
The Stone Goddess

Hotfox_Baby · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Chapter Eight

I land on the other side of the gate. There are two guards in full suits of golden armor. Their spears also match the armor. Their wings reflect basically all of the light shine onto them. These pure, white wings are just ready to be stained blood red.

"Who are you?" one of the guards asks.

"Just some visitor that wants to meet the king," I answer.

They notice my horns and point their golden spears straight at my throat.

"Whoever you are, little girl, you shall die," the other says.

"Oh… So I'm a little girl?" I tease. "Just who in the world talks like you bozos nowadays?"

They dig the blades of the spears into my neck. I don't feel the pain. My blood runs down my neck and starts to get absorbed by my shirt. I smile.

"When did the rules say that you mere angels can stab your superiors?" I ask. "You two are disgusting."

I walk past them and use my itty bitty pinky to sever their heads.

"Next time, make sure not to mess with the demon lord," I say.

An alarm goes off. I quickly turn and notice a weak magic pressure. It's coming from the corpses of the angels. The excitement starts to make my blood flow like a rapid stream.

An army of angel soldiers heads straight to me.

"Seems like I'm holding back a little too much," I say and release all of my power.

Some of the buildings start to crumble from the immense amount of magic pressure that's coming from me.

"Shit! It's The demon lord!" one of the soldiers shouts.

"Call the gods over immediately!" another shouts.

I rush towards them faster than light and whisper, "It's too late, you loser."

I create and unleash a full out attack on the entire army using my magical dark swords.

"I should actually visit the king of the Celestial Realm before leaving," I say to myself.

A sword suddenly pierces my chest. I cough out blood, but I can't feel the pain from the stab wound.

"I shall never let you reach the King," says a warrior of light behind me.

"Jokes on you, this anti-demon shit won't work on little ol' me," I say.

I pull the sword out of my chest and the wound closes up almost immediately. This warrior of light shows me a look full of fear.

"T-That's impossible," that person says in disbelief.

I quickly stab their heart using my swords and fly away without saying anything.

"I want that pudding," I think to myself.

I reach the castle, where the king stays.

"Time to go kick his ass," I say and crack my knuckles.

I enter through the front gate. It's deserted since I literally defeated his entire royal army earlier. I walk down the grand, perpetual hallways. I reach a large, wooden door at the intersection in the hallway. It's about twice the size of all of the other doors that I have passed. I kick the door down.

"Hello, Zeus!" I shout.

I look at the rich throne, and I see Zeus, the ruler, sitting in an awkward position with a cup of wine. He spills it onto his white beard.

"What are you doing here?" he asks with a surprised tone.

His butler gives him a weird look.

I smile and respond, "Why in the world would I not visit my old friend?"

"Who is this disgusting demon?" asks the butler.

"Shuddup, you fool! You have no idea who you're insulting," he says suddenly.

"Um… You know I can hear you," I point out awkwardly.

"I am so sorry for all of the trouble to get here," says Zeus as he grovels in front of his throne.

"Don't worry about that. That was just part of a bet I made with an old buddy of mine," I say.

He starts to cry, "Why do you have to be so mean to me? What did I ever do to you?"

The butler and I awkwardly stare at him as he bawls his eyes out like a baby.

"I've never seen him cry like this before," says his butler.

"Can you stop crying? It's disturbing to see a fully-grown man cry like a newborn baby," I request.

"But what did I do to you that made you want to slaughter my entire army?" he cries.

I stomp on his shoulder and say in a dark tone, "You declared war on my homeland several times, you made the entire flower garden poisonous, you stole my pudding!..."

I continue to list all the things this old man has done. His butler gives us a weird look. I stop.

"I'll be heading out now," I say with a careless smile. "I don't want to be late to watch the greatest failure in history make the most hilarious performance ever."

"Please don't terrorize this world again," he begs.

"Don't worry. I'll just do it once I return home," I respond and leave.

"We're all going to die," Zeus says with a look full of dread.

"Why?" asks the butler. "Why are you talking like we have no future?"

"Haven't you noticed yet? That girl is not just some ordinary demon lord. She's the…" he says.

"What? Like in the legend?" his butler asks out of shock.

"Yes. We were doomed the moment she began to breathe," he answers in a hopeless tone.

I return to the one who owes me pudding.

"Took you long enough. I thought you were dead," Shoki says.

Argus rushes straight at me and gives me a big, warm hug. He bawls his eyes out like a newborn baby.

"You okay, Argus?" I ask.

He continues to cry. I start to feel the same aura from earlier. This aura was from when we chased Sakurako to keep her mouth shut. I quickly look up. A man with a terrible haircut and a creepy-looking, white mask passes us.

"Who is that guy?" I ask.

"Honestly, I don't know. I'm guessing he's a clown or something," he guesses.

Sakurako rushes towards us and shouts, "The performance is going to start!"

"Oh! We need to hand out flyers!" I say and transform back into my male form.

She hands us the papers and rushes back into the building. Argus eyeballs the flyers.

"Don't you dare try to eat them!" I shout.

He snatches the papers out of my hands and starts shoving them into his mouth.

"Argus! Stop! This isn't like you!" I yell.

Shoki slides his finger across the surface of one of the sheets of paper. He licks his finger and notices something.

"These papers are covered in jerky dust!" he says. "There's something off."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Isn't it obvious? You're supposed to be the smartest one out of all of us," he says.

"Well, I haven't had dinner yet, so I can't think straight," I say in response.

"Don't you dare start making excuses," he says in an angry tone. "What I'm trying to point at is how these papers are covered in jerky dust and how there has been a series of accidents that happened in the past."

"Don't tell me the old man is in danger," I say.

"It won't be just him, but also everyone in the building will be in great danger," he says.

"Let's go to where Kotatsu is going to embarrass himself. That's where most of the people should be," I say.

"We should hurry. A disaster might happen at any moment," he says with an urgent tone.

"Stop shoving freaking paper in your mouth, Argus!" I shout. "That's not jerky!"

He gives me a look like he made a huge mistake and rushes to the nearest trash can. He throws up all of the paper he just ate and throws all of the flyers away. Afterward, we all rush to the scene where the misfortune befalls everyone in the theater.