
The Story Of A Daughter, My New Mother

This is the moving story of a mother who carried the agonizing tag of an unwanted child of her parents since her birth around her neck. It was just because she was a baby girl, and they desperately wished for a baby boy. Down the line, the list included her siblings and all the relatives. Her mother had conceived her after such long years of waiting even after that girl's birth failed to bring delight into their life. And they all went into the great depression along with her grandmother. She could not give the same statement about the other relatives. Because they were jealous of her parents. But they were undoubtedly showing off being dejected. The parents were engulfed in sorrows. They strongly considered that the daughter's birth made their position inferior in society and the house as well. And they all had been worried and struggling with their own fears. Her mother feared she would be taken out of the house if she did not deliver the baby boy on time. Her father was worried that society would make fun of him and pity his wretched fate. And her grandmother was worried that the bloodline of his son would get extinct forever. One more group in the family was rejoicing at heart and making all the benefits of that situation. Her birth created chaos and shattered everything in both her parents' life. Her mother's life was riddled with problems and difficulties. And her father, all the love for his wife, disappeared into the air forever. He went into a profound depression and began to drink to subside his pains. To release his frustration and anger, he used to give an excellent thrash to her mother. Her mother tried her best to convince her father that everything would be all right, but when she could not be the baby boy's mother, the second time, too, her position was reduced to that of a housemaid. She was moved to a compact room filled with odors, pestered along with her two daughters, and supposed to do all the domestic chores. It was not enough; one day, her

Geeta · Urbain
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14 Chs


I found myself in a very miserable condition. The situation was deteriorating day by day around me, and they tied both my hands tightly. I found myself left with no other option other than to follow Ravi's suggestion with a heavy heart. It was literally harrowing for me to separate both the daughters from me then.

But for the sake of them, I had to make that hard decision. They were equally not ready to go away from me to do their further studies in a boarding school. Eventually, I had to make a false promise that I would not let them stay in the hostel any longer. After that, somehow, they got ready to go over there with a heavy heart.

I remembered they were crying bitterly and profusely as well. And I found myself totally helpless. Actually, their friends used to amuse them by taking their father's name and making them cry there. Their friends and teachers had boycotted them as well. They could not cope with all those humiliations.