
The Storm’s Decent

Josh Driver is a teenager that can't cultivate living in a world of cultivation. Until one day he is struck by lightning and learns a secret cultivation art that sends him on an adventure to last a lifetime.

True_Geek · Fantaisie
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

Five Element City is the only city on the Burning Wind Planet. It sits right outside of the Grand Beast Forest. The city is controlled by the Five Great Warriors, who protect the city from the barbarian tribes that live in the forest. In the middle of Five Element City sits a small arena where every week the descendants of the Five Great Warriors come to spar against each other. Today, the next generation of warriors is sparring against one another in the arena.


On the small stage in the center of the arena are two boys standing 20 feet apart. Both look to be around 14 years old, with one wearing golden robes and standing on the stage smiling, looking down his nose arrogantly at the other boy while holding a wooden spear. The boy across from him wears blue robes while tightly gripping a wooden sword and looking at his opponent with determination in his eyes.


"Ready to get beat crippled," the boy in the gold robes says.


"The only times you beat me are when you cheat Blake," the boy in the blue robe responds. A middle-aged man then comes between the two boys. He is the referee for this match.


"Remember, do not use your cultivation base. You can only use your weapon arts." The man says this, looking at Blake in particular.


"Understand?" the man asks. Both boys nod their heads to acknowledge the man. Seeing the boys response, the man then says, "Good, then  begin.


Hearing the man, the two boys rush at each other. As they near each other, Blake stabs his spear forward to attack his opponent. The boy with the sword swings his sword to deflect Blake's spear. He then steps forward and stabs his sword at Blake.


Blake is forced to jump back to avoid getting hit. The boy, with his sword, presses his advantage to continually attack Blake. As Blake is getting beat back, someone from the crowd wearing green says: "Just like every other time, Blake challenges Josh. He loses."


"That's not true." Someone in the crowd wearing a robe similar to Blake says: "Young Master Wilson has beaten everyone here."


"Yah, and the only reason he can is because he cheats and uses his cultivation, and since he is the only one at the Middle Skin Transformation, he wins." The boy in green robes responds.


Back on the stage Blake is being forced closer to the edge of the stage. Josh, the one with the sword, has not stopped his endless attacks on Blake, angering Blake more and more. Blake then puts his foot on the ground and yells. "Enough of this". Blake's skin turns red a little as he raises his spear and slams it down towards Josh with more force than a normal human can produce.


Josh sees this attack and smiles like he knew it was coming. He raises his sword at an angle and braces himself. The spear lands on Josh's sword, and Josh grunts and bends his knees down in order to soften the blow. The spear then follows the angle of the sword until it hits the ground, splintering the spear. Josh then raises his sword above his head and strikes straight down. Blake, having overextended on his last attack, can't dodge as the sword slams on his head.


The eyes of the boys in the crowd widen as the sword breaks after hitting Blake's head. "Blakes at the Late Skin Transformation, not the Middle. When did he break through?" One boy shouts.


Blake then looks up at Josh and launches himself at him. Sending Josh tumbling across the stage. "Ahhh," Blake roars, and he starts to charge at Josh. Josh looks up after he stops rolling to see Blake being held back by the referee from the beginning of the fight.


"That's enough, Blake," the man says. "You lose."


"No, I will never lose that cripple that I can't even cultivate." Blake yells as Josh stands up from the ground and turns to leave the stage.


"It doesn't matter if I can't cultivate; I still beat you." Josh says this as he leaves the stage.


As Josh is leaving, a man in golden robes comes up to the stage and says, "Let us go, young master; your father is looking for you."


"I will let you off this time, Josh," Blake says as he leaves the stage.


Once Josh steps off the stage, two people come up to him. One is an older woman named Oliva, who is Josh's teacher and protector. The other is the boy in the green robes who spoke earlier. His name is Nick Jones, and he is the oldest son of Darin Jones, one of the Five Great Warriors.


"Congrats Josh, you beat Blake once again." Nick says. "How about we have ago?"


"Sorry, Young Master Jones, but I have to take Young Master Driver home; Miss Driver wants to talk with him." Olivia says.


"You heard her, Nick; not this time, but I will have time to beat you up next week." Josh says it with a smile.


"Those are some fighting words, Josh," Nick says with a laugh. "Ok, see you next week."


"Yup, see you next week," Josh says as he leaves the arena. Josh then enters a carriage being pulled by two horses. In front of the carriage is an older man holding the reins to the horse.


"Take us home, Phil," Josh says as he gets into the carriage with Olivia.

"Yes, young master." Phil responds before flicking the reins and having the horses pull the carriage forward.


Inside the carriage, Josh looks over at Olivia and says, "What did Mother want to talk about?"


"I don't know, but I bet it has to do with the hunting trip that you and the other young masters will be taking." Olivia says. Every year, the best son or daughter of each of the Five Great Warriors work together on a hunting trip outside of the city. This year, because Josh can't cultivate, it is still unknown whether or not Josh will be able to go.


Branden Wilson, one of the Five Great Warriors, has been trying to convince the other Great Warriors, Andrew Johnson and Stacy Smith, to bar Josh Driver, the only son of the last Five Great Warriors and current lord of Five Element City, Rebecca Driver, from participating in the hunting trip. He is claiming that since Josh can't cultivate, he is too weak and will put the others in danger.


"It is more like if I will be taking the hunting trip." Josh says to Oliva: Oliva scoffs at that.


"I don't even know why Branden Wilson is complaining about you going on the trip. That trip is never dangerous since you all will have protectors following you everywhere." Olivia says. 


"It is not about the hunting trip. It is about ruining the reputation of the Driver family, so he has a better chance at being promoted to City Lord." Josh responds. 


"That idiot has always wanted to be City Lord. Miss Driver gave him the spot of Deputy City Lord just so he would shut up about it." Olivia says.


"Young Master" Josh hears from the front as the carriage comes to a stop.


"Yes, Phil." Josh responds.


"We are here," Phil says.