
The story of Ariana

Ariana is an abandoned poor girl who lives in the forest all by herself , regarding some false revelation prophesied by the priestess of the kingdom .Ariana always had this dreams of getting married to the handsome and charming prince who all the maidens wish to be his braid ,while growing up Ariana becomes more beautiful daily and talented lady . One day an announcement arrived from the palace "The king is giving a royal ball in honor to the prince ,every maiden in the kingdom is commanded to come .Ariana was so excited but also sad because she was considered a cause to the kingdom , everybody refused to help her join the ball or lend her a dress for the ball she had to wear one of her old dresses to the ball. During the ball the prince is seen greeting the maiden one after another with a polite but bored expression ,then suddenly ,a hush fell over the ballroom ,The prince looked towards the grand entrance ,A lovely and beautiful girl in a dress of many colours stood there with all eyes on her ,it was Ariana ,the prince fell in love with her at first sight but was discourage by his father and everyone close to him , enlightening him of the false revelation prophesied about Ariana but the more the prince thinks about her and the revelations the more he fells deeply in love with her .the prince couldn't sleep without dreaming of her and wish to destroy every false revelation or spell done to Ariana but after consoling so many priestess of other kingdom ,he is told that the revelations Ariana was a false one and that the priestess lied due to some secert she held ,later that month the priestess was exposed and banished from the Kingdom,that same month the wedding bells rang throughout the kingdom between the prince and Ariana ,as the happily married couples rode away in the royal coach ,Ariana realized she had been right , after all .If you keep on believing,your dreams will come true ,and so they all live happily ever after.This is the story of Ariana .you can read along with me.Let's begin now.

Ng_Okoro · Histoire
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Yanki kingdom; Ariana's birth.

*Yanki kingdom

*Ariana's mother pregnancy difficulties

*Ariana's birth

*The priestess Revelations

*Ariana's death sentence .