
The Story About me and The Girl who Asked me out

New Version of the story is out please proceed to click the link to read https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-story-about-me-and-the-girl-who-asked-me-out-ver.2_28507228708385305 So basically this is the story about our Mc, Matsuki Satoro and this girl Kira Miyoko. Kira asked him to go out with her, but unexpectedly, Matsuki hates the opposite gender. Though there are few female that he doesn’t dislike. To be more precise he doesn’t like beautiful girl who has the slightest resemblance to “Her”. Matsuki accept her confession due to his own selfish and unreasonable reasons and that reason is, he wants to get his revenge on all girls. While Matsuki plans to use her as a stepping stone along the way for his goal, something went incredibly wrong. What could have possibly happened along the way? Will he be able to execute his plan or will someone get in his way? Find out by reading "The Story About Me and the girl who asked me out" [Note from the Author] “Hello this is just a story I just imagined and wanted to try to write it, but you may not like it though because Mc may look a little dumb or whatsoever but even so I’ll finish it even if on one reads it”  [[This story is in revision process]]

sm_yesa · Politique et sciences sociales
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47 Chs

Chapter 11: He is she?! 1

"Hiyahh! I didn't know that Satoro-kun would be this aggressive." She wiggled and play around.

"But, I guess it's fine, Satoro-kun is Satoro-kun after all, Even if you're a pervert, it's fine, I'll do everything to satisfied you." She confidently said as if it was normal.

Is she really Naruki? Naruki is a timid guy so there's no way..

"If you're still doubting me, I have something I know about you, Satoro-kun." She putted her hands on her back and leaned closer, so close I could smell her soothing fragrance and then she moved much closer to my ear and whispered.

"You said before that you don't like 3d girls, right?"

Huh?..Is she really Naruki?.. The one who only know that was him and me alone so....

I looked at her carefully, having a puzzled expression on my face, I noticed one thing on her. She and him have the same eyes and a small mole in chin.

"Naruki Minami." Feeling confused, a low laughed escaped from my mouth.

The hell, is happening here, He is she?!

Wondering who Exactly is Naruki Minami.

Sigh, Another throwback again, So, let's briefly go back in time to know who is Naruki Minami and what's our relationship.


One and a half year ago.

I enrolled in Nirwa Institute High school, without knowing anyone in there, I distant myself from the others. But then, After two months, a transfer student came and he was assigned to sit next to me, At first I don't really gave a damn thing about him. Just by looking at his face you will see that he's a timid guy.

He's wearing the male's uniform awfully awry and that's one of the reason why he got picked on by others.

I don't really care about their business but it become a bothersome when one of the guys always shout in front of him.

"Hey, Are you for real! Stop messing with us, Oh.. you're just ignoring us?" He stomped on his foot and "Not gonna fight back?"

Of course the one who bullied him was a tall brawny guy with his pawn. It's obviously not a good sight first thing in the morning.

He doesn't really scare me but it would be a bothersome to deal with them so I just ignore them, but I got pissed off when they embroiled me into their bullying.

He pulled him out of his chair and throw him, then Naruki happened to bump into me.

"Hey, Knocked it out!" I yelled and glared at them.

Is it really fun to bully someone? they're not getting tired of it but I was, so I put an end to it.

Just like usual, Naruki just stood there beside them, having a glum face, he didn't do anything. I was pissed because he reassembled the pathetic me back then.

So I grabbed his collar and said:

"Hey, If you're getting bullied, you have to fight back." Tatakae! Tatakae! If you win, you live. If you lose, you die. If you don't fight, you can't win!"

Didn't you know that line from eren Yeager, It was all over the internet before Idiot!"

I seriously said even though I planned to said it in a sarcasm way to make his miserable face smile a bit but wasn't able to do so. Sigh, I'm really no good at this.

"Uhmm..Uh.." He just wavered, trembling while I'm grabbing his collar, sigh.

"Hahaha!! What the hell is wrong with this guy." said the fat guy and laughed.

"Huh?" I glared at him, seeing his eyesore face that's having a smirk while making others miserable, it made my blood boils.

I grabbed my bag and threw it at the fat guy, He was taken a back, then I didn't let the chance to slip and so I kicked him in his genital.

"Ahhhh!"He screamed in anguished. His hands, holding his crotch while trembling. I grabbed the chance and kicked his stomach.

"Ahhh! That hurts..You-you bastard.."

He lost his balance and fell on the ground.

Just as what I've thought he's just showing a tantrums, he's not really strong and was just acting tough.

The guys around him has surrounded me but I gave a cue and said.

"I recorded everything on my phone, If you continued to bully this guy next me, I'll leak this and report you to the principal."

I brought out my phone and Showed to them the videos I took before, It's seems like, it played its role now just like what I've thought.

They weren't able to do anything because I have the evidence; they didn't fight back and scram, that just goes without saying that they didn't want to get expelled.

"Uhmm..Ano.. Satoro-kun, Thanks." Naruki brightly smiled.

"I didn't do anything." I indifferently said and sat to my chair.

He shook his head and said: "No, Because of you I didn't received much injuries like before."

"If you're really grateful," I looked him in the eye and said: "then help me clean later."


So that's how I became friends with him.

After that the one who always bullied him before has never show up anymore.

Naruki insisted on becoming friends with me so I had no choice but to become his friend.

As time passed by, We became intimate with each other and I found out that we have the same interest.

Just like me, he likes anime, manga, novel and other things I like. At first I thought he's just matching my preference but it turns out that he really like those things.

But then One day something unexpected has happened.

Classes had ended and I was getting ready to leave when I was suddenly stopped by a timid Naruki, "…Satoro?"

"What's the matter?"

"Err, I noticed that… you and Youko-san have been getting on quite well lately…"

"Not more than what's normal."

Annoyed at hearing that question again, a firm tone entered into my voice. Youko was our class rep in my first year and so we only talks with each other because I was assigned to be her assistant but why is he asking about that?

Naruki registered that my mood wasn't favorable and thus got even more faint-hearted.

"…but you're always together."

As I was fed up of talking about a girl, I quickly declared, "We simply see each other often as class officers. That's all." Then I fetched my bag and hurried out of the classroom.

But in the next moment Naruki had gone round me and was blocking my way.


"Come on, what is it?"

"Err, say, do you have a few minutes?"


"I-It's really just a few moments, honestly!"

My stare seemed to be intimidating; he averted his eyes and looked in the room like a frightened cat.

I took a deep breath—inconspicuously enough to remain unnoticed.

"Depends on what you want."

When I contemplated that I had acted a little too immature and implied that I was willing to compromise, he was visibly relieved.

Naruki wasn't at fault. I had just gotten tired at school works because it's piling up.

After peeking around at our surroundings, Naruki whispered to me, "I'm uncomfortable here… can we go someplace else?"

As I was ready to accompany him for whatever he wanted from me — not least because I wanted to make amends — I nodded wordlessly.

"Shall we go then…?"

His tense face and awkward gait had me a little worried about what was to come. Still I relaxed because it was only Naruki, after all.

What do you think about the new character? Yandere is here?

Tatakae!! Cringe, right? Well This story is cringe from the very beginning

sm_yesacreators' thoughts