
The Strongest Royal Group! Start With The Great Voyage (One Piece)

One Piece The Strongest Royal Group! Start With The Great Voyage Lynn travels through the pirate world, starting with the strongest captain system, and can recruit female crew members from the Ten Thousand Worlds… Thus, one of the strongest imperial regiments in history was born! Ben Beckman: “I have to admit that this chick Ma Yin is the strongest sniper in this world!” ” Kaido: “Hell, this Tsunade’s physical skills are not under me?” And also! You call this a ship doctor?! ” Green Pheasant: “The ice power of Esders, is it the upper position of my frozen fruit?” …” Ai Lu: “Shadow is Thor, I don’t deserve it…” Yamaji: “Rina Sakukiri is an eternal god, and she is the god of cooking!” ” Brooke: “Ryo is the true king of music!” *Lu’s art is unmatched! ” People of the world: “Artoria is our king!” Draco get rough! ” “Damn, all of them are peerless beauties, so envious of Captain Lynn, who rules them… Woooo “Hey, I’m not a soft eater of Lynn, Laozi is very strong… What a fragrance~” Lynn roared weakly.

Big_Big_0235 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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100 Chs

Chapter 54

Chapter 54 Thunder! Silence is your destination! [2nd change].

"Shadow, this is just the beginning."

Lynn decided to draw the pie again.

"By the way, those shrimp soldiers and crab generals, let me deal with it, you can fight him with peace of mind."

Lynn suggested.


Shadow nodded and flipped out a purple beak knife. This beak knife is also called the rice light of the weed, and it is the special weapon of the shadow.

This beak knife and Whitebeard's are two styles, Whitebeard is thick and fierce, wide open and close power killing type, while Shadow is light and sharp, wandering and dexterous.

However, this beak knife combined with the thunder power of the shadow can merge the light spirit and lethality, but it is more tricky.

The two walked side by side, the shadow flew directly, while Lynn used the moon step, and in just a few breaths, the two went up to the temple


The two landed in front of the door of the temple.

And at the gate of the temple, the four great priests under Anilu have been waiting for a long time.

"Sure enough, he can also know your arrival, you be careful."

Seeing that the other party had already set up a battle, Lynn hurriedly whispered a reminder.


Shadow nodded.

"My family god has been waiting for a long time, please."

A bald head wielding a sword among the four priests stood up and made an invitation. Iron Trial Priest Ichi Ohm.

Lynn originally wanted to come up and drop them, but they didn't expect that they seemed to be quite polite, so she held back for a while and didn't make a move. However, just as the two were about to enter the temple.... Suddenly!

"Huh? You stop! You are not on the list of invitations by Lord Anilu, just wait here! "

A priest with an extremely round stomach stopped Lynn with an indifferent face.

Trials of the Ball Priest One Shadley.

"Those who dare to blaspheme the temple will not be pardoned!"

"Please stop your rudeness! This is the final warning! The temple is not something anyone can enter casually! "

The other two priests also picked up the weapons in their hands, and their words were filled with Sen Leng killing intent.

His own Lord Anilu pointed out that the only purple-haired girl on the distinguished guest was the purple-haired girl, and the black-haired man on one side was naturally not qualified to enter the temple, which was the place where the Lord of the Anilu God lived, and not any cat or dog could enter.

Originally, Lynn didn't want to start right away, but he didn't expect the other party to kick his nose on his face.

"Bang bang bang!"

Lynn just raised his hand and moved four fingers, and four crescent slashes flew out, killing the four gods one by one.

These four guys who helped to cause abuse, through those so-called trials over the years, did not know how many empty island people they had killed, and many of them had broken into it by mistake.

Sending them back to the West today can be regarded as a breath to those who died.

"So fast! I can catch it, but I can't dodge! "

"What happened?"


"This is?…."

The four great priests were originally very weak, and they usually relied on the shells of the empty island to increase their combat power, so Lynn's flying fingers grabbed, they couldn't block it at all, and they could only leave a cry of surprise and all died.

"Can you catch it? It seems that the empty island heart network [seeing and hearing the domineering] is still unique. "

Lynn said darkly.




A powerful aura suddenly erupted from the shadow's body, and then rushed away, directly rushing open the gate, and then swept the entire temple inside.

This is the breath of the gods! Full of majesty and supremacy!

Mortals face this kind of breath, if their strength is low, they are afraid that they will bow down.

In the temple, stood a man wearing a white turban, with long earlobes on both sides, shirtless, but with several thunder drums behind him.

God of the empty island: Anilu!

