
"Are you jealous Jennie?"

Eric p.o.v

Hey I'm Eric Rodriguez and this is my story,

Well I got into class for the beginning of a new Dawn in Colorado states and I was determined not to be distracted again...like last semester, I'm a bad like really bad guy I'm in a fraternity and the daily work outs make me fit.which gives me the ladies of course, I fell in love with a lady called Anna and I gave up everything for her..I gave up the fraternity and I quit drinking,man I loved her..but just when I taught things where getting better for me after my momma died, my dad threw the news, he was getting married, I mean who the fuck marries at 50?, as much as my dad's fucking news made me mad,I didn't drink,or go to the fraternity because of her, but then I caught her..I mean I know Anna kinda was my senior in age and education,I still loved her but then I met her....making out with my dad!!!,like WTF!!!, I broke up with her and left my dad's house back to the fraternity house, they welcomed me back and consoled me.....well that's how my holiday was spent until the new semester started,so I woke up for school and got dressed,I drove to school,but still arrived late... probably because of the party last night but I didn't care,I got into class and met mr Evans teaching "shit!!!" I exclaimed but calmed down when all he asked of me was an introduction,I smiled and looked up just to see the most pretty black haired beuty in my life,I'm a blonde so I always had a taste for blonde haired ladies, but she was an angel,and I smiled at her and she smiled back,but then I remembered my promise and I started introducing myself,which was completely unnecessary cause everyone knew me ,except the princess in the room ofcourse. When I was done I walked straight to the back seat and started off with the usual , Flirting,yeah I did that alot, Mr Evans finished with the worst subject in the world and then left the class...,God! I felt great....I began talking with a grey haired girl named Samantha, not my taste I know but well I did that to pass time..and well she is a very hot chick, in dressing only, so I was on that when, Julian an ex fraternity member tried picking on me by bringing about an event that took place last semester and let it be noted, I only let Julian punch me because I was wrong and I didn't want to depend on my dad to leave jail, cause if I retaliated I'll be behind bars, and trust me I didn't want that, so I let him punch me but I was not ready to let him go today so I threatened him and of course it pissed him off and he was on his way to my seat to punch me again, and boom!, Summary is I broke a nose...again!

I'm pretty sure the new girl was not used to our usual system of having fun when no teacher was in class because she had a headset on, I came beside her and she didn't even notice my presence, so I used the time and studied her face and her neck..I felt so hot just staring at her pulse rate on her neck I was still on that when she turned and caught me I didn't stop but I changed my gaze to her blue eyes, I saw her face redden and and I smirked knowing fully well what my gaze was having on her.., we introduced ourselves properly and she seemed pretty nice, The next day in school we all went for a tour round the school, well I just came because I heard jennie was coming otherwise I knew the school like the palm of my hands cause my uncle was the school chancellor,when my mum died uncle Richie was always there for me and for that I'll always respect him so I caught a seat by the left hand side and was chatting with maxwell amy bestie on FaceTime when a pretty blonde sat by my side and who am I to resist, she started a discussion with me and I joined in...just one of my many charms, soon enough Jennie came in with some girl but my eyes where fixed on her I guess she didn't notice, she wore a highwaist flea skirt that showcased her creamy tighs I was so mesmerized, I started to tell myself "I just have to get into her pants and all these crazy taught will be over, I didn't know I was totally wrong". Well Mr Paul the French teacher was our tour guardian and well as usual we laughed at his funny shape, he picked her up even though she was innocent, I know it's pretty dumb cause I didn't intervene but I barely even know her!!, The bus came to a stop and I lost sight of her, only to see her later on with ivy and some other girl, I noticed she was avoiding me so I called on her and well it didn't end well,

I was on a phone call when the blonde from the bus approached me, just then I saw Jennie stumping away angrily, I tried to process everything and..boom!!" I knew she was actually coming to meet me when the other lady arrived could she be jealous... No she won't but why else would she be angry. Well the tour came to an end and I picked a seat by the side of Jennie, she glanced at me then concentrated back on the book she was reading. "Jennie what's up, why you so cold suddenly?" "Nothing ,then she smiled, but I wasn't buying it,"are you jealous Jennie?" "What!!..no, why?"