
The Strategist's Gambit: Chronicles of Revolution

"In a world torn by war, strategist Dimitri leads a revolution against King Louis Dorman's oppressive rule. As the Battle of the Dead unfolds, Dimitri employs ruthless tactics”

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11 Chs

"The final preparations."

"Dimitri stated with confidence, locking eyes with the overall leader of the rebels. 'Sir, General, at this moment, we've reached the point of no return, and I advise we implement the Hannibal Plan.' Shock registered on the faces of all participants in this meeting, their eyes revealing everything. It was the end, and they had to do everything they could to survive.

Hannibal's plan was extremely brutal, requiring soldiers to march over the bodies of their friends without showing any concern for them, stepping over the wounded. Your brother might be killed or injured, and the laws compelled you not to look at them. You had to move forward only, without glancing back or to the sides—only forward.

The overall leader trusted Dimitri blindly, as he was the sole strategist in the revolutionary army.

The general of the revolutionary army shouted, 'Rest today, tomorrow we will commence our move to overthrow our first city, doglan city.'

The revolutionary army was confident that the royal army wouldn't attack them due to their own organized ranks.

The night passed quietly, as expected."

In the early morning,

Dimitri woke up, confidently dressed, exited his tent, mounted his black horse, and unsheathed his sword, feeling its weight as he directed it towards the enemy. Observing this scene would reveal the confidence that this strategist carried within him. However, the reality was quite the opposite. He was internally distressed but couldn't show it to avoid demoralizing the army. The true source of his inner sadness was the awareness that losing this battle would subject him to societal condemnation, human scorn, and historical disgrace, bringing shame upon his family in the eyes of the public.

"Move out!"

The army began to advance towards the battlefield, and in less than two hours...

The two armies reached the battlefield, and the commander, Demitry, implemented a well-thought-out plan: placing the weak and injured at the forefront of the army to serve as bait for the defenders, while the strongest forces remained at the rear. The army was divided into four divisions:

1. **The Vanguard:**

   - Consisting only of the weak and bait for the defenders, led by no specific commander.

2. **The Center:**

   - Positioned 30 meters behind the Vanguard, led by the overall general, and the strategist, Demitry.

3. **The Right Wing:**

   - Under the command of the Left Counselor, 'or kin.'

4. **The Left Wing:**

   - Under the command of the Right Counselor, 'Joe.'

This strategic formation aimed to create a tactical advantage on both flanks while utilizing the weaker forces as a diversion.

It was a devastating battle. The royal army consisted of 150,000 soldiers, while the revolutionary army, having been significantly diminished after the first battle, numbered around 70,000—almost half of its original strength. This battle would be etched in the annals of history as the Battle of the Dead.
