light groups, just instinctively want to leave the darkness quickly.

Suddenly, one day after chasing those groups of light he suddenly found himself in front of a dazzling light , and then slowly became larger, it was a super big light ball, Xiaya was sure he had never seen such a big and bright light ball. Then came one more then ten more and it kept increasing up unitl the space he was in was filled with giant light balls of different color.

"A huge light ball. I'll have to do what i can to get out!"

Gritting his teeth, Dwayne used all his skills and floated towards that piece of super-big light group. Raging currents stabbed his body, the pain coming from the depth of his soul unceasingly tormented him, but he bit his teeth hard and keep moving.

"Almost there, soon will be able to reach."

Dwayne with twisted face stared ahead fiercely, his two eyes glimmering with a radiance showed his unswerving determination, enduring the pounding strong currents little by little he moved towards the light group ahead.

As soon as he neared, he found the light group ahead was unusually large, in front of it, he appeared like a tiny ant.

"Haha, finally, I can leave this loathsome place." Dwayne revealed an excited expression on his face and then approached little by little.

When he was close enough to make contact with them he opend is mouth in supprise because he could see inside of those lights balls.

His vision suddenly expanded many times he felt he was like a god seeing all through all this. These lightballs were different dimensions and through his enhances vision he could everything in those demensions.

Some looked like a true paradise, others seem like nothing like a place for the death, other looked like a futuristisch and some look like martial worlds depicted in Chinese novels. Dwayne had an feeling if he enterd one of these lights he will be send to that world. So he had to carefully choose.

As he was sitting there slowly looking at through these dimensions suddenly the group of shadows shoud up and the menecing aura around became much stronger. Thats when Dwayne saw more of these shadows coming out from a dark purple red mixed light. As he did not move do to shock a shadow suddenly gripped him by his legs , as he fell more of the shadows started grabbing him and trying to drag him to the purple light, while being dragged Dwayne finaly snaps out of it and tries to force them off. But they won't let him go as he got nearer and rearer to the purple light he suddenly got his sense of hearing back. He could hear nothing but shreaming coming from ball of pruple lighth hearing the voices of many people young and old in great agony asking, no begging for death.

Right when he was in front of theball of purple light his vision suddenly expanded and he could see the demension seeing nothing but HELL true hell in the actual sense many people being torcherd man dying many getting violated and still they only schream one thing KILL ME, KILL ME, KILL ME KILL ME, KILL ME, KILL ME, KILL , KLL ME, KILL ME .

The shadows on the other hand came nothing but a gentle voice saying join us be one with us. Dwayne schreamed as he began stuggeling even harder trying you to get free, but his evert were futile as he kept getting closer and closer the lower part of his body was already in that purple.

Dwayne felt s if his entire soul was being shreded over and over a gain, when he was about to give up in despaire as he was almost full absorbed he suddenly saw a bright orange light not knowing from where he got it the strength he suddenly starting pulling himself towords the orange light.

As he got closer and closer, his strength started soaring but bad nieuws was that the shadow started pulling him harder and harder. When he was about to get dragged back in suddenly two glowing arms grabbed a hold of him bringing him closer to the orange light. When he got close enough his vision had suddenly expanded and he saw it the world he and his friend always dreamed of the world of shinobi.

Seeing this world he somehow got even more strenght out of nowhere in the ends with the help of the glowing arm suddenly half of his body was already in the orange ball of light. In the end he felt like the two lights were have a tug of were with his soul being the rope. As he felt like he was about to shatter suddenly a blade came out from the dark world of death and split him into two.

Dwayne saw another version of himself but he had no time to think about it as he suddenly started schreaming as he never felt such a pain before not even when he was almost sent to the purple light dimnsion. Dwayne could not even handel the pain anymore and whe he was about to lose his consience he saw the other him being pulled in the purple light dimension as he was being pulled in the orange light.

[In the purple light world]

??? {Damn you ???? getting involved like this. Tch and now because of that damn ????? his soul devided hast lost most of his value but most of his most of his spark is still here, seeing this hatred an despaire i could maybe foster it and it will could turn into somthing useble . But it can also be a complete waste. Whatever lets take a gamble i will not be losing much anyway. Kakakakaka no devided soul be reborn in the eternal dimension of abyss in the world of suffering and when you come back will i relish you're sweet soul.

[In the Orange light world]

Mmmh sigh so his soul has been devided ............. well it does'nt matter so long i ruined part of ??? plan. Now sinds i heard you're desire for this world i will reincarnate you as a apologie, but you will be reincarnated in a weak body with you're devided soul, if you live or die its up to you but if you do nothing for you're soul it will vanish. Go in the name of the Flowing light dimension you will reincarnate in the world of shinobi. Until we meet again.

Dwayne in soul flew through the reincarnation cycle of ???? and was reincarnates as a new born baby of the Lord of the land of fire . Twelve years whent by and Dwayne now known as Yuuta grew up very frail and slow. Everyone of the land kept calling himt the mut of Tiger Father. His father was disapointed of his first born so he made more children with his concubines.

Why not his wife? Because when she gave birth to Yuuta her already frail morebody became even more sickly . She was the only one who still truely cared for him even if she could not do much.

It was not as Yuuta was realy slow but his soul could just not control his body, but he kept trying. Years went by and with the passing of theses years Yuuta his control over his body kept getting better and better till the point he could move by himself. Because of the devide of his soul his memeries of his past life were all a mess but he still new many thing specialy about this world. He shocked many people with his intelligence when everyone thought he was a retard.

He kept this up because of his asperation to become a ninja even if this body was frail it still had chackra. At the age of 16 Yuuta's mother died, at her deathbed she told him that she will always believe in him even in death and that she was so proud of him. Yuuta was filled with grieve for a year but started his body control traing again. Suddenly one day he grasped a trace of chackra controlin his to his exitement,\. He cried reliesing that all these years of traing have not been a waste and how he was going to show everyone and make his mother even more proud of him.

4 Years went by Yuuta kept training his chakara control and it was getting smoother and smoother up until one day his frail body just gave out. Right before his mothers death anniversity Yuuta died with a lot of grievinve.

But what he did not know was this was not the end this was the start of him dying and reincarnating for years to come until one day his destiny changed when he was reincarnated as child in the hidden leaf village Konoha.