In the face of the divine aura released by the shadow, Anilu did not give in the slightest, but also the thunder light on his body, and a powerful aura burst out.

God sees God!

The first side is the confrontation of the breath of God?


However, it ended with Anilu's footsteps floating and taking a step back.

"It seems that you have not fully mastered the true meaning of thunder, you don't even have the slightest breath of gods, you are not worthy of being called a god!"

Shadow shook his head and sighed.

Before coming, she was still full of hope, hoping to meet an opponent who was equal to herself, and then let herself integrate the laws of this world as soon as possible.

However, after meeting, she tried the root and immediately knew the other party's ability, at least one gear worse than herself, and she was a little disappointed.

Lynn, who obediently stood in the distance to watch the battle, heard this and secretly said in his heart: You are really right, this Anilu is indeed almost meaningful, even I Lynn has the confidence to solve him within ten moves.

"Am I not worthy to be called God? Hello big breath! "

Anilu's dead fish eyes, which usually seemed to be incomparable, suddenly opened round, his forehead was bruised, and the surge of anger even made his face a little distorted.

So many years. It was the first time he had seen someone who dared to humiliate himself in front of him like this.

"Knock knock!"

With the golden stick in his hand, he directly hit the thunder drum on the left and right behind him.

"60 million volts? Thunder Dragon! "

He directly unleashed the strongest thunder drum killing move.

I saw that the thunder drum behind him had a turbulent electric light flying out, and then melted into a fierce thunder dragon, roaring like a shadow to kill.


The appearance of this thunder dragon, the terrifying power contained in it, even Lynn was a little side-eyed. The power of thunder and lightning has always been the most fierce and explosive attack.

Anilu's move is already the strongest besides his Thor state. However, the shadow did not look at this thunder dragon, and gently swung the beak knife with one hand and cut it out.


Like the sound of a blister being punctured, the seemingly fierce thunder dragon was cut by this knife, like a deflated balloon, and after only a second, only a wisp of light smoke remained, floating faintly.


Anilu's eyes were directly round, and his eyeballs were about to fall.

"You don't need to be really skillful, I'll cut you off with the next knife!" Sinful man! "

Shadow's words are full of disappointment.

Thunder and lightning without the power of God, for her, it is just a thunder, how can it hurt her. If she wanted to, the thunder dragon just now, she could even blow away with a breath.

What she said was true, if Anilu's next move was still at this level, she would kill Anilu without the slightest hesitation. The sins on Anilu's body, she has seen the tip of the iceberg, it is really a damn person!

"Don't lie too much!"

Anilu was furious to the peak, and the thunder light on his body rushed like an erupting magma, instantly filling a radius of more than 100 meters, and countless overflowing thunder and lightning, easily annihilating everything in the temple!

The whole temple is crumbling!


"Two hundred million volts Thor!"

Under the absolute crushing of the shadow, Anilu did not dare to have any reservations, and all the Leishen in his body burst out. Then he used these bursts of thunder and lightning, combined with his own body, to condense a huge divine magic phase!

Thunder Fruit Thor Form!

"Still can't! Forget it, I'll get it myself! Can't count on you anymore! "

Kage sighed, then clenched his sword with both hands.


Purple thunder appeared on her body and on the beak knife.

Anilu roared angrily at this time, and the fully fleched Thor form that drove the most violent blow.


With such a ferocious amount of thunder power, everywhere it went, even the void seemed to tremble. And the huge Thunder God Law Phase brings extremely oppressive power!

Even Lynn was a little side-eyed and nervous, afraid that Ray Movie would be hurt by something.


However, all the hustle and bustle, after the shadow whispered two words, returned to silence.

Even Lynn only had time to see a rapid figure and perform a very simple slash. Then, Anilu, along with Thor's state, was all killed.

Yes, Anilu's whole person was cut in two by the top and bottom.

"What? I can't avoid turning into lightning… No! I can't die here! I'm going to go to the vast land, to where God should go."

Anilu sensed that the vitality of his body was like a flood of breaking banks, rapidly flowing out of his body, and panicked to the extreme

"Silence, this is your destination."

Shadow even put away the beak knife.

It seems that she is very confident in this knife of herself.



In an instant, where Anilu's wound was, purple thunder burst out, instantly turning him into ashes.

Lynn thought that Anilu was dead and everything was over, but seeing that the shadow was still waiting for it, and there were countless purple thunder rays gushing out of his body, he knew that things were not so simple.

The shadow looks like this now, much more cautious than against Anilu just now!.