
C50 - The Unknown Seed

Riolu's body started to be covered with the bright light and slowly changed as the light became brighter. Lucas saw his evolution and decided to assist him by sending both Aura and Omni Force.

("Lucas! give him the unknown seed to helped his growth.")


Lucas was confused to hear his big sister's request, but he didn't ask and passed the seed from his inventory to Riolu before asking.

"Big sis, tell me the 4 Unknown seeds were just an ordinary seed or something special about them?"

("Lucas, I can't tell anything about the seed, but you should know the four unknown you received were divinity seed and they give assistance to your Pokemon growth.")

"Divinity seed?" Lucas muttered in confusion. He continued asking her about the seed, but his Big sister didn't answer him, only giving him a hint 4 Unknown seeds were special and limited edition only. (A/N: Hint! Lee Tae Hoo divinity seed.)

Upon receiving changes happened at Riolu evolution. The bright light started to change, dark blue light started to shine with the evolution light. The evolution light became brighter and started to dim.

Riolu's evolution was successful and he became a Lucario! The only strange thing was Lucario's eyes were releasing blue lighting alongside his pressure becoming heavier. (A/N: Lucario with Zone. LOL!)



[Lucario (Husk)

Ability: Inner Focus, Justified (New Unlock!)

Level: 40

Gender: Male

Bond level: 100% (He recognizes you as a Family.)

Potential: Dark Blue → Magenta

Inherited Move: Detect, Vacuum Wave

Learned Move: Hidden Power • Ground, Force Palm, Agility, Counter, Reversal, Shadow Claw, Aura Sphere (New), Bone Rush (New), Sword Dance (New)

Tutor Move: Cross Chop, Dual Chop

HM/TM Move: Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball, Earthquake, Double Team]

[Pupitar (Stone Head)

Ability: Shed skin

Level: 34

Gender: Male

Bond level: 100% (He recognizes you as his father.)

Potential: Dark Blue

Inherited Moves: Dragon Dance, Stomp

Learned Moves: Hidden Power • Dragon, Sandstorm, Bite, Dark Pulse, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Crunch (New!), Iron defense (New!),

Tutor Moves: Rock Tomb, Iron Head

HM/TM Moves: Earthquake, Protect, Hyper Beam]

(A/N: My moveset was awesome right?)


Lucas looked at his Pokemon status and was surprised to see their growth especially to Lucario after he received the Unknown seed.

His Potential rise to legendary category a Magenta Aptitude. He knew a few Pokemon who raised to such a degree and his Audino was one of them. (A/N: Audino complete recovery.)

"Good Job! both of you." Lucas called and praised them for their job well done!

They defeated their opponent higher than them by a few levels, especially to Larvitar. Although their attack was less effective against him, the pressure still remained since they're stronger than him.

"Luc~ ar~!" Lucario nodded his head and tried to stretch his body. On other hand, Pupitar floated beside him and rubbed his head on his cheek.

"Hehehe~" Lucas laughed at his action and took his Pokeball.

He wanted to capture them and asked them about their habitat after he witnessed their potential. He chose to invite them inside the Ecology Park and breed them.

Few Hours later.

The Duo Toxtricity woke up and Lucas talked with them 'heart to heart' discussion. Where he learned another deeper information, the whole dimension has limited resources!

He also learned that the weaker group received a smaller amount of resources and some of them didn't receive even a penny of supplies for a few months unless they were someone's protection...

"Hmm..." Lucas heard different information and came to a conclusion. The whole dimension isn't as beautiful as it's portrait by the Elekid's sbling.

"Say, if both of you can convince your clan to migrate to my ecology park. Where I can offer you a comfortable and safe place to your clan, but in one condition your clan must follow the house role."

""Toxtri~?"" Both Toxtricity were confused and nodded their heads in agreement. They had a single thought, they wanted a better place to live.

"Good! lead the way."

Another hour had passed.

Lucas released his Pokemon to enjoy the scenery and to maintain vigilance. Since he was ambushed once, he won't be surprised if another ambush awaits him in the corner.

He guessed it right! Another ambush happened after they travelled for 30 minutes and Lopunny defeated the enemy easily with Floette.

During their travel, Floette managed to reach level 40 and mastery over the Fairy and Hidden Power improved significantly!

"Hmm." Lucas pondered and retrieved two items from his inventory, both the unknown seed and perfect grade of Shiny Stone. He wanted Floette to evolve since she has a deeper foundation.

"I need a good source of life, plants and flower energy before I let her evolve." Lucas scratch his chin.

("Lucas! I suggest to used the life jewel (replica) rotted inside your inventory and follow the green mark I pin in your visual.") Chu helped Lucas on his problem.

"Thanks! Nig Sis I will visit the green mark after my negotiation with the Toxtricity Clan."

("Hmm~ Good luck!")


Unknown Seed (Description/ Use)

[The Unknown Seed (Divinity Seed)

Description: A mysterious artifact across the multiverse! The seed was formed from the concentrated divinity of the Higher Being. ?????

Effect: 200% Learning and Comprehension ability, ???, ???, ???]


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