
Prologue (will be fixed later dwdw)

Deep in an unfathomably ancient and sacred location, the vague sound of rebooting could be heard.

<System recalibrating...>

It was strange because there was no computer, no technology in the place where these muffled sounds were coming from.

<Memory files recovered, Executing operation (TSK)>

It was as if the world itself was awakening and groaning itself awake.

<Locating hosts...>

It had been here for so long and slumbered for such a period of time that it had nearly forgot its purpose.

<10 Billion viable hosts detected.>

The very purpose that the planet had been programmed with from its inception.

<Threshold has been reached, Initialising stage one of (TSK)>

Its true purpose,

<Transferring all hosts..>

Had begun.

<0905002018 00:00,Transference successful>

So it begins...


Zhandiicreators' thoughts