
Chapter 108 - Annoying flies and friends

"You sure you are okay?" Sitting at a desk located in the back of their conjoined science class, Aziel hesitantly leaned over in the direction of the perceivably disenchanted Jake, who, after being released from the hospital late last night did not skip school day today.

The young man was currently gazing blankly at the ceiling of his chattering classroom. Moving his dominant hand that now laid in a cast, he was unquestionably displeased at his prevailing predicament.

"It's okay, I am fine." Jake responded in a stifled tone with a subtle hint of indignation at being placed in such a position.

Despite the disastrous event that transpired just a day ago on the school's PE field, and Jake being rushed to the school infirmary, things promptly went back to normal without much of a hassle. The young man's arm now being in a cast whilst he recovered from his injury, was greatly affecting his day to day life.