
Chapter 3: Grandfather

At this moment, a gust of wind whistled behind Lin Yu. He thought to evade, but a flash sparked in his mind, and ultimately, he stood there gritting his teeth.

Suddenly, a thump landed on the back of his head. Lin Yu, holding his head in pain, turned back to see a tall old man standing there, wielding a peach wood cane, vehemently accusing him, "In broad daylight, you dare to harass women? You rascal, get lost, or I'll thrash you."

The old man was probably in his early seventies, spirited and dignified, with a magnificent mane of white hair. His bearing showed that he had held a leadership position in his work. At this moment, he glared fixedly at Lin Yu, reminiscent of how Comrade Lei Feng would glare at class enemies.

"Grandfather, I'm not a rascal. I'm your grandson, Lin Yu, Little Yu," Lin Yu hesitated for a moment, his eyes reddening as he spoke softly.

"Rubbish! My grandson left home six years ago. Do you want to impersonate my grandson to harass women? You impudent brat, I'll beat you to death." The old man seemed to have had a fiery temperament in his youth. Once again, he raised the cane to strike, but just as it was raised, it couldn't descend anymore, stopping mid-air.

He saw Lin Yu take out a photograph from his pocket. In that slightly yellowed photo was a family portrait with the caption "Little Yu's 100th-day Celebration."

In the picture, a middle-aged couple held a chubby baby, beaming brightly. Behind them, a young couple stood, their arms around their shoulders, equally joyful and radiant.

How could the old man not recognize it? It was clearly a family portrait taken on his grandson's 100th-day celebration. Only his grandson would have such a photograph.

"Grandfather Lin, he's truly Little Yu, your grandson, Lin Yu," Liu Xiaoyan hobbled over—she had accidentally twisted her ankle earlier. It pained her to walk, but at this moment, she was concerned about Lin Yu being hit and hurried over.

Lin Yu watched Liu Xiaoyan's graceful figure and the pronounced curves wrapped tightly in jeans, finding it aesthetically pleasing but also strangely warming in his heart.

This little girl, unexpectedly, remained as kind as she was in their childhood, and even this considerate of him. Truly, she has grown.

"Are you, are you really Little Yu?" Upon hearing Liu Xiaoyan's words, the old man, after looking at the photograph, was stunned. The cane he was holding couldn't strike anymore, a glimmer appeared in his clouded eyes, his voice quivering.

"I am Little Yu, truly, Grandfather..." Lin Yu opened his arms, approaching the old man, tears shimmering in his eyes. He longed for that moment when his grandfather would gently embrace him, then he would solemnly say, "Grandfather, I'm back, and I won't leave your side again. I'll take care of you both until the end of your days."

"Thump..." Before the imagined heartfelt embrace, another forceful strike came down.

"You little scoundrel, you ungrateful brat! When you were young, you were always wandering about. When your parents died in a car accident at 18, you squandered all the property they left you in just six months, became destitute, and left a letter saying you'd wander the world. And now you dare to come back? Do you know how your grandmother and I have survived these years? Your grandmother lost her son and daughter-in-law, then suffered from a severe illness. You, you little scoundrel, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have a grandson! I'll beat you to death..." The cane rained down on Lin Yu, leaving him cowering.

"Grandpa Lin, please stop, please stop. Even if Little Yu has a thousand faults, don't beat him like this. Look at how he is now; he might not be living a comfortable life. If he leaves again, you won't be able to find him, and you won't see your grandson again," Liu Xiaoyan, watching Lin Yu being beaten, felt indescribable heartache, pulling at Grandpa Lin's arm while pleading softly.

Perhaps her persuasion had an effect, or perhaps the old man only intended to vent his anger and make a show of it. After all, after so many years without seeing his grandson, he was going mad with worry. After his fury passed, he felt heartache. How could he bear to continue hitting?

"You little brat, come home with me. Do you hear me? If you dare to leave again, I'll break your legs." Grandpa Lin snorted, put down the cane, and turned away.

But after taking two steps, he glanced back at Liu Xiaoyan, "Yan, did this brat bully you? I heard you screaming for help. I just came down for morning exercises and saw this brat bothering you. If he bullied you, I'll thrash him."

As he spoke, Grandpa Lin raised the cane again.

"No, no, Grandpa Lin, it was just that I got scared when I saw Little Yu, so I shouted. Little Yu didn't bully me at all," Liu Xiaoyan waved her hands repeatedly, speaking softly. She stole a glance at Lin Yu, suddenly recalling the scenes from earlier, her face reddening, her heart racing, and her breath quickening.

She had always been quiet and reserved, speaking more with Lin Yu than anyone else. Even then, her voice was soft, as if spoken through a breeze. And whenever she spoke, she blushed. Therefore, when they were kids, Lin Yu teased her, giving her the nickname "Blushing Beauty," which angered Liu Xiaoyan for several days.