
The Story of A Double Broth Hotpot

Han Bing is a good person. She is respectful towards everyone she meets. The teachers love her. Her classmates are friendly towards her. This is what her life should be. A good person. … Screeeeech. A red Ferrari came rushing at her, and within a second, she was crushed between the car and a pole. People were screaming and shouting for help. However, Han Bing just slowly closed her eyes. Finally, she can be relieved. She hated being a good person. However, instead of the peaceful silence that she anticipated, Han Bing woke up to the pain from her body. She’s alive, and she also lost her pair of legs. An arrogant and handsome man slammed into her room. No apology, many threats, and an empty check. Han Bing smiled evilly at the check after the young man left. Just once. She will indulge just once. Just once she will be the bad guy. *Warning!!! The male lead is the man who crashed his car onto the female lead. I LIKE this setting, so no changing. *Another Warning!!! There are R18 scenes but I'm not going to restrict it so read at your own risk.

ILoveDogFood · Urbain
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40 Chs

Chapter 10

"I want to praise two students today." The homeroom teacher smiled at them.

"Han Bing is the only one in the classroom who got a perfect score on this exam. Everyone please give a round of applause." The whole class uproared in applause.

Bai Rong Rong is extremely jealous. Recently, the man she hired to trash Han Bing's desk started threatening her for more money. She used up all her money and stole some from her parent's so he wouldn't tell the school. She also felt that the girls in the school all started giving her glares. Bad luck keeps coming to her. She didn't understand why a girl who doesn't even have regular human capability can get so much attention. Hatred and envy filled her eyes.

"The next student who I want to praise is Qin Shi Ran. Although he did not do so well in the previous exams, his grade in this midterm immensely improved. Please continue to work hard. Everyone please give him a round of applause." The class applauded again.

However, Qin Shi Ran didn't hear it because he was intensely checking to see if the grade that he got was correct. Chinese:90 Chemistry:83 English:87 History:88, and Math:80

Qin Shi Ran couldn't believe that he got such a high score.

"Alright, you guys can go back home early today. Have a good rest." Instructor Gao left.

Students excitedly chat on what to do for the rest of the day.

Qin Shi Ran ran out of the classroom. He needed to tell this news to his parents.

In the Qin residence, Yang Li Mi looked at the test paper in her hand in disbelief. Her son actually got a score like this. She started crying. She felt so proud of her son's achievement.

"Hey mom, stop crying. It's embarrassing. I'm going to get higher scores in the future." Qin Shi Ran comforted her mother.

"En, I won't cry. I'm going to send this score report to your dad. We also need to prepare a feast to celebrate." Yang Li Mi wiped away her tears. She busily prepared the necessary arrangement.

"Shi Ran, give this box of dessert to Han Bing. It's all because of her help that you were able to get this score. Properly thank her."

"Yeah. Then, I will go now." Qin Shi Ran also felt indebted to Han Bing. If she hadn't motivated him, he probably wouldn't have gotten such a high score."

Qin Shi Ran rang the doorbell, but seeing that no one was opening the door, he tried pulling the door knob. The door was unlocked.

"Is anyone at home?" Qin Shi Ran went in. She is so not careful. A burglar could have come in. He went to Han Bing's room and opened the door. "Han Bing, are you in there? I brought you a gift."

However, the image inside is so unexpected that Qin Shi Ran stoned at what he saw. Han Bing, wrapped with a towel around her body, is drying her hair. The room is slightly misty showing that Han Bing just came out of a bath. Her shoulders were smooth and silky. The water from her hair dropped onto her shoulders and slid down into the bountiful unknown.

Qin Shi Ran felt something running down his nose. He touched it. Blood. Qin Shi Ran fainted.

By the time Qin Shi Ran woke up, Han Bing was already dressed up and reading in front of the desk. A little disappointed, he thought it was his dream. However, the blood on his shirt reminded him that it did happen. Did she change into her clothes while I was asleep?

Imagining her naked body, another spurt of blood flushed from his nose.

Qin Shi Ran never had a reaction like this before. It's not like he never saw a naked woman's body before, but the thought that it was Han Bing's body that he saw made him very agitated.

Han Bing noticed it and saw Qin Shi Ran fainted again. Feeling strange about the sudden nosebleeds, Han Bing took Qin Shi Ran's wrist and checked his pulse. His body is fine. There shouldn't be any reason for this to happen.

This time Shi Ran woke up again, but he didn't look at Han Bing. "My mom told me to give this to you." He shoved the bag to Han Bing and ran out of the room.

What's with him? Han Bing thought that it was one of his mood swings again. Young kids these days.

On his way back home, Qin Shi Ran's face is extremely red.

"Young master, master and madam are waiting for you in the dining room." The servants bowed to Qin Shi Ran.

"Yeah, I know. Tell them I'm going to be there after a while." Qin Shi Ran directly went into the bathroom. The cold water flowed onto his body allowing him to cool down his mind. He shaked away the naked scene of Han Bing. This girl doesn't have any meat on her body. She's just a toothpick. She's just a toothpick…

"What is taking Qin Shi Ran this brat so long?" The head of the household, Qin Tian, slammed the table. He's a middle aged man that has been kept well. Dark eyebrows with thin lips. People can tell where Qin Shi Ran got his beautiful face just from looking at his parents.

"It's okay. It's okay. You see, he's coming down already." Yang Li Mi tried to calm down her husband, so they wouldn't get into a fight later.

Qin Shi Ran silently sat down on the table.

"Ahmph" Qin Tian pretended to cough. "Shi Ran ah, I heard you did well on the test today."

"En." Qin Shi Ran responded absentmindedly.

There was a hint of awkwardness in the atmosphere. Yang Li Mi immediately tried to change the topic. "Shi Ran, did you give the gift to Han Bin?"

Hearing her name, Qin Shi Ran blushed. "I-I'm done eating" He hurriedly went back to his own room and jumped into his bed with the pillow covering his face.

Qin Shi Ran's parents looked at each other, not sure what's going on.

Tonight is definitely a sleepless night for some people.