
The story of Lukercy/Percy & Luke!!!

I love the percy jackson books and I am Percy's twin and he is betrayed for real and percy and luke are dating and there are different ships too like Annabeth and Piper, Jason and April, Frank and Hazel, Nico and reyna, and I am with Leo valdez. P.S (Please rate the story and there is more coming soon!!!)

Alaynna_Jackson · Sports, voyage et activités
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Chapter Two: I am betrayed

Percy POV:

I was running when all a sudden was in mount olympians and all the gods were looking at me and they said, that I betrayed them, I was shocked that they would thing. But Poseidon, Athena, Artemis, Apollo, Hesta, Hades said I should live. But the rest of the gods said I should die and they won, then I was sent to tartarus.

I was walking around after a bunch of monsters attacked me. Then some one appeared I looked I the guy and said, ¨Who the hell are you¨ The man said, ¨I am Chaos and I want to make you apart of my army do you accept my offer?¨ ¨I do¨ I said, then Chaos said, ¨You have my blessing Percy Jackson and I can bring anyone you want back.¨ ¨Anyone?¨ I asked, ¨Anyone¨ Chaos said I said, ¨Can you bring Zoe Nightshade, Luke Castellan, Bianca Di Angelo, Silena Beauregard, Charles Beckendorf, Ethan Nakamura, Michael Yew, Lee Fletcher, castor?¨ ¨Yes you can.¨ Said Chaos he snapped his fingers and they all were back.Tears of happiness rolling down my cheeks.

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