
The story of a Girl.

_Krishna_ · Sports, voyage et activités
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Trip With Friends

(It may contain grammer mistake. While reading afford with it.)

Rithu and her friends decided to go for a trip since having one month left to start the last Semester. Rithu, is a Medical Student in Zurich, Switzerland. She look like a doll,kind,lovely and helping person. So everyone used to like her at College. She get many proposal day by day. She avoids all of them with her kind smile. She used to live like this.

One day, friends decided to go for trip. Actually it doesn't matter to Rithu because she always used to studie in whole time. They made some discussion and I can here them talking but I didn't pay attention to them. After finishing there talk a sudden voice raced

"What about you. Are you coming with us?" it's Mia.

Mia, my bestfriend, she is my childhood benchmate. Our friendship started at school days. She used to talk more. When she become my benchmate she talk so many things about her and she mentioned me that she want to become a doctor in future. While hearing I'm glad. So I suddenly raced my voice with surprise and said

" It's mine too".

(While saying we grabed our hand tightly with happens and she said " We will together make our dream come true".)

I used to listen while knowning more about her. She is caring, friendly and she is everything for me from then on. Actually I'm just opposite of her . I used to be silent, after her visit made me feel What friendship is!. That's how our journey ends here.

Mia : " Are you listening to me ?, Hello...!" (a voice)

Rithu : "Yes dear, I'm."

(Actually I'm thinking. I want to go or not. While hearing her about going for trip make me worries. At same time make me happens too. But I'm thinking about my studies.)

Mia : "Rithu, Don't worry about your studies. We will come back after few days you can continue your studies from then on".

Rithu : " Okey then, We're we going too".

( I said okey to her. Since I can saw her pleading face that make me say okey to her. I can't make her worried because of me. That's make me more worry.)

Ria : " Germany, We can visit some place and stay atleast 3 days . Are you okey with it ".

( Ria, my roommate. She said with a soft voice.)

Robin : " Yes. She's. Don't ask her more. It will make to change his decision".

( A sudden voice while hearing I stopped. It made me laugh.)

Rithu : " Ha.....ha.....".

(After hearing them I'm excited to go with my friend Ria, Mia and Robin. Actually Robin always say Yes for all questions that Mia ask. They were couples from the first semester. Robon like Mia at his first sight because of her talk and they made up there relation afterward.)

Mia : "Cool, then we can go next day ".

After our discussion ends Robin booked four Ticket to Germany. After we go back to our Hostel by saying goodbye to eachother. After entering our room we packed our luggage and washed up face to go for sleep early so that we can wake early to start our journey.

Next day morning, Ria wake early than usual. That time I already finished my bath. I'm shocked by seeing Ria washed up herself. Actually I'm the one who always wake her up after my bath and she never waked up with my calling. I know she is thrilled to go for trip that why she waked earlier. After a while a knock on the door. While hereing I opened the door. It's Mia. I'm shocked. Its my first time seeing her taking this much initiative. She came inside room with some clothes in her hand and asking me for choosing a dress for her to wear. After finishing our programs we came out.

Robin : " Guys, I'm here ". (a voice)

We looked forward we saw Robin camed with his car. While seeing Mia run toward to him and hugged eachother. I and Ria walked toward the car. While seeing us Robin patted Mia's hair and picked her luggage came towards to open the car trunk and placed luggage of us in the trunk and get into the car. We started our journey to airport.

The change of my life start from here....

( Thank you for reading.....)