
The Stone Goddess

Hotfox_Baby · Fantaisie
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10 Chs


I punch the straw doll in my room. No damage was dealt with towards the straw doll.

"I'm still too weak," I say to myself and dive onto my bed face-first.

I pull my sword out of my pillow. I stare at the sharp blade of the black sword. The door to my bedroom opens. I quickly hide my sword back into the pillow.

"Hey, Master Kensei! I brought your breakfast!" my maid, Meido, says with a bright tone.

"Just leave it on the table. I'll eat when I'm hungry," I command and point at the grand table near my bed.

"Okay," she says with a disappointed voice and sets the dishes of food and drinks onto the table. "By the way, Master Kensei, your father's leaving the demon realm to gather information about the gods' whereabouts."

"I don't care about my useless father. All he does is fanboy over his favorite show," I respond and lift my head from my soft bed. "If he wasn't my father, I would've killed him and take his throne."

I give her a cold smile. My smile sends chills down Meido's back. Her golden eyes look shocked, and her jet-black hair which is tied up in a curly ponytail freezes in place.

"I'll take my leave," she says and leaves.

I sit up from my bed and stare out of my window. Outside is dark like usual. The courtyard is full of purple, blue, and black roses. Everything seems to be the same. I stand up and head over to the grand table which is full of food. I sit at the table and start to eat my steak made out of strong human desires that could take its own physical shape. I shove a huge piece into my mouth. Everything around me starts to swirl around me. I put my hand onto my forehead, hoping the dizziness would go down. Then I suddenly blackout.

The next thing I knew, I found myself in an empty, white room. There's no windows or lights in the room, so I can hardly see anything except for the light outside of a steel door on the farthest wall. There's only a small opening with bars on the door.

I get off the floor and notice that I'm chained to the opposite wall from the steel door. I attempt to use my magic to break the chains, but nothing happens. These chains absorb mana that's being used. I rush to the door and start to slam my fists against the door.

"Let me out!" I cry.

No one comes over to the door. My hands become a bloody mess as I continue to cry for help. The hallway outside of the door remains lifeless. I slide my bloody fists down the door as I give up on trying to leave this unfamiliar room. I weep in front of the door from all of the despair I'm in.

A few hours later, a man wearing a lab coat opens the door. He gives me a crooked smile. I rush to the farthest corner from the man purely out of instinct.

"Don't worry, little girl. I won't hurt you," he says and reaches out to me.

I slap his hand away.

"Get away from me, you freak!" I shout.

"Tch," he says and gives me a nasty look. "You disobedient child! You need to learn your manners!"

I curl up in the corner and cry out of fear. He pulls out a scalpel and starts stabbing me ruthlessly. I scream from all of the pain as he laughs.

"Die! Die! Die! Die! Die!" he shouts with a smile.

Each time he stabbed me with that sharp knife, the more I wanted to die. This torture is too much for me to handle. He eventually stops stabbing me. The stab wounds heal up in a blink of an eye.

"You're such a valuable specimen," he says and grabs my chin.

"You disgust me," I said.

He slaps me.

"Thank me for bringing you here! You should be thankful for even existing in this cursed world!" he says.

He removes the chains from the wall and drags me out of the room. I struggle to stay in the dark cell, but I'm physically too weak.

"Let go of me!" I shout. "My father won't forgive you for this! He'll find me and end your very existence!"

"Nice choice of words, Young Demon Lord," he says. "Haven't you heard yet? Your father is dead. He will never be able to see your face ever again."

I gave him a shocked look. He smiles.

"T-There's no way he's dead," I said in shock. "He's supposed to be the demon lord for crying out loud. How can he be defeated if he's supposed to be the strongest of all?"

The mad man continues to drag me down the hall. I continue to mumble to myself from the shock of my deceased father. He suddenly stops and opens a steel door. We enter the room. He locks the door behind us.

"Get up," he says calmly.

I refuse to do as he says.

"Get up, little girl! If you don't do as I say, you won't get the easy way out!" he shouts.

I quickly get up and look at what's before me. It looks like a lab since there are so many shady drugs and scary tools on all of the counters. He hooks the chains onto a hospital bed and starts cranking the lever next to it. The chains are getting reeled in. It pulls me towards the bed slowly.

"I could have gotten an electric one, but I enjoy this little lever," he laughs.

Eventually, I'm chained to the bed like a test subject. The man pulls out a needle and starts filling it up with a mysterious liquid. The needle is not a little one. It's about the length of my fingernails. He stitches my mouth to mute me. He injects the giant needle into my right wrist. I desperately cry, but I know no one can hear me. He brings a large mirror over.

"Look at this beauty," he says with a smile and shows me my own reflection.

My hair remains silver and heterochromia is still normal. My left eye is still a lighter tone of blue than my right. The only difference is how one of my wings is turning from black to white. My insides feel like they're burning.

"Marvelous!" he glees. "There's no test subject that can withstand the power of holy water!"

I scream from the pain I'm in. He laughs like a madman and pulls out a knife. The twisted man stabs my arms and cuts them open. I can see my muscles, bones, and blood veins slowly close up. This scene disgusts me. The muscles wriggle in place as it reaches for its other half. The dead blood squirts out of the blood veins as it closes up. I feel like throwing up, but I can't do anything.

A few hours of torture passes by like a drunk slug. The twisted man drags me to the cell and hooks the chains back onto the wall farthest from the door.

"Be a good girl and stay in your cell," he says with a smile and closes the door behind him.

The same thing repeats itself every day. I get fed with this disgusting sludge two times a day, and then I get tested on like a guinea pig. Every time the pain slowly diminishes until there's no pain at all. One day, the disgusting sludge became flavorless. The world became a lot more colorless after a few months passed by. I stopped struggling against the man although I hate him so much to the point I want to pop his head off and use it as an ornament.

One day, I sit in the same cell lifelessly. I stare at the floor with nothing in my head. I start to hear screaming from outside of my cell.

"Get off of me, you damned demons!" shouts a voice of a little boy. "You have no idea about who you're dealing with!"

The little boy's voice echoes down the hallway. I look up and stare at the door while tapping my extremely long nail against the concrete floor.

"I, Shoki, will kick your butts like no yesterday!" he shouts.

The sound of a bunch of men falling onto the ground enters my cell. I stand up and take a peek out of the small opening on the iron door. A young boy with blonde hair rushes down the hallway. The guards look like they've been kicked in the balls since they're all reaching for their own crotch. The boy stops in front of my cells and pulls out a key. I step back as he sticks the key into the door. He starts to push on the door with all his might. From this, I could conclude that this boy's an idiot. I stay silent and sit close to the wall farthest from the door.

"Screw it!" he shouts and busts the door down.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"Do you live in a rock? Everyone knows about me, the almighty Shokster," he says with pride.

I flick his forehead.

"Ow! What was that for?" he asks.

I start to laugh.

"You're so childish!"

"Yeah! Because I AM a child!" he shouts.

"By the way, what's today?" I ask.

"Christmas," he says with a straight face. "Are you an idiot or something? How could anyone not know when Christmas is?"

"I haven't left this place for a very long time. There's no windows or anything. You're the first person I've talked to for a while," I say and smile.

"That's just sad," he says. "By the way, what's your name?"

"I'm Kensei," I said. "Hey there, Shokster."

"Call me Shokster the Great!" he proudly says.

"I mean Shokster the-" I get cut off.

"The Super Duper Awesome Shokster the Greatness of All!" he says no end.

"I'll just call you Dumpster since you belong in one," I said.

"Hey! You take that back!" he shouts angrily.

"I'll happily decline the offer to take back what I said, Crapster," I mock him. "'Take that back!' I bet I can beat you in a duel without even lifting a finger."

He rolls his sleeves up and yells, "Oh yeah? Try me!"

"Let's do it outside of this place," I suggest. "There are guards and crazy people here who are willing to kill you anytime."

He sticks out his pinky.

"Okay," he says. "Then we have a deal. We'll duel after leaving this place."

"Sure," I say and make a pinky promise with him.

I start to hear footsteps outside of the cell.

"Hurry up and get rid of these chains," I demand and stick my wrists out.

He pulls out the keys and sticks one in the keyhole and tries to pry them off.

"Are you stupid?" I ask. "You're supposed to turn the key!"

He stops and I turn the key myself and unlock the rest of them. I quickly grab his wrist and rush out of the cell.

"Where are you taking me?" he shouts.

"Out of here," I say and use my magic to summon twenty swords made out of destructive dark magic to stop the guards that are chasing us.

"Stop! I need to get something that's stolen from me!" he yells.

I stop in place, and my silver hair suddenly covers my pale face.

"What are you looking for, Dumpster?" I ask.

"A legendary sword that was stolen from my home. It's all my fault that it was stolen," he starts to cry.

"Stop crying, you big baby. We'll grab the sword and haul our asses out of here," I said.

"Ahem, language," he coughs.

"We've got no time for this," I said. "I know where the sword is. Follow me."

We continue down the hallway and take a sharp right. I continue to use my swords of darkness to slow the guards down.

"They'll all be dead either way," I thought to myself. "There isn't really any point in actually holding back against these monsters that have been experimenting on me for months now. However, I can obtain one of the legendary swords from the Celestial World which could be very deadly towards the Underworld."

"We're here," I said and bust the door down.

"Daaaaang. You're strong," he says.

"Shut up. Scream if you find any guards in here. I'll deal with them," I say and release his wrist from my grip.

"Jeez. You're such a jerk," he mumbles.

"What? Did I hear you call me a jerk?" I yell.

"No! I didn't. I said I want some yogurt," he corrects himself.

"That sounds nothing like what he first said," I thought to myself while searching the shelves.

I lay my hand on an object with a black tarp covering it. I reveal what's underneath it. It's a sword with two handles. Half of the sword is glowing white while the other half is jet black.


Trashster lets out a bloodcurdling scream which echoes through the entire room. I rush over to where he is.

"What's wrong, Bakaster?" I ask.

*Baka (バカ) means fool/idiot in Japanese

"A-A bug! It smiled at me!" he shouts and points at a spider on a wall.

I look at the spider and slap his head.

"You fool! Why do you think this spider is harmful?" I ask.

I look at the spider and it smiles. I can see all of its teeth inside its mouth.

"I take that back. That's as creepy as hell," I say and stab the spider using my dark magic.

"Oh thank god it's dead," he says in relief.

"You should thank me instead of God. God didn't do shit," I point out. "Plus aren't you a god?"

"Yes. What are you?" he asks.

"I'm not exactly sure myself," I answered. "I guess I can say I'm some sort of demon hybrid."

He looks at me with a shocked look.

"You're a demon?" he asks.

I nod.

"We should get out of here before backup comes. I already found the sword you've been looking for," I said.

"Yes. Then we get to duel," he says in an excited tone. "I can't wait!"

I softly smile. I grab the sword that's wrapped in a tarp.

"Let's go," I say and we both walk out of the building.

We're now at a distance where I can use my magic to destroy the entire lab where I spent several months of my life. I try to use my magic to destroy it, but all of a sudden a giant figure of a woman with a peaceful face that's holding a giant, royal cup in her hands appears above the building. Her eyes suddenly open to show blood rolling down her stone cheeks and into the stone cup embedded with jewels.

"What are you looking at?" Dumpster asks and also looks at the lab. "What is that?"

"I-I don't know," I answer.

The woman lifts the cup and smashes it against the building. The drop of blood from the stone woman scatters and creates swords that are made out of half dark and light magic.

"Watch out!" I shout and create a barrier using my dark magic.

He covers his face using his arm. The swords rain down onto the lab and make a gigantic explosion. A powerful gust of wind and dust strikes the barrier I made. The impact is so powerful that it's making my barrier crack on impact.

"What's up with this power? Where's the source of power?" I ask.

"I can use my magic to track down the one who summoned that statue," says Crapster.

"Do it already! The barrier won't hold up for long!" I shout.

He nods and gets working. A golden screen pops up in front of him. He hits a few buttons on the screen and looks around with a miniature version over his eyes.

"I know who the summoner is!" he says.

"Who?' I ask.

"The summoner is you," he points at me.

"There's no way I'm the summoner," I said.

"No, you ARE the summoner. You and the statue are giving off the same aura," he says with a serious tone. "There's no way I can make a mistake when it comes to analyzing objects and people."

"I'm going to drop the barrier," I said.

"Are you insane?" he yells.

"Yes. I'm totally insane. I'm so crazy that I drop the barrier even though we could be killed any second now," I say and drop the barrier.

I then create a bunch of swords to cut through all of the wind and reduce the amount of damage dealt. The wind sends both of us flying back and breaking a couple of bones. The dangerous wind along with the stone woman disappears.

"What kind of stunt was that?" he asks.

"I dunno. It just came from the top of my head," I said.

I feel the broken bones in my body start to heal.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"No. I don't think I can't move for a while. I think my entire spine is broken," he says with a painful tone.

"I'll bring you back to my place. There are people there that could treat your wounds," I said.

"What about you? You probably got the worst of it," he says.

"Don't worry about me. I don't feel a thing," I said.

I pick him up by the arm.

"Ow! Be careful!" he cries from the pain.

"I think the fastest way to travel is to teleport," I point out.

"You should probably do that. I think it's more than my spine that's broken," he says.

I nod and kick the legendary sword into my hands.

"Let's go," I said and use teleportation magic to bring us into my bedroom.

"I didn't know demons were so rich," he says. "My room isn't even this nice."

I chuckle.

"Only my room is this nice," I say with a smile.

"Just who are you?" he asks.

"That's a secret," I answer.

I lay him on top of my bed and place the legendary sword onto the floor.

"I'm going to bring someone to treat your wounds," I say and rush out of my bedroom.

Shokster turns onto his side.

"Everything hurts, but this bed smells nice. It kind of smells like her," he says.

I rush down the stairs and halls to reach the infirmary. The nurses look at me and scream.

"Intruder!" one of them shouts purely out of fear.

"Are you trying to arrest me for entering my own house?" I ask.

"Lord Kensei?" they both shout.

"Yo, Nurse Trash and Garbage," I say and wave.

Both of them bow and apologize for what they have done. The guards rush into the infirmary.

"Sorry, Lord Kensei," the guards apologize.

"No need for your apology," I said. "You better continue your job correctly. Place Meido into a dungeon. That's where that traitor belongs. And nurses, come to my bedroom. There's someone you need to treat."

"Understood," all of them say and bow.

The guards scatter all over the palace while the nurses follow me to my bedroom. The nurses look at Shokster with a shocked look.

"It's against the rules to treat a god," one of them says.

"What rules?" I ask. "I've never heard a rule that states that the demon lord can't treat their own guests."

"The WHAT?" Dumpsteroni screams.

"That's right. I'm the current demon lord, Kensei. I'm ruling over this entire realm in my father's absence," I said. "I didn't want to tell you since gods usually flip out whenever they hear demon and lord in the same sentence, but I thought you were a different case."

"Well, my parents always put such high standards for me since I'm their only child. They think I could defeat the demon lord someday and become the greatest of all. Look at me now. I can't even defend myself or even defeat things that are bigger than me. My real name is Shoki. I just wanted to have more confidence in myself hoping that I could do things beyond what a god could ever do," he says.

"What if I train you to use your magic more efficiently?" I offer. "I may not be the best at teaching, but I can at least help you just a little."

"What about the duel we promised to do?" he asks.

"How about doing it after the training? It's best to do it when you're in your best shape. Just look at yourself. How can you fight in your current condition?" I point out.

"You've got a point," he says in a disappointed tone.

The nurses treat his wounds even if they're against the idea to even help him just because he's a god. I help bring him back onto his feet and start to train him every day while I physically train privately.

"Focus on trying to hit the bullseye," I said. "You're just hitting the curtain behind it with such a weak force."

"I'm not weak!" he yells.

"Gods are born with an immense amount of mana compared to a human. Currently, your attack level is lower than a fly's," I point out. "Put all of your focus into your hand that's launching the attack."

He attempts to try to hit the target again. This time nothing happens.

"You're hopeless," I say and shake my head.

"Why are you so brutal?" he asks.

"If I'm not brutal, you won't learn anything at this rate. You have to speed up the pace. Do you even want to have our duel?" I say.

"Yes, I do! But I also want to go home," he says.

"You're still injured from that giant statue," I said.

"This training is pointless!" he shouts and points his hand towards the target. "Nothing has changed! I haven't gotten any stronger since day one!"

An arrow made out of light shoots out of his hand and completely destroys the entire target. He looks at the target with a look like he wasn't expecting that to happen.

"As you were saying…" I smirk. "My training is useless?"

"Thank you for teaching me, Kensei-sensei!" he yells.

"That's a stupid name. Just call me Kensei. I hate rhymes," I say and turn around. "Training's done for this week. Return to your home tomorrow."

Shoki rushes towards me and grabs me by the shoulder. I turn my head to see his face. He's crying like a five-year-old.

"It's too soon! I can't leave you now!" he cries. "Please don't leave me!"

"Grow up already! You won't become great with that attitude!" I yell.

"B-But you haven't enjoyed your childhood, right?" he asks. "I know you're around the same age as me, so why do I have to leave you behind! You're my friend! Friends are supposed to stick together!"

I didn't want to get close to anyone. That even includes my father if I ever see him again. This kid is a god. Gods and demons still have a nasty relationship with each other.

I look down at him and say, "I change my mind. You're leaving today."

"What?" he says with a surprised look.

I pull out the legendary sword and split it in half. I give him the light half while I keep the dark half.

"The next time we meet, we'll be enemies, so be prepared to kill me," I said. "I wish we could stay together longer, but you don't belong here in the Demon Realm. You belong in the Celestial Realm, where all of the gods and angels are."

I open up another portal and shove him along with half the sword. He stares at me until the portal closes.

"Don't forget about me," I said.

I turn around and leave the training area. I stop at the entrance of the equipment room which is right outside the training area.

"That was a bad idea," says Stronoff, my butler. "Letting someone like him leave this place alive and even training him could bring you harm."

"I know," I say and smile. "He may be slightly injured and weak, but this will make life very interesting. I am the demon lord."

Hey everyone. I hope you've enjoyed this story so far. Please add this to your library, vote, review, and/or comment if you like this story so far.

It's going to have a rewrite, so it will take a while to update. There will be new characters, and the story will be cleaned up.

Hotfox_Babycreators' thoughts