
The Strongest Fallen King

The story tells of a powerful king who rejected his own humanity in order to protect those who were once dear to him.

Ezrale · Fantaisie
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17 Chs


- Hear my call, Zilios.

Instantly, a huge ship sailed toward Achilles.

- Well, for starters, do you consider yourself the strongest?

- We are equal.

- You're wrong, compared to me and this woman, you're weak.

- What?

Revias was shocked to hear that for the first time.

- I'm not going to drag this out, so I'll tell you everything in detail. My true race is Draconite, and I lived in the Age of the Gods.

- But you don't look your age!?

- Naturally, because I am immortal, for me the concept of death has long been non-existent, even if you erase my very existence, I will continue to live.

- What, you were talking about strength?

- I'll tell you the best part. You know the hierarchy of dragons, don't you?

- Yes, they are divided by the degree of danger: an ordinary one can destroy a continent, a rare one can destroy several continents, an epic one can destroy a planet, an ancient one can destroy several planets.

- Almost right, there's also legendary and divine.

- Are they powerful?

- As I recall, you defeated Weisgramea, but by then it had almost completely lost its former power. An ordinary ancient dragon is quite capable of destroying several universes. A legendary one capable of destroying an infinite number of universes, and finally a divine one capable of destroying countless parallel worlds, they are capable of manipulating the history of worlds. On the other hand, I was the strongest of the divine dragons.

- Are they all on our planet?

- No. Our world is not alone, if our world is at the end of infinity, there are other worlds that are beyond this infinite world. Examples would be the World of Gods and the World of Chaos. If we live in an infinite world, then there are beings that perceive us as fiction. The World of Gods is not limited by anything, it is the very embodiment of existentialism. It is known to be ruled by Zeus, but even he cannot enter the World of Chaos, for this world is far superior to all existing worlds, literally the weakest story surpasses Zeus in every aspect, so too will this story be surpassed by others, and so on in an infinite circle.

- Have you lived in the world of the gods?

- In the distant past.

 - But how did you get out of there? If you were the strongest, why did Zeus let his strongest warrior go so easily?

- I didn't get out, I was banished for one grievous sin. My sin was that I fell in love with a human, which is something that dragons of divine level are not allowed to do, because humans are just food for us.

- Have you lost your former strength?

- Yes, I lost all the divinity I had, and now I'm just a pathetic legendary dragon.

- What about the girl? Why would we follow her to an unknown place?

- Ha, as you know, I have eyes and ears everywhere, I was informed that this girl killed the ancient dragon Zargate, who embodied the concept of destiny, this is not a weak dragon, if you put it in the hierarchy of ancient dragons, it will easily be among the three strongest.

- Will Weisgramea be able to enter the top five strongest?

- Are you kidding me? That weakling wouldn't even be in the top 100. The concept he embodied existed in the lower world, where every mongrel was literally stronger than a human, but with Weisgramea gone, the chaos and order he established disappeared, and now there is balance in the lower world.

- Achilles, looks like I'm going to be useless this time, huh?

- What makes you think that?

- I spent a week on Weisgramea, even at the end I lost many limbs, as you know I lost my left leg, my right eye, I was almost gutted, and here's a girl who lost nothing with the strongest dragon....

- You probably weren't listening because I said that ancient dragons are inferior to legendary dragons by several times. If you want power, I'll give it to you.

- How?

- You want to become a dragon?

- If I can become even a little equal to you, I'll agree to all the terms!

- Ha, then let's go! Achilles exclaimed wryly.

- Zilio picked up full speed, aiming for the Tower of Babel.

The ship set off at a speed for which distance is like garbage.

- We have arrived at my treasury.

- What is the speed limit of this ship, only a few minutes ago we were in the capital.

- Haha, the ship is my pride, but it's a pity it's made from my designs," Achilles said enthusiastically.

- Where are we going next?

- Next, I'll teleport us.

- We're going straight to the Tower of Babel?

- That's right, that's my treasure room, ha-ha-ha! Achilles said excitedly.

- Doors that have existed for centuries open before the lord.

A gloomy door appeared, distorting space and time with its mere appearance.

- Welcome to my world, Revias.

As they walked through that door, they entered a very real city filled with people.

- It is good to see you, Your Majesty! shouted the crowd of beauties.

- Achilles, where are we?

- Have you not heard? We are in my world, in a space where there is no beginning and no end.

- Is this another universe?

- Maybe, though I think my space is much higher than the regular universe," Achilles said in amazement.

- Where to now?

- To my castle, of course, where I'll show you how to change your race.

- That sounds promising! Revias exclaimed in surprise.

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