
The Store of Fate

Welcome to the Store of Fate, I know, I know, it may not sound like much or may even sound like a scam shop, but this particular shop is the real deal and the owner? Let's just say he's...interesting, but don't let your curiosity cross the Owner's lines, for if you break one of the rules within the shop, there will be hell to pay...

Unholy_Angel · Autres
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3 Chs

2 - Trouble already?

[A/N: FYI, the year is 2181 CE, two years before the first Mass Effect Game begins]

I was surprised that within an hour of the 'Gate' activating on the Presidium, I had my first two potential customers, a Salarian and a Turian.

[A/N: Pictures here]

Although seemingly surprised that a human was behind the counter, the Turian asked, "Are you the owner of this establishment?"

"I am," I confirmed.

I was somewhat surprised that I could understand them, seeing as they spoke in their native languages, which I obviously did not understand.

Perhaps while in the store, everyone can understand one another to prevent confusion?

"What are these?" The Salarian asked, curious as he looked upon the three items in the display cases to my side on the counter that only had the item's names displayed.

"A Weak Healing Potion, Weak Stamina Potion, and lately, a weak Food Pill."

"What do they do?" The Salarian asked.

"The Healing Potion works much like Medi-Jel, but at a much faster speed and with no side effects. As for the Stamina Potion, consider it an energy booster/restorer. And finally, the Food Pill provides the consumer with the necessary vitamins, minerals, protein, fats, water, and carbohydrates for one to seven days based on the consumer," I explained.

The two looked at me like I was lying before the Turian asked what the prices for said items were.

[A/N: Went back and changed the prices of the items]

"They each cost $500 or 3,125 Credits."

"What?!" They gasped at the price.

Raising my eyebrow, I wondered why they were even surprised in the first place. If the gate is connected to the Presidium like it said it was, then there are bound to be many shops and businesses that boast even higher prices than me. After all, the Presidium is home to the rich and powerful, so naturally, luxury was to be expected.

"You buying or not? Otherwise, get out of my store," I told them indifferently as I leaned back into a comfy chair behind the counter.

They seemed angered by my tone and attitude and stormed out of my shop.

Not caring in the slightest, I shrugged and leaned back into my chair, going back to daydreaming.

Ah...this is the life.


Hours seemed to pass as I daydreamed of many things and thought of the Universe of Mass Effect.

When I discovered what year it was through a curious but arrogant Volus who stumbled into my shop, I managed to get the year of him. It turns out its 2181 CE. Meaning I had roughly five years until the Reapers invade.

[Picture of Volus here and the Reapers]

The Reapers are a highly-advanced machine race of synthetic-organic starships.

The Reapers, near the end of each cycle, invade the galaxy and begin their 'Harvest,' which is basically a Galaxy-Wide genocide in which they gather suitable space-faring races and use them to create new reapers, which is not a very pretty process.

Those not suitable as 'Material' for creating a reaper are turned into Husks and enslaved. They are then used as Soldiers and Canon fodder to assist the reapers in their 'harvest.'

Once they have harvested the galaxy, the Reapers wipe every trace of their existence from record and retreat into dark space to await the next cycle, leaving behind a single Reaper to watch over the galaxy and signal the end of the next cycle.

If I remember correctly, there had to be at the very least 20,000 Reapers since the Reapers have exited for about a billion years, and that's not even including the possibility of multiple races being in each cycle, therefore increasing the number of reapers made per cycle.

It seems grim, right?

But I have no reason to worry so long as Commander Shepperd(The Player) does his job saving the galaxy.

And if he doesn't and fails?

I'd prefer not to think about it.

Although, if it does go according to canon, the Reapers will get their hands on the Citadel towards the end of the war, meaning I would have to deal with those assholes for a while.

If I wanted to increase my chances of surviving their stupid war, perhaps I should interfere?


But, until that time comes, I will continue relaxing here.

Besides, the Reapers don't arrive for a while.

Either way, I have free reign over my shop, and the system can't do much.

[A/N: The System will have very little control over the MC and is not aware or 'alive' in any manner, it's simply a tool]

And then my relaxed daydreaming was ruined by the sound of my shop's sliding doors opening.

I looked upon the Turian wearing the classic blue C-Sec uniform who stepped into my store.

"Anything I can help you with, officer?" I asked.

"Please show me your documents and identification." The Turian asked.

[Producing necessary documents...done]

[Documents and identification have been placed under the counter]

Picking up the documents, he started reading out loud.

"Sebastian Bird, Human, Age 19, Born in 2162 on Earth, Parents unknown. Everything seems in order, but I got a few complaints from the local shop owners about this establishment."

"Feel free to check around. I have nothing to hide," I told the Turian Officer before leaning back into my chair.

Seeing nothing of note, he motioned over to the display cabinets.

"What are these?" He asked seriously.

"Weak Health Potion, Weak Stamina Potion, and Weak Food Pill."

Seeing his continued confusion, I explained what the three items do.

Once I finished, it didn't take a genius to figure out that he also thought the items were scams.

"If you don't believe me, why not buy something? If it's shown that I was trying to scam you, you can take me in," I smiled at him.

I hope you enjoy and if you have any ideas, suggestions, and thought, feel free to comment!

I accept constructive positive criticism, so please, if you find something wrong with my novel(s) just let me know so I can fix and learn not to make the same mistake in the future and better myself and my work!

Feel free to join my discord: https://discord.gg/CMZm2uJ

Unholy_Angelcreators' thoughts