
That smile is contagious

"If only I for once taught Eric could hurt me?,but I never knew I was in for the most disastrous semester in school,he came like he indeed had good intentions,now I hate myself for being this much of a fool , now it's over all I see is the beginning of it all.....

My name is Jennie ... Jennie Foster and this is my story,

It all started on a warm summer day ,when my dad came home with a letter,I didn't take a look at it , cause I felt it was another warning letter of eviction from the bank,so I went upstairs about to close the door when he called me down,I arrived and he said. "I went to my boss's office today and informed him of my predicament he symphatised with me and sent me 10,000 dollars to pay up the banks loan of 3,000 and enroll you into college and he promised to take care of your education through out college, my dad announced with a smiling face,I smiled back to him ,so did my mum we all talked about how my first day would be like ,I waved they're stories off my mind and replaced it with my own taughts ,I went to sleep to resume early by tommorow ,I was so nervous but it was worth it,

The next day I woke up earlier than my alarm clock which I set to start by 5:00,so I went to my bathroom and had a cool shower then I packed my bags which where few since I had little clothes, I dressed up in a denim jeans,a white gucci shirt and a pair of brown boots,I looked awkward but I didn't care,besides who will?,it's s first...and I should have some fun,I arrived school with my mum and childhood friend matt by 6:00 and I was quite early for my first dat I was quite nervous to even leave the car, my dad playfully brought me out and he and my mum picked my bags from the trunk, I started feeling a little comfortable when I witnessed some other new students with either their parents or single dad or mum and some others with either boyfriends or girlfriends, I picked up my composure and followed my parents to room 233 when we got in my parents where impressed with the sight little did they know that this was just the starting, they hugged me after settling my bags down and then they left. So I gathered my books for first class and left for class, I was confused of the building but luckily I found chemistry hall so I got in and sat down waiting for students to come in , hoping I'll make a friend today(Jennie with how you're dressed you intend making a Friend,well I guess you'll make a pretty amount of foes today) so I taught,

whileI was still thinking a young blondehaired girl tapped me out of my wicked taughts so I glanced at her and she smiled at me ,she asked if she could sit by my side and I gladly agreed I found out later on that her name was ivy we became really close,class started few hours after ivy came in,the teacher whose name was Mr Evans was teaching about the various elements and how to identify them, we we're still on that when he came in ,he is six and an average foot tall,well built jaw line that attracted me the moment I saw them and a nice broad chest ....I guess this is what Anna Todd called love at first sight he had a shoulder length hair that made him even more gorgeous,and damn those eyes..I can't believe it..I mean this is a god in human form,he looked my direction and smiled..F**ck that smile was contagious..

Dear fans how's this one